Author's posts

Pirate Bay Appeal Trial Begins Today

(Cross-posted from The Free Speech Zone)

Swedish BitTorrent tracker site co-founders scheduled to try and convince the Svea Court of Appeal to overturn their earlier conviction for the facilitation of copyright infringement.…

Somewhere, Galileo is laughing.

Adak: The Next Silicon Valley

(Cross-posted from The Free Speech Zone)


“We make GSM look like a wireless access point. We make it that simple,” describes one of the project’s three founders, Glenn Edens.

The technology starts with the “they-said-it-couldn’t-be-done” open source software, OpenBTS. OpenBTS is built on Linux and distributed via the AGPLv3 license. When used with a software-defined radio such as the Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP), it presents a GSM air interface (“Um”) to any standard GSM cell phone, with no modification whatsoever required of the phone. It uses open source Asterisk VoIP software as the PBX to connect calls, though it can be used with other soft switches, too. (More stats in a minute that I promise will blow away your inner network engineer.)…

Open Dead: Humans vs. Zombies

…..preparing for cyborg zombies:

4chan Attacks MPAA and RIAA in Mass Cyber Disobedience

(Crossposted from The Free Speech Zone)


Over the last 36 hours or so, the ‘Anonymous’ masses and many unaffiliated sympathizers joined forces to attack the MPAA’s website. Continuing with ‘Operation Payback’, today an attack will be launched on the RIAA. The ultimate in decentralized protests will go ahead and there’s not a lawyer or police force in the world who can do anything about it. Is this the protest of the future?…

Short answer?  Yes.

Let’em Know Who’s Boss

with the 1st Battalion, 1st Marines of the Asshole Unit:

Following a call to arms yesterday, the masses inhabiting the anonymous 4chan boards have carried out a huge assault on a pair of anti-piracy enemies. The website of Aiplex Software, the anti-piracy outfit which has been DDoSing torrent sites recently, is currently down having been DDoS’d. They are joined in the Internet wasteland by the MPAA’s website, also currently under huge and sustained attack.…

Threatening Academia

(Crossposted from The Free Speech Zone)

The generation gap is clear.

I was told that what I wish to research will get me into a “sticky” situation when it comes to authorship issues.

Let me explain…

My Political Bucket List

(Cross-posted from The Free Speech Zone)

1) Win an election solely on the platform that I will beat the fuck out of any politician that votes against funding for 9/11 related victims, returning troops, and sick children, with a Baseball bat while dressed as one of The Warriors.

2) Legalize Marijuana (Duh!)

3) Perform a “Statler and Waldorf” routine during the State of the Union with Bernie Sanders (after legalizing marijuana).

Obama’s Arabian Night Shade

(Cross-posted from The Free Speech Zone)

Arabian Night Shade: When in the 69 position, and the male is on top, and both testicles end up covering the eyes.


Sources say that the final section of 14,000 combat troops in Iraq, the United States Army’s 4th Stryker Brigade, based at Fort Lewis, Washington, have made their way across the border between Iraq and Kuwait, formally ending combat operations within Iraq.

Around 50,000 troops will remain in Iraq to assist Iraqi armed forces training in Operation New Dawn, ending late 2011.…


Public School System Fail

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New York Reprezent!

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!

(Cross-posted from The Free Speech Zone)

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They’re Building A Mosque In NYC!

(Cross-posted from The Free Speech Zone)

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Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw!

That means these people come out.

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