( – promoted by buhdydharma )
Welcome to a brand new day.
We’ve arrived at some common consensus about the fact that we’re going to strive for some goals in our Front Page postings.
Front Page posters will remain active for 90 minutes to respond to comments (with mulligans)
I can see I’m going to have to explain mulligans for the golf impaired.
Umm… When your $5 ball shanks into the water you tee up another and say “mulligan.” Negotiation of mulligans is a very important part of the game.
If you can’t you can’t but if you consistently abuse your priviliges why do you have them?
Every Front Pager has committed to at least 1 diary a week. Some are prepared to do more. It’s not a lot to ask really, two and a half hours (not that I’ve ever thought I could compose anything diary worthy in an hour).
We’ve kinda sorta decided on a stucture for the day. Jerome a Paris has advocated a Morning News Diary. A bunch of people thought it would be nice to have a daily schedule. I have decided to combine them and put that up around 7:30 am Eastern. My diary discussing that is here.
Turkana suggested a Best of the Blogs/Top Comments post. Evening is a good time for that. 9 pm ET is 6 PM PT, just when people are getting home from work.
I think we’ve started an outline-
* 7:3O/4:30 AM Morning News Digest/Upcoming FPs (for lack of a more original title)
* 9:00/6:00 PM Best of the Blogs/Top Comments Round Up
These are critical, bi-coastal times that represent when people get ready for, arrive at, leave work, and when they are looking for entertainment.
dK reserves them and programs them all and so should we.
What are critical times? I say morning, noon, and night so in outline here they are-
* 7:3O/4:30 AM Morning News Digest/Upcoming FPs (East Coast Pre-Work/Early Work, Insomniacs)
* 12:00 Noon/9:00 AM (East Coast Lunch, Left Coast Work)
* 3:00 PM/12:00 Noon (Left Coast Lunch)
* 9:00/6:00 PM Best of the Blogs/Top Comments Round Up (East Coast Bored, Left Coast Home From Work)
* 12 Midnight/9:00 PM (Insomniacs and Bored People)
If you want to attack dK 6 am is a perfect time, the recs are all old and people are desperate for novelty. Ask Jerome.
So you see how it goes. As a site we’ll have to decide how to program the three slots that are empty-
1. Noon
2. 3 PM
3. 12 Midnight
But this is not really about that, it’s about you as Front Page Diarists fulfilling your commitment.
Site content should be fresh every 2 to 3 hours. The above level of activity represents the bare minimum of an active site. In reality there are at least 12 time slots a day without crowding.
In reality some are less attractive than others and Front Pagers can easily share because the attention is really unlimited.
We are encoraging regular time slots to build traffic on a low traffic blog (at least at first). People need to know when they can expect their ekitude (the correct answer is all the time). We are going to co-ordinate that the way they do with the Rescue Rangers- a private blog.
So say we all.
Let’s look at that on a typical day (all times EDT)-
1. 6:00 AM EDT Early Bird Front Page (Lucky you)
2. 7:30 AM Morning News Digest/Upcoming FPs (Site, shared already)
3. 8:00 AM
4. 10:00 AM
5. 12 Noon (Site, could be shared by a Promotion or an FP)
6. 2:00 PM
7. 3:00 PM (Maybe Site, shared already)
8. 4:00 PM
9. 6:00 PM (East Coast Go Home, Left Coast Mid-Afternoon, could be shared by Site)
10. 8:00 PM (Olbermann!!!, don’t expect me)
11. 9:00 PM Best of the Blogs/Top Comments Round Up (Site, shared already)
12. 10:00 PM
13. 12 Midnight (Site, could be shared by a Promotion or an FP)
14. 3:00 AM (Site- Insomniacs)
Midnight to 6 is pretty Wild West, and I suppose I owe you something for suffering with me this far-
So are all our holsters limbered up?
There are 10 slots each day, 70 for the week.
I want to develop an idea of who wants what when.
Subject is not so important, I want to know if you are willing to commit to a time.
Remember that 90 minute response time before you answer. Remember that it’s every week unless you get a mulligan.
There is lots of slop in this schedule for enthusiasm, but as we grind it out over the long term are you willing to march with me?
buhdy asked me to post this-
Contributing Editors
* Armando
* breathingstill
* Cronesense
* exmearden
* Jay Elias
* Jerome a Paris
* kestrel9000
* ksh01
* LithiumCola
* melvin
* Nightprowlkitty
* noweasels
* occams hatchet
* On The Bus
* pfiore8
* pico
* pinche tejano
* srkp23
* Unitary Moonbat
* buhdydharma
* DDadmin (On The Bus)
* ek hornbeck
* soapblox
* Turkana
So Say We All.