Category: Action

Letter to Australia’s PM

I read this Raw Story comment early this AM and I couldn’t pass up the chance.

The Australian government is getting a LOT of pressure to support Assange and deny anything the US asks for. If you support Assange, send a message to Australia’s PM asking her to make sure he is not extradited to the US.

The pressure on the Australian government is working. After the open letter to Aussie PM Julia Gillard was published online last week, by 200 famous Aussies, and thousands of support comments were left on it by other people, only then did the Aussie Foreign Minister come out in support of Assange. The pressure needs to stay on them, so PLEASE spend a minute and send Julia Gillard a polite message.

Will there be sex involved?


I mean, that’s really the only question worth asking anymore.

I get the emails every day, they are asking to see me, for my signature, my money, my attention.

I figure the only way I would waste an hour of my life on them is if there was gonna be a really good orgasm involved. Why else would I waste my time with any of them anymore? God knows, I’m not speaking to them.

They have abandoned me on every principle, every promise, and now their leader is flat out raging at me in public. Trust me, it won’t be make up sex. I’ll get mine and be gone without a backward glance.

But I am good enough to change their political persuasion. Maybe I can remind them that “suck” should only refer to a thing of beauty, not the economy. Or that getting boned doesn’t mean at the unemployment office. Or that the only decent “control” is good muscle control. Or that talking dirty shouldn’t mean our water and air. Or that true power is more in giving than receiving.

Or not.

So, inbox full of pleas from limp-dicked faux-leftists, the only way you will get a minute of my time anymore is if there will be actual sex involved.

Because you have been fucking me so long, I figure its time I got at least something out of it…

So from now on, every email campaign I get? I will reply, “Will there be sex involved?”


Your constituent.

On Pushing The Unwilling, Or, Laughter: A Tool Of Asymmetric Warfare?

So here it is, almost halfway through this President’s first term, and it’s starting to become abundantly clear that there is no way Obama is going to pursue the same agenda that he ran on in 2008.

In fact, as the President announces a deal that even he agrees the majority of the American people do not support, and he prepares the Nation for the news that we’re going to have to borrow money for the very tax cuts he said we couldn’t afford a few weeks ago, it’s starting to look like Obama isn’t even going to pursue the same agenda he campaigned for in October.

Now it is true that a lot of the problem here is the President’s-but it’s also fair to say that we Progressives have failed to force the President, and certain reluctant Members of Congress, to govern in a way that promotes that agenda.

That’s a real problem, and it needs a real solution; before we get done today I’ll offer a suggestion that could be not only highly effective, and a lot of fun besides, but a great chance to release your artistic muse as well.  

Do you like Bernie Sanders? UPDATE! UPDATE #2

UPDATE #2 — REMINDER:  The Senate will reconvene on Monday, December 13, 2010, 3:00 p.m. EST, on C-SPAN, and a rollcall will be commenced.

Sen. Sanders is on right now:  December 10, 2010 — 12:11 p.m. CST and is filibustering the President’s Bush Tax Cuts, etc. bill in the Senate watch him RIGHT NOW:  Sen. Sanders

This is a “MESSAGE!”

Last night, I listened in on a “tele-conference call” wherein Bernie Sanders spoke his mind about the latest Obama “Bush tax cut extensions,” as well as so-called benefits for the rest of us “humbled” Americans. Excellent questions were asked!

Senator Sanders, stated vehemently, that HE is totally opposed to the Obama, “New Taxation Bill,” in every respect, and that HE will seek every means possible to oppose the proposed bill by Obama!  

I admit that I truly love the absolute saneness of Bernie Sanders in a world gone mad!  

I urge you to watch a “warrior” amongst “sheeples.”

Latest e-mail:

B E –

President Obama is right about one thing — Republicans in Congress are holding the middle class hostage.

We have a $13.8 trillion national debt, a collapsing middle class and the most unequal distribution of wealth of any major country. With all this in mind, Republicans in Congress say they will block tax cuts to the middle class and block unemployment benefits to more than two million families unless the President gives huge tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires.

Their behavior is morally bankrupt. It is reprehensible.

But instead of challenging the Republicans for their absurd demands and their outrageous tactics, the President gave them virtually everything they wanted.

I cannot and will not support this deal. I will do everything I can to uphold the promise made to the American people to end the Bush tax cuts for the rich.

Join me and my friends at Democracy for America today and sign our pledge calling on Congress to reject this deal.

One of the most under-reported parts of this deal is a cut to the Social Security payroll tax. In just one year, over $120 billion of revenue will be cut from Social Security under the President’s compromise plan, weakening the program and virtually guaranteeing benefit cuts in the future.

Make no mistake about it. Social Security has not added one dime to the national debt and this cut will only embolden Republican attempts to privatize the program and increase the age of retirement. Social Security is a vital safety net for all Americans and a cornerstone of our commitment to protect the middle class.

We are not alone in standing against this compromise. Republicans are holding the middle class hostage and the American people know it. I come from a small state and yesterday my office received more than 1,000 calls on this issue, with over 90% of them in opposition to this deal.

Last night, thousands of DFA members joined me on DFA Live where we had a lively discussion on this issue. One thing was clear to me during that call — DFA members nationwide want Democrats to stop this deal and fight for the middle class, working people, senior citizens and the unemployed while making sure that millionaires and billionaires are not given massive tax breaks.

Make sure Congress gets the message — Join the fight now and sign the petition opposing this so-called “compromise.”

Thank you,


Bernie Sanders

U.S. Senator

The thing that Sen. Sanders stressed OVER and OVER again last night was that Americans MUST act, call their representatives, e-mail, write LTE’s — do everything possible that we can do! HE SERIOUSLY SAID ALL OF THAT!


Sen. Mike Enzi’s ‘Pack of Lies’ vs. 9/11 Victims

The best people America has to offer have been getting sick and dying from their heroic efforts at the World Trad Center. As you can see from this recent Daily News front page, Mike Enzi is not the only Republican to tell the 9/11 first responders and heroes to drop dead.

The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act that provides $3.2 billion for long-term health care for rescue and construction workers at Ground Zero, plus another $4.2 billion in compensation for others who were exposed to airborne toxins will be out of time once the Republicans control the House.

These heroes who answered the call for help on September 11, 2001 and the horrible weeks that followed have been pushing hard for justice before it is too late. After a barrage of local media coverage, multiple visits to Washington from Ground Zero worker, victim’s family members pleading with the Senate and a huge bipartisan effort from tri-state politicians, one Republican has signed on. The rest have voices disagreement with Sens. Schumer and Gillibrand’s method of financing healthcare for heroes. The cloture count is now at 59 and their big day in the Senate is tomorrow.  

Now that there is some hope for a bill named after an NYPD detective who died at age 34 of a respiratory disease attributed to participation in the rescue and recovery operations at the World Trade Center, Mike Enzi is working hard to stop the bill from going forward. His reasoning is that the nation has already given enough.

LONGEST WALK 3 (Reversing Diabetes): Fundraiser!

Dennis Banks spoke on the Tuscarora Reservation about the war on diabetes and what inspired him to fight diabetes. It was when he spoke to the Hopi, who were at least 90% in wheelchairs, that he realized diabetes must be defeated for the survival of the 7th Generation.

LW32011 (2)

Fracking A! New York

This has got to be the best political news I’ve read in a long time. A little before 1:00 a.m. last night, by a vote of 94-44, the New York State Assembly passed the moratorium on hydraulic fracture drilling.

Well it may only be state legislature and the governor still need to sign but apparently this moratorium to protect our drinking water is a first. It’s not top down and the Working Families Party humbly takes some of the credit for more than 52,000 New Yorkers signing the petition urging the Assembly to act.

Go ahead: get up from your chair. Do a little dance, pump your fist, or do whatever you do to celebrate a victory of grassroots action over corporate power.

I just received a letter form the WFP and I was doing just that.  

Entice the Rich and Scrap the Cap

Cross-posted at DailyKos.

Doing away with the cap on Social Security tax would allow the Social Security trust fund to continue in the black indefinitely and the nation would never need to confront the fact that this peoples’ trust is the one debt elected officials don’t want to pay. It could also raise benefits and there might even be enough left over to lower instead of raise the retirement age.

But with the direction of the national debate, getting high income Americans to pay on a larger portion or their entire income is a pipe dream. I would like to point out a diary written by fake consultant, Social Security: If The Rich Paid Taxes Like You And Me…Problem Solved.

A diary not about the more sensible but unobtainable goal of getting the rich to pay in support of the rest of the nation. Instead of removing the tax cap to support the middle class, remove the cap and increase the benefit schedule. This does not shore up Social Security as much but it could get another class of people interested, people with influence.      

Jan Schakowsky on the PBS NewsHour

Posted last night at DailyKos and Stars Hollow Gazette.

It was so good to see a bit of reality from an elected official. Last week Chris Bowers presented Jan Schakowsky’s deficit reduction plan and last night she spoke up on the TV.

You can find the transcript here. The interview is really worth viewing and really worth passing around. A proposal that says we don’t have to go after the middle and lower classes and should go after the rich coming from an elected official was refreshing.

But will anybody else ever hear Rep. Jan Schakowsky?

Refomers Should Expect the Unexpected

So many of our causes, passions, and movements could be characterized in terms of David versus Goliath, requiring superhuman strength to set right.  At the outset, the odds are stacked against us.  Business corruption must not be allowed to metastasize, lest the country be utterly eviscerated by it.  Environmental pollutants must not destroy our fragile ecosystem.  The military must have its spending curtailed in order to prevent massive waste and a swelling national debt, a belief held even by  those who do not object to the very existence of a military.  The prison-industrial complex must not be allowed to grow ever larger, while it incarcerates men of color at rapidly growing rates.  It’s easy to get burned out, knowing the vast size and sweep of these problems, and easier still to believe that no amount of effort expended for any length of time will make one iota’s worth of difference either way.

How do i delete an essay?

Oops..  That’s what I get for posting without reading first.  My apologies to gjohnsit.  How do I delete an essay?

It was an idea that started in France when it became clear that simple protest was not going to change government financial policies.  It’s now spreading around Europe like wildfire, and appears to be beginning to jump the puddle to this side of the Atlantique:

Banque Stop!…

You should be aware that there is a French-based European movement that is gaining considerable strength that calls for massive, coordinated bank withdrawals across the continent on December 7.  It’s an attempt at a modern, crowd-sourced bank run.

Here’s the US Facebook page:….

Pass it along.

Help the 9/11 First Responders and Heroes

Cross-posted several places including Progressive Blue and  DailyKos.

It was looking grim for H.R. 847: James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010 that had already passed in the House. Now there is some hope for a bill named after James Zadroga, an NYPD detective who died at age 34, the first police officer to die of a respiratory disease attributed to participation in rescue and recovery operations at the World Trade Center.

The legislation that provides $3.2 billion for long-term health care for rescue and construction workers at Ground Zero, plus another $4.2 billion in compensation for others who were exposed to the toxic dust that resulted from the collapse of the World Trade Center towers in 2001 will probably have no chance in the new Congress.

So there is a big push with Ground Zero Workers lobbying in D.C. Sen, Harry Reid working to get the bill out of a committee and bring it directly to the floor. New York Senators are drumming up support. Mayor Bloomberg met with three Republican Senators today. Even Republican House members from the area are working to pass this bill.

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