Tag: Community Activist

North Carolina ACORN, or Anywhere USA

This is coming out of McClatchy today and has been reported on the local News programs this morning, the latter leaving out some finer points.

North Carolina ACORN branch feels impact from national scandal

North Carolina’s ACORN office has had to lay off all eight of its employees in the wake of a scandal that has rocked the national office of the grass-roots organizing group….>>>

Bill Moyers Journal: Economy, March 27

Bill Moyers-James Thindwa

James Thindwa, whose campaign for economic fairness for working people in Chicago has brought him up against the city’s powerful political establishment and corporate giant Wal-Mart.

“”Your average person is getting up every day to go to work, and to care for a family, doesn’t have a lobbyist in Washington. They don’t have a lobbyist in the city council. They don’t have a lobbyist at the state legislature. The community organization gathers facts for them. They call meetings. They invite people to come. They invite elected officials to come, attend those meetings, so that they can listen to the community’s grievance. It makes for participation.””>>>>Read Transcript & Watch