Category: Politics

Lets Re-Visit the Flyers Puck Drop {Video not seen? and Pics}

No wonder the hockey puck, whoops, hockey mom dressed her youngest daughter in a Flyers Shirt and led her onto the ice, using her, as she even said, as a Political Tool to try and silence the crowd!

Take a look at the reception received on arriving at the rink outside.

The following pics and the video link to the FOX 29 News Report, which I moved to a couple of video saver sites, was posted at the VFP group board site by brother ‘Nam Vet Bill Perry, Service Officer Disabled American Veteran CSO, who sigs with this:

Make ANY ERROR in the VA Claims maze, & you’ll be forced into a 2 year Appeal process Get Expert Advice, Evaluations, & Treatment

Aroma de Trauma: Wingnuts Desperation Scent Takes Hold

I have used this “Aroma de Trauma” tag before because it is befitting of the GOP as a whole, particularly since Mc weather Vane became their poster boy, surprising not only himself but the entire Republican establishment into the bargain. Watching this election cycle from across the pond with great interest I have no qualms about venturing into the various right wing sites to measure the temperature (boiling to really pissed off), read the latest jeremiads and smell their fear. They are scared stoopid!

Here is my selection, hold your nose.

Red State is a must read these days as Erick the Viking’s site is obviously in deep pain, reeling from bad news to worse news. From Mark Kilmer, who is dumbfounded about the pesky media:

This year, John McCain never had a chance with the media. Obama’s ideology – uncertain, possibly progressive, and insubstantial, with alternating promises – is the perfect fit, unfortunately, with today’s media, with its predilection for political flightiness.

Oh dear! Feeling unloved?

Not For The Weak Stomach – Reality of War!!

Salon has this up at their site and I’m sure we haven’t heard the end of this incident, or like others maybe we have!!

The only way that doesn’t happen is if You, the Citizens Of This Country, Make Sure It Gets Investigated and Indictments come down, not for the Soldiers but for those in Leadership, Top Down!!

Terrorist Videos From the Right and the Left

Also available in teal.

I was browsing the ‘net looking for political videos when I saw a couple that use fear to try to sway opinion.  The first, from the political right, is a McCain campaign ad against Barack Obama.

None of what is in the ad is even remotely true; it uses fear and lies to try to cement in the minds of voters that because the Democratic presidential candidate has an Arab-sounding name, he must therefore be a terrorist or someone with ties to terrorists.  The second ad is a creation of the left, used against Republican John McCain.

Now, most if not all of what is in this video is undeniably true; McCain supports and promotes the lies and imperial policies of the Bush-Cheney regime, and his dictatorship would continue them on what perhaps would be an even larger scale.  Nevertheless, the video still uses fear in an attempt to dissuade voters from casting their ballots for McCain.

Webster’s Dictionary defines terrorism thus:

the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion

Just some food for thought.  Enjoy Columbus Day.

World in Free Fall: Thanks George!

A number of economists predicted that the Iraq War would cause a financial crisis for the United States, even before it began.

In November of 2002, Yale University professor William Nordhaus was quoted in the Independent as warning that:

“A war in Iraq could cost the United States hundreds of billions of dollars, play havoc with an already depressed economy and tip the world into recession because of the adverse effect on oil prices, inflation and interest rates.”

On the day that Bush began his bombing of Baghdad, a.k.a “Shock and Awe,” March 20, 2003, CBS Market Watch predicted that,

“If war with Iraq drags on longer than a few weeks or months most are predicting, corporate revenues will be flat for the coming year and will put the U.S. economy at risk of recession, according to a poll of chief financial officers.”

GWB & deregulation: a lethal cocktail. It has brought us to this point as only he can spend over $12,000,000,000 every month on democratizing Iraq. The rest of us will have to pay for the rest of our lives before our kids take over the debts, as will the next generation.

Cross-posted on the Big Orange & La Vida Locavore.

Adult? Male Palin Supporter

Seems a few taking pics at a Palin rally hit on the same rational of who are these Sarah Palin supporters and the mentality of the group think.

I visited After Downing Street and Dave has a post up there from a curious woman wanting to find out for herself what was attracting people to Palin, certainly isn’t her intelligence, experience nor non-writin rhetoric while at these rallies.

Though apparently those who are flocking to her seem to be on the same intelligence level.

On Revolution and Revulsion

The more there are riots, the more repressive action will take place, and the more we face the danger of a right-wing takeover and eventually a fascist society.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

     “You can never have a revolution in order to establish a democracy. You must have a democracy in order to have a revolution.

G. K. Chesterton

Revolution is not something fixed in ideology, nor is it something fashioned to a particular decade. It is a perpetual process embedded in the human spirit.

Abbie Hoffman

     “A revolution is interesting insofar as it avoids like the plague the plague it promised to heal

Daniel Berrigan

There has been a lot of serious minded discussion lately here and no doubt in other blogs and casual conversation about whether we have gone to far and lost far too much. There are always going to be two “R” words among leftist/progressive/ crusty independent thinkers. Do we push for reform or revolution? Can we fix our broken democracy with good ideas, the right people, and the support of a wary populace or do we need to break the system and make up a new one?

I don’t know which camp I fall into. It isn’t a matter of indecisiveness or faith or belief. I can tell the revolutionary types that I don’t “do” committees and that I think it is the height of middle class elitism to presume to tell the working classes to follow my lead or trust that my education confers a special knowledge about what “we” need. I can tell the reform types that the most interesting ideas are generally diluted by the ruling classes and molded to maintain their position in the super structure of power.

Nor am I trying to present the face of caution against any turbulent changes. Often however, the very people who call for or long for revolution make the assumption that they in fact will be an integral part or even have a leadership role when the dawning of the new day pops up. But often when new rules emerge the people we assumed were natural leaders turn out to be unsuitable and those we never considered noteworthy peel off a new layer of identity and surprise us. Nor can we control things that are unleashed or predict where the wave will lead. Nor should we underestimate the depth of reactionary forces, insurgency and counter insurgencies can blur the moral lines make the gray zones more vast. Show trials make great TV but crappy justice.

I hope I am there if change melts the cages, opens minds, and births the sort of creative forces necessary to create hope but I am not assuming what my role will be or if I even deserve or merit one and neither should any among us. I only hope some of the people I admire will be recognized as those who can make a contribution.

Landslide? Blowout? ……….Mandate?

Via kos:

   The Democrat’s support jumped to 50 percent or above in Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania in Quinnipiac University surveys taken during the weekend – after the opening presidential debate and during Monday’s dramatic stock market plunge as the House rejected a $700 billion financial bailout plan…

   The new surveys show Obama leading McCain in Florida 51 percent to 43 percent, in Ohio 50 percent to 42 percent and in Pennsylvania 54 percent to 39 percent.

Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida were the states Obama was supposed to lose in the ‘new map’ scenario, to be made up somewhat by winning smaller states that turn blue like Colorado and Iowa. Obama is now more than competitive in NC and VA as well.

Nate Silver now has the projected electoral vote count (the real metric) at 330 to 207. That, my friends, is a landslide. Especially by recent standards. A blowout.

A REAL Mandate.

Not a 2004 style Bush mandate.

‘Trickle Downers’ can at least make a few bucks…………

DeJa-Vu All Over Again, and Again, and Again………, Still In The Nixon Dirty Tricks Era, Same Ole GOP Only More Corrupt and Dumber!!

As a ‘Nam Vet and Pro-Peace Activist from after till present, these last seven plus years I’ve almost felt like we’ve been in a groundhog type time warp, everything keeps bringing me back to what we already lived through, not just once before, but the past 35 years plus, over and over…….

Today I just caught this:

Pro-War Group Offering Cash For Frats To Demonstrate At VP Debate

Domestic Terrorists Strike Inside US Against Children and Mothers Engaged in Prayer

Hat-tip Chris Rodda for this story; his her piece is currently sitting at the top of the Recommended list over there.  Please help get the traditional media to cover this story, and make sure they call it what it is: domestic terrorism.

Terrorists have struck on US soil again.  All the bluff and bluster of “we’re fighting them there so we won’t have to fight them here” — along with all the idiotic, illegal and unconstitutional surveillance, searches and seizures, have finally been put to the test and found ridiculously wanting.

The attack was by domestic terrorists, the most insidious kind.

They struck, as if on some unholy jihad, against children.1

McCain’s bracelet jab let Obama land the knockout punch

The best moment in Friday’s presidential debate, for me, was when John McCain brought up the bracelet he has been wearing during the campaign. McCain gave Barack Obama an opening and Obama came back with a knockout punch.

It was great that Obama had bracelet too, but what made the counter punch so devastating was what Barack did with the opening McCain’s bracelet story provided.

But first, here is some background. McCain has been using the bracelet anecdote on the campaign trail repeatedly. Back in March, ABC News wrote about McCain and the bracelet.

Toward the end of almost every speech he gives or informal remarks he delivers at a town hall-style meeting, Sen. John McCain tells the same story.

If you watch him carefully, you can even tell when it’s coming.

The Arizona senator will shoot his right arm forward in his suit sleeve, revealing a dark metallic band low on his wrist. It’s probably an unconscious gesture. He doesn’t hold up the bracelet. He doesn’t look at it. But very soon he will tell the story. He has told it hundreds of times.

The October Trojan Hedge-Horse

According to this Huffington Post by Tom D’Antoni, the reason Paulson was rushing to put the bailout deal through — and the reason Democrats are supporting the basic need for the bill — is because hedge funds come up for renewal on October 1st.  

Without a shoring up of that market, D’Antoni explains, there would have been (and may still be) a run to pull out money from hedge funds that could have (and may still) spur a worldwide collapse:

During the White House meeting, it appears that Sen. John McCain had an agenda. He brought up alternative proposals, surprising and angering Democrats. He did not, according to someone briefed on the meeting, provide specifics.  One of the proposals — favored by House Republicans — would relax regulation and temporarily get rid of certain taxes in order to lure private industry into the market for these distressed assets.


The real reason why there is such a [Democratic] clamor for [Paulson’s) bill, and a rush to get it passed is that there may be billions of dollars pulled out of the hedge funds…money that is due on October 1. This may be the famed October surprise, but one that nobody figured was coming. If that money is due and the hedge funds can’t pay, they will collapse.

But Paulson’s [Republican] Wall Street pals are clamoring for help to clean up the mess that their irresponsible lending and greedy practices brought us, with McCain only pouring fuel on the fire he and his GOP deregulatory cronies helped start.

More at this link:…

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