Tag: John McCain

John McCain “Pals Around” With Felons

Inspired by this little comment right here:

“We see America as the greatest force for good in this world,” Palin said at a fund-raising event in Colorado, adding, “Our opponent though, is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect that he’s palling around with terrorists who would target their own country.”

linky: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITI…

Now, CNN goes on to explain that:

…the two men do not appear to have been close. Nor has Mr. Obama ever expressed sympathy for the radical views and actions of Mr. Ayers, whom he has called ‘somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was 8.’ ”

Several other publications, including the Washington Post, Time magazine, the Chicago Sun-Times, The New Yorker and The National Review, have debunked the idea that Obama and Ayers had a close relationship.

But, if Sister Sarah wants to go there…

Let me ask you something:

Why, in a presidential election that has at least half a dozen candidates running, are only the two most right-wing politicians receiving any coverage in the corporate-owned press?

Here’s Ralph Nader speaking September 29th on the bailout.

The McCain Relocation

John McCain was out of the torturous grip of the North Vietnamese for approximately one year when Congress passed Public Law 93-531 in 1974. Public Law 93-531 was called the Relocation Act, and was falsely justified by what “Peabody Coal Company’s public relations and lobbying firms” falsely constructed  as the “Hopi-Navajo land dispute.” This “range war” was not true. What was true, was lawyer John Boyden with the assimilated Hopi Tribal Council.


Boyden formed a Hopi Tribal Council that consisted of several First Mesa Hopi who had been converted to Mormonism, based on an election in which about 10 percent of the Hopis on the reservation voted. The newly elected Tribal Council then hired Boyden as their lawyer.

John Boyden with his assimilated Hopi Tribal Council wanted Peabody Coal to strip mine Black Mesa after the natural resources had been discovered. More than 10,000 Navajo and 100 Hopi did not want Black Mesa stripped.  

Beauty Queen At The Debate

With a brilliant smile and a confident swagger, Sarah Palin faced Joe Biden, and America, in the first and only vice presidential debate. But the face she presented was that of shallow Pollyanna with a woefully insufficient grasp of issues and facts.

Brought to you by…

News Corpse

The Internet’s Chronicle Of Media Decay.

Is Ahmadinejad Insane, or is Palin Lying?

Here’s what Sarah Palin told an international audience about the information and attitudes she has toward Iran, a nation that will loom large in the next decade and more of America’s future:

An armed, nuclear armed especially Iran is so extremely dangerous to consider. They cannot be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons period. Israel is in jeopardy of course when we’re dealing with Ahmadinejad as a leader of Iran. Iran claiming that Israel as he termed it, a stinking corpse, a country that should be wiped off the face of the earth. Now a leader like Ahmadinejad who is not sane or stable when he says things like that is not one whom we can allow to acquire nuclear energy, nuclear weapons.


…leaders like Ahmadinejad who would seek to acquire nuclear weapons and wipe off the face of the earth an ally like we have in Israel…


 dictators who hate America and hate what we stand for, with our freedoms…

Palin and her handlers must be aware that her words will be fact-checked.  So you have to ask: where does she get her information?  How does her information square with other sources of information about Ahmadinejad? If her information is not consistent with other facts and reports, who is wrong?  Do Palin and her information sources know that their information is wrong?  If so, WHY DO THEY PERSIST IN LYING?  And if Palin and her handlers are lying, what can we assume about their character, their respect for the integrity of the communications process by which Americans make an extremely important decision — the choice of the next leader of the nation; their respect for the people of the United States; their respect for Constitutional principles that are “what America stands for”?  

Who hates America more, Sarah Palin and her handlers, or Ahmadinejad and Iran?

You decide.

Above the fold:  What Sarah Palin said.

Below the fold:  Eye witness accounts from religious and civic leaders who spoke with Dr. Ahmadinejad on September 24, 2008.

I’m so doggone chirped out! I betcha I’m a-gonna puke! Uhl-ASS-kuh!!

One heart beat away. One seventy-two year old, multiple melanoma’d, Alzheimer’s befuddled heart beat away. It doesn’t get any crazier than this.

The neocons actually have their own version of reality where a person so colossally unqualified can be president. They’ve just had eight years of a stand-up cardboard cutout of a president so they assume that we’ll just buy into another four years of their inbred belief system. This is un-fucking-believable.

I was going to put together some thoughtful essay on my first sixty years on this planet. In less than two hours I’ll complete the Chinese calendar full cycle of twelve signs and five elements. It’s a big deal in Asia. After tonight I’m thanking God for the transience of this life. I’ve lost two people very close to me over the last three weeks. Lucky them. They both went peacefully – while America is still more or less (mostly less) free. There are things far worse than death and we’re just some hacked voting machines away from experiencing them.

As tonight’s performance settles in there’s one feeling just surging up in me. Just who the fuck do these people think they are insulting my intelligence with this ticket of a semi-senile old fart with no moral center and a valley-girl airhead? Talk radio Uhmerica will be falling all over themselves tomorrow saying how great she was. A very significant percentage of the population will gladly, no- make that eagerly, buy into that bullshit. What happened to this country? I can understand the inbreeding that takes place in some remote areas of the hillier landscape being a partial rationale but 40%+ ???

People have to be willfully ignorant to buy into such insanity. What I saw and heard tonight was a US senator and a high school beauty queen on the same stage applying for the number two spot in the executive branch.

At my age I admit to having gotten in under the legal wire on the stuff Owsley made – and therefore I was grandfathered in. But every time I checked out for a few hours I always came back to the same old reality. Is it possible that 40% of the population – almost all of whom seem highly unlikely to have shared the experience – has ingested some substance which the rest of us have somehow managed to avoid so far?

The worst part is that the oligarchy, or the powers that be, or whatever you want to call the masters, must be laughing their asses off at us for eating this shit. As I said in a comment yesterday, we have two choices from here on out: we either grab our ankles or stand up. I’m too old to be grabbing my ankles for anyone.



Via Merriam-Webster Online:

2 : to cooperate with or willingly assist an enemy of one’s country and especially an occupying force.

The Obama-McCain debate: Right-wing politicians agree on bailout and militarism

Original article, by Patrick Martin, via World Socialist Web Site:

Friday night’s presidential election debate between Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain demonstrated that there is no choice in the 2008 presidential election within the confines of the official two-party system. Two candidates stood facing each other, espousing nearly identical positions in defense of Wall Street and American militarism which would, in any other country in the world, immediately identify them as representatives of the ultra-right.

seems to be an assumption that the majority of the electorate wants Patton for President.

McCain campaign on McCain:

"There was one man who was presidential tonight, that man was  John McCain."

Let's see … McCain never looked at Obama during the debate.

Not looking at your opponent is "presidential?"

This very much was the "don't talk to your enemies – don't look them in the eye" foreign policy expert practicing his "presidential" craft for a nationwide audience.

McCain campaign continues:

McCain Fails Own Test

Last Thursday, both Barack Obama and campaign-suspended John McCain spoke at a session of the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting.  Some have already called John McCain’s comments “the height of hypocrisy.”  Reading McCain’s speech and considering John McCain’s spinning out of control flip-flopping on energy and global warming issues over the past year, it is hard to disagree with this evaluation.

Vets on McCain & Life On The Ledge

The following video ad was produced by veteran  inlookout and linked, in the replys, in an initial writeup posted at Vet Voice after the Debate.

John McCain Loves Cutting Veterans Health Benefits

VIDEO: McCain & Forced Relocation of Navajo (Update)

In 1974 the U.S. Government legally endorsed genocide when Congress passed Public Law 93-531, which enabled Peabody Coal Company to strip mine Black Mesa by ripping the traditional Navajo and Hopi peoples from the land.

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