Author's posts
Oct 02 2011
Reporting Live From Occupy Wall Street In Liberty Park

Overcast but upbeat.
Everyone is in good spirits and safe….for now. More police vans have arrived around Liberty Park with fresh-faced NYPD sporting zip-ties and that “half-confident, half scared” look on their face.
I’m serving as a medic here but was given a spot at the Media Center/Phone Charging station as a courtesy (kinda crazy right now) after they found out I was Pirate Party. Their network needs some “protection” from what I understand.
Sep 28 2011
What A Buncha Bologna!!!!

Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna
(He sprayz tearz!!!)
Hacker collective Anonymous claimed responsibility on Monday for posting Bologna’s details, which they said was in retribution for the pepper-spray incident.
The online postings identified Bologna as a deputy inspector of Patrol Borough Manhattan South, and revealed his phone number and family details.
The information, posted on a site called Pastebin, included a statement which read: “As we watched your officers kettle innocent women, we observed you barbarically pepper-spray wildly into the group of kettled women. We were shocked and disgusted by your behaviour.”
“You know who the innocent women were; now they will have the chance to know who you are. Before you commit atrocities against innocent people, think twice. WE ARE WATCHING!!! Expect Us!”
Jul 25 2011
Education By Any Means Necessary
This user is awesome:…
Over 5K in non-fiction books.
List of books below:
Jul 01 2011
Job Fair
It was a few days ago when I went to see this.
I was in the D.C. area and since I was recently unemployed I figured “while i’m here” and went to have a look around to see what the climate was like. What I saw was the vision of our job future.
A woman walked out from behind the booth at this one station and screamed “Ok, PhD’s in this line, all others in this line!”
I laughed to myself as I continued to enjoy my sweet potato fries watching this ridiculousness from the sidelines go on. All these well-dressed people, huddled in lines, and then split by order of their degrees.
But behold, the tragic comedy reached a new high (or low?) when an Alpha Plus said to the woman “I have my PhD and some of these people on line only have their Masters, shouldn’t I be in front?”
At that point my laughter had become external and highly audible seeing as everyone was looking at us.
I explained I was a sociologist who was just “enjoying the view”….
May 21 2011
Live Feed Of Spain Protests
Live Streaming by Ustream.TV

Hacktivist collective Anonymous is streaming live footage of a self-styled ‘revolution’ in Spain, as protesters camped out in Madrid’s main square accuse authorities and media of playing down a week of demonstrations across the country.
Support for the Spanish protestors remains vocal on Internet outlets such as Twitter, with Anonymous streaming live footage of the sit-in occupying the Spanish capital’s Puerta del Sol on its AnonOps blog.
Led by two anarchist groups, Democracia Real Ya! and Juventud Sin Futuro, demonstrators have occupied the square since Sunday, and have now installed themselves under makeshift tarpaulin shelters.
Demonstrators accuse mainstream media outlets in Spain of ignoring the protests, which appear to have swelled to epic proportions.Read more:…
Apr 05 2011
Fuck Politics
I don’t care anymore.
Maybe it’s because I really just can’t take it anymore, but more than likely it’s the fact that it’s maddening yet trivial to me.
I see the fact that the government has absolutely no power. They can huff and puff but they can’t blow our new house down. Even if they did, we’re mostly in the basement.
What do you need to know?
Know this.
I’m absent from the blogs but always present. It’s just that you all met me at a very strange time in my life, and it demands of me a personal sacrifice of free time, so that I can help others get their freedom.
Mar 09 2011
You Can Now Register As A Pirate In Massachussets
The Massachusetts Election Division has approved the Massachusetts Pirate Party as a political designation, allowing voters in the state to register as a “Pirate.”
The party strives to increase government transparency, promote personal privacy, reinforce the spread of knowledge through copyright reform, and abolish patents.
“We live in a country founded on the ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” the Massachusetts Pirate Party said in a statement. “For many people, those ideals are not real. The Supreme Court and Congress have expanded the power of corporations and made them more powerful than people. Increasingly government officials ignore open meeting laws, make deals favorable to corporations behind closed doors and sell off our public information to private interests.”
James O’Keefe, the party’s organizer, told Raw Story that the party is now in the process of training activists and building local chapters. (Not to be confused with conservative activist James O’Keefe, otherwise known as the “ACORN pimp.”)
“Massachusetts has been a fairly good state for third parties with the Greens, Libertarians and Working Families parties being active here in the last ten years,” O’Keefe said in an email. “We are looking forward to our future in Massachusetts.”
Mar 08 2011
FSZ “2.0” Now Open For Registration!
Awwww yeah:
We on a cloud server that gives me unlimited databases and bandwidth. This means I can make like 50 blogs on the “” domain root. So I did 4 or 5 just to test it, and it worked. Since the server is virtual and we own it, that means me and my “associates” get to encrypt the hell out of it in the future.
Gonna make an identical soapblox like the old place to establish a “Fight Club” we can have in the basement:
More below the fold…