Author's posts
Nov 06 2008
The Road Forward
Note: I normally always post here at Docudharma first, but yesterday I ran into problems with my youtube code. Took until this morning to resolve it with On The Bus’s kind assistance. Thanks OTB. 🙂
I laughed, I cried, I laughed as I cried.
Congratulations America. Congratulations President Obama. And congratulations Docudharma, DailyKos and the Netroots.
I have prayed for a legitimate reason to be proud of my country. That prayer has been answered.
Bob Dylan – Shooting Star
Nov 03 2008
GOTV Exercise – Through the Eyes of Others
Oddly enough, researchers at Ohio State University have discovered a simple means of increasing voter participation. I encourage anyone and everyone who has not yet voted to perform this simple technique…call it the scientific version of knocking on wood.
Visual Imagery Technique Boosts Voting, Study Finds
Registered voters who used a simple visual imagery technique the evening before the 2004 election were significantly more likely to vote the next day, a new study found.
Nov 03 2008
Santa Marta Gold (My Story – Part V)
Note: These are exciting times. Daniel and I voted on Friday. It was a thrill watching him cast his first vote under such historic circumstances. It took 3.5 grueling hours but was so worth it. What a great feeling. Change is coming.
This has nothing to do with the election. Please pardon the diversion, but if you could use one…
This is the latest installment in an autobiographical series I’ve been working on. This episode takes place in Colombia.
Oct 25 2008
World Without Tears
I’ve been feeling mournful of late. Can’t say why. Well I could but you don’t have all day. Let’s just say things are catching up with me: torture, war, theft, lies, fraud, corruption, joblessness, homelessness and doing nothing in the face of ecological disaster.
What a shame that we remain at war without reason. Shame on us.
And what a shame that we continue to blunder down the path to biospheric disaster defying all logic and denying all science.
What is wrong with us?
There are at least two wars ongoing that our government could stop, and would, if they had an ounce of moral fiber…or a lick of sense.
Oct 19 2008
The Case of Little Dutch Big Dutch (My Story – Part III)
Note: I got a little out of sequence with this series and published Part IV – Love and Death in Colombia before this Part III. This one gets me back on track sequence-wise and sets the stage for Part V.
Links to the other parts of this series:
This is my story – I hope that it finds you (Part I)
Wear Your Love Like Heaven (My Story – Part II)
Love and Death in Colombia (My Story – Part IV)
First, so as to set the mood, I present to you a tender love ballad by John Prine and sung here with Iris DeMent called In Spite of Ourselves.
Oct 15 2008
Love and Death in Colombia (My Story – Part IV)
Note: I know, I know. I haven’t published Part III yet and here comes Part IV. Well what can I say? I have an unruly mind and it won’t always go where I tell it to – sometimes it just goes where it will. In this case it skipped straight to Part IV. I’ll go back and do Part III later. Probably.
“The mind is a monkey.” ~ Old Chinese saying
Oct 04 2008
On the Subject of Revolution
I posted a diary yesterday on the bailout for billionaires, which I adamantly oppose for reasons laid out in that diary. I was thoroughly pissed when I wrote it and some of my rhetoric became a bit heated (as my rhetoric sometimes will), and my meaning was misconstrued by some who read the piece. This is an effort to clarify.
Oct 03 2008
They Better Hope We Don’t Wake Up
Oct 01 2008
Coup de Grace
Coup de grace is French for blow of grace. It refers to the hunter’s final shot to the head – the grace being the end of suffering for the unlucky prey. In this case, it is we, the American people who are the ill-fated quarry. We are like the mouse that the cat is now tired of playing with. We will soon hear the crunching of tiny bones.
Sep 24 2008
This is my story – I hope that it finds you (Part II)
Disclaimer: Once again I beg your indulgence for posting a diary such as this during a time of momentous events. It is neither overtly political nor topical. It is however a true story of life in these United States and I offer it here for those of us who could use the diversion. With respect to topical matters I have only this to say: the ‘bailout deal’ is another Republican rip-off, hold the responsible accountable, and ensure that the American people are the primary beneficiaries of any deal. At this point I am inclined to say let there be no bailout at all. Let the market that the fat cats have worshiped be their master. That philosophical note being made, I think the chances of the American people getting what is best for them out of this situation are, regrettably, slim to none.
There was an overwhelming response to Part I of this series. The community was very kind and I was deeply touched. Thank you all for that.
There were only a couple of comments that were perhaps less than kind – but they had their own merits I suppose. One person asked the name of the guy who was killed and asked if he was just a statistic to me. I thought it inappropriate to respond at the time, but after mulling it over I now think I should.
Sep 20 2008
Urgent Message for America from Woody Guthrie
America has been stolen from us by our own filthy rich. My grasp of the dismal science of economics is simple and unsophisticated but I’ve spent far too much time among thieves not to know theft when I see it. In what is by far the biggest robbery in history, the ‘haves and have mores’ have taken not only all that we have, but all that we’ll ever have. They have stolen the very future from our children and grandchildren. If we continue to take it lying down, we deserve what we get.
It wasn’t supposed to be this way in America.