Tag: tinkerbell

CLAP LOUDER or Tinkerbell WILL DIE and Obama’s approval rating will drop

This diary has been written in response to a diary on the reclist at Daily Kos which insinuates that all anger associated with BP Oilpocalypse and Obama’s handling of it is unwarranted.

You see, all criticism of Obama and his policies/appointees is stupid, and only really helps the Republicans. Holding “Feet to the fire” is stupid too. Instead of Yelling Louder, you should be CLAPPING LOUDER, or Tinkerbell will die and Obama’s approval ratings will drop.

CLAP LOUDER today, so Obama and the Democratic party can finally implement the GOP platform of 1994! and isn’t that so much better than what would happen if the post 1994 GOP were to come back into power? So who cares about demanding MORE and BETTER from Obama? Whose side are you on anyway?

More snark below the fold