Tag: Duct Tape

The ultimate flip-flopper

I seldom think much about the duct tape

wrapping my black plastic evening wear

flip-flops (although fluorescent orange tape

definitely impinges upon the sensorium,

in dim light; broad spectrum is wowsers!),

unless they need more duct tape.  

A trip to the hardware store for a roll of black

to match the discreditable slippers was “unlikely.”

I bought them one sunny day in Palo

Alto at a Walgreen’s while visiting a friend’s AI

conference.  My dogs were barking.  I’ll concede

it’s kinda shabby looking with duct tape.

I didn’t bother finding the red or the silver

tape, ’cause it’s duct tape, pal, who cares?  

The orange tape was right there, sitting

on the desk, and black goes with everything.

If I had to go out in public for black tape,

there may be some black tape out in the barn,

cuz electrical tape is beneath me.

On Canadian Cultural Imperialism, Or, I Explain Red Green

We are again having to take a short bypass on our planned writing journey; this time to a place that’s, according to their Facebook page, about 148 beer stores north of Toronto, Ontario (which, for the benefit of the less-geographically aware reader, is in Canada).

It’s a crazy place, where duct tape is more truly the coin of the realm than loonies, but we’re going to try to explain it all today…and in the effort we may even learn about a few things that really matter, like the unimportance of importance, and the kind of quality of life that comes from having a junk pile and a sense of adventure.

So grab the bug spray, Gentle Reader, because it’s time to visit Possum Lodge.