Tag: Dan Brennan

Ashburn Gets DUI on Gay Bar Dance Nite- of Course He’s Republican !

There were so many ways to title this but it just wouldn’t fit.  

Roy Ashburn (R – CA St Sen- 18, Bakersfield) got a DUI after leaving a gay bar in Sacramento on “Latin Night.”  Of course, he is a FAMILY VALUES Southern CA Republican, well known for his efforts, out there saving heterosexual marriage for all eternity.

Yup. Republican CA State Senator Roy Ashburn, age 55, of Bakersfield decided to have a hot time in Cow Town on Tuesday night in Sacramento.

(If you are from NorCal, you already are roflayao at that opening.  Have you ever been to Sacramento, off the freeway, past 8pm on a winter weeknight ?  Or to Bakersfield?  Hint. If you’re going to a movie, eat dinner before. If you’re going to a restaurant, get there before dark.  They roll up the sidewalks,  turn off the lights, and you can’t even find a panhandler. It’s beyond spooky. )  

Ashburn, well known for his scorched earth, global warming denial, immigrant hating, gay bashing family values alliance with then State Senator and now CongressmanTom McClintock, with whom he has shared a staffer, Dan Brennan, as Ashburn’s former communications director went on to become McClintock’s district director,

(an example of the senate work environment can be found here:  http://articles.latimes.com/20…   )

was them pulled over by the CHP for drunken driving at 2am.  With another, younger man in the passenger seat.  After coming from, according to sources, “Sacramento’s premier GLBT Nightclub.”

It was Latin Night at Faces Nightclub.  Ai, aye, cha – cha- cha !  Dancin’ Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Hot !

The manager claims she didn’t see him, because “we don’t see a lot of white guys here on a Tuesday night.”

Well, yeah, who’s going to admit they served the guy one too many for the lawyers to fight over ?


He’s married, of course, and has 4 children.  


This isn’t karma.  It’s flaunting it one too many times and losing the bet.