Author's posts
Feb 26 2012
To Be or Not To Be: GOP Contemplates Its Existence

To be, or not to be: that is the question,
Whether ’tis nobler to flip or to flop, like a fishmonger’s ware,
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Taketh pride in the firing, as poor Seamus shall bear.
Oct 18 2009
Truth Revealed!: Balloon Boys True Identity (With new Photos)
I’m sure everyone is fully aware of the Balloon Boy incident that has been unfolding for the last couple of days. The incident has been widely reported as a ruse concocted and played out by the Heenes family of Colorado. Well not true! We have now obtained indisputable evidence that this was in reality a cover-up of unimaginable magnitude. The most massive hoax of all time has been perpetrated on the American people. Please follow the story below: