Tag: Vietnam

Another Loooong Battle Getting Attention/Action

Kudo’s Barrack, Kudo’s, But Much More Still Needed!

US Doubles Funds for Agent Orange Cleanup

The Greatest Generation’s Troubled Homecoming

I had a first hand view, though very young than, and like the rest of the extended family didn’t realize it, of what War does to those that serve in them, and you then have to extend that to those that live in where they occur.

I won’t go into the details but to say it was an Uncle who was one of my favorites, he was a gifted craftsman but a troubled soul. He was full of life trying to live it that way, than he suddenly snapped! He died alone in the little home he built, more the size of a shed it was supposedly to become, by the lake, shortly before I left Panama and went to ‘Nam. There were a couple of other uncles who showed the results of serving in WWII in other ways as well, and like the book and articles, it was just said “They cam back different then how they left.”. While in ‘Nam I started to understand what he might possibly had been going through, understanding what the rest of the extended family, and his friends, didn’t. And probably still do, as I’m the only one of the recent branch of the family, especially my large immediate family, till a couple of younger distant cousins kids served in Gulf War I, that has served in a combat/occupation theater.

Steve and Kerry — Two names on the Vietnam Wall

vietnam reflections Pictures, Images and Photos

This is my very first attempt at anything other than a comment on any site, so please bear that in mind if you choose to read this…

Two names of young men from my Upper Midwest hometown are chiseled into the Vietnam Wall.  I was privileged to know both of them.  

Homeless Heroes: Veterans Struggles

Like a recent tragic event in Iraq brought out a number of reports on PTSD around the country there have also been a number of other reports as well that focussed on the homeless veterans, the first one just below is in and around this Nations Capital:

Homeless War Veterans Abound in D.C. Region

A new report is giving sobering statistics about how homeless veterans are treated in the Washington area.

The report says beds are available for only 10% of the homeless vets in Virginia, 8% have beds in Maryland and in the District, there is room is less than 2%.

From the Iraq War with the Army’s First Calvary Division to fighting a battle to find homes for fellow veterans, Chad Lego says he never imagined when he came home, he would find some 200,000 service members homeless. >>>>>More

Afghanistan from the Past

On this day of green awareness and torture diatribes (not meant pejoratively), I wanted to focus on a subject that has seemingly fallen off the blogospheric radar screen recently — the dangerous, futile attempt by the Obama administration to introduce the failed military tactic — but eminently successful PR strategy — of “the Surge” into Afghanistan.  I will not try to document all the political, military, and foreign policy mistakes embedded in this decision; others are much more adept at such analysis than I.  I’ll offer a more personal side.  Perhaps it will provide insight, perhaps not.

Back in 1988, I was part of a delegation of Vietnam veterans who went to the Soviet Union to meet with Soviet Afghanistan veterans — the Afghantsi.  I wrote an article about the experience that appeared in New York Times Magazine in 1989.  How strange that in those days, the Afghantsi were seen as the Vietnam veterans of the Soviet Union; now, the sons and daughters of Vietnam veterans are about to become the new Afghantsi.

There was a part of my article that the Times chose not to publish.  The following is that exerpt:

On The Anger Over The DHS Security Report {UpDated}

Yesterday I put up a post you can find here {this link takes you to the post at my site} on the recent DHS report that came out and many were extremely angry about as to labeling OIF and OEF Veterans as possible recruits to fanatical rightwing hate groups. The spin being it was labeling All Returning Vets as a possible problem, it didn’t, but a few Veterans Groups and The talking heads and Congressional members of the Republican party wanted the spin to come out as that.

One of the Best War Photojournalists of Vietnam and Beyond

Never published before, Eddie Adams’ family have released a book of his Vietnam Photo’s and there’s a showing in the New York Umbrage Gallery of same.

The Vietnam War, Through Eddie Adams’ Lens

UpDated: Veterans March for VA Hospital in S. Texas

Kathy Upton, pictured above in the red shirt, is the manager of the Best Western in George West. On Tuesday afternoon Upton donated two rooms to Rio Grande Valley veterans who are marching to San Antonio. This allowed the veterans to get showers after their 30-mile trek from Alice. (Photo: RGG/Joey Gomez)

A couple of days ago I posted about a group of Veterans Marching to San Antonio Texas to raise awareness of the need for Veterans Hospital in South Texas that’s been needed for a long time, the Texas Pols have promised but it never comes about, typical. {that link is for the post at my site}

This is to update that previous, with a few news reports, video and pictures, as these Vets are On The March!!

Veterans Begin 250 mile walk to San Antonio & “Two Wars”

To View The Rest Of This Slide Show Click Here.

VA: A Bureaucratic Mess

We’ve seen this before, especially us “Nam Vets as we returned, tens of thousands, and those needing and seeking the care from their service in a war became backlogged, or just plain denied. Many of us veterans were trying to be heard, over the rising drum beat of war, of what was coming especially if invading a country that did absolutely nothing to deserve that invasion and occupation. We were one of those groups politically labeled, by our hired administration, as a ‘focus group’ that they didn’t listen to. But it wasn’t only the administration not listening it was the greater majority of this country, they don’t mind spending billions upon billions upon billions……….. on the war machine and waging war with same, but when the soldiers start returning and the system gets overwhelmed the country doesn’t want to hear anything about that, or if they hear they most certainly don’t want to pay..

Wall Street Bailout Costs More than US History.


Casey Research, of Vermont, has analyzed the costs of the government bailouts of the housing crisis, the credit crisis and others and has concluded that the total is $8.5 trillion, which is more than the cost of all US wars, the Louisiana Purchase, the New Deal, the Marshall Plan and the NASA Space Program combined. According to CRS, the Congressional Research Service, all major US wars (including such events as the American Revolution, the War of 1812, the Civil War, the Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, the invasion of Panama, the Kosovo War and numerous other small conflicts), cost a total of $7.5 trillion in inflation-adjusted 2008 dollars.


hat tip to Ilargi.


FTA Is Back!!

Premiere Screenings of FTA in Los Angeles and New York

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