Author's posts

Fuck Oil…It’s Water Wars Next Pt. 1

Part One: A simple lesson in supply and demand.

We are in a water crisis.

Man has become so detached from his natural state of being, that water is not only taken for granted, it is damn well forgotten by most in the Industrialized Western World.

Some never have forgotten, and soon enough, we all will remember that precious fluid that serves both our bodies and our land, bringing nutrients and carrying away waste.

Here are some numbers from the BNET Research center that gives one pause:

Almost all the water on our planet–more than 97 percent–is undrinkably salty. Of the remainder, more than two-thirds is locked up in glaciers and ice caps. Only a minute share of Earth’s water, less than one-hundredth of 1 percent, is both fresh and renewed each year–a total of 110,300 cubic kilometers of freshwater that circulates annually among the sea, air, and land in an endless cycle, driven by the Sun. After it falls as rain or snow, much of this water returns to the atmosphere through evaporation, or by transpiration from plants. Only a bit more than a third of the total, about 40,700 cubic kilometers a year, runs back to the sea via rivers, streams, and underground aquifers.

Letter to a N8V Friend

Hau kola!

I used to spend a lot of time in AOL’s Native American chat, many years ago.  I was their token white, ennit? I made friends with so many there, in fact I still stay in touch with many, even though I have retired AOL as a browser.

We had meet-ups, and I still have a fishing trip on the Ridge coming… eh, my Lakota kola?  


Kiss my Liberal Bias(s)

I have been thinking about interrogation, and “Too Much Information” in blog-land of late.

It gave me a stand-up routine.

You will admit your Liberal Bias, and You will admit it now.

The Day After Tomorrow Week 3.5

Cross posted from My Left Wing and my little blog Wild, Wild Left

Part One Here

I killed a man today.

I actually killed a man today.Dear God.

  He had been firing shots into our house with an automatic weapon. Just missed my son. 

I’m writing on his Blackwater Laptop that I stole out of his truck. Got some cool night vision thingies and some kevlar too. Oh, and ammo.


Humanity’s Blood. Our Hands.

What I need to say has already been said a thousand ways, a thousand times a thousand times, yet I still keep hoping to find the one way to say it right, and make people understand.

Does it matter to you if this man is Jewish, Palestinian, Iraqi or Anglo?

The Day After Tomorrow Reality Show

Crossposted from My Left Wing

I don’t know if you will be able to receive this message, this Blackberry I found when the State Police building blew up is about the only electronic device that still works.

It probably has GPS, so, be warned it will be far away from me once I destroy it after hitting send.

This November Surprise didn’t surprise me, nor did my subsequent arrest.


My hear truly goes out to those suffering as California burns.

My husband lived there, and agrees that it is one of the nicest pieces of real estate on Earth.

This essay was originally a response, and got trashed as unsympathetic.  It is not.  But a comparison needed to be made here folks.  Not all are rich and white, but one has to wonder if the response would be as quick in the slums or barrios of LA, as it is up in LaJolla, Del Mar, or San Diego.

This is about GWB’s administration, FEMA and the response.

My heart still bleeds for thousands in danger in California, but I still have to offer this food for thought.

With Sand in the Vaseline

Maryscott did well yesterday on MLW Talk Radio.  I was on hold, having come late to the party.  My son was being all quiet and respectful.  Asking a hyper 8 year old to be quiet the first 15 minutes home from school, when he is bubbling with news of the day is like asking water to flow uphill, but he made me proud.

He made me laugh too.  He did stage whisper twice.

“Can I talk to her on the phone too?”

(I nodded no)


“Whoa, she really needs a TV show like all those guys we watch.”

(I nodded yes)

Out of the mouths of babes.  He later clarified what he wanted to ask:

“How can Bush be so evil and why won’t anyone stop him?  All he wants is war, war and more war Mom!”

My Left Wing Talk Radio

At Maryscott’s request, I am cross posting this.  I hope you will support her, and the idea of the Left working together to make Internet Radio a viable force for change!

Ready or not, here it comes: (And a pre-emptive apology: Forgive me, please… For purposes of this being an Announcement and all, I may slip into referring to myself in third person… at least it ain’t the Royal We, ‘kay?)

Next Monday, October 22, at 1pm Pacific, 4pm Eastern, Maryscott O’Connor / MSOC (EmSock to friends and enemies alike) intends to make her maiden foray into that area between “alternative media” and “traditional media” — that being the Internet-based “Blog Talk Radio”.

The designated sobriquet for said radio talk show is, of course, the only possible identification one could choose: My Left Wing Talk Radio.

American gods Part IV

My stomach lurched, but I kept the foul broth down.

I waited, wondering how quickly the effect started taking hold.

“What do you think, Ria, are my feelings about this matter correct?” You asked.

I heard her reply, but she was speaking more quickly than I could hear, and I was uncertain it was even in English. I felt fine, and wondered if perhaps they were feeling the effects more quickly.  They didn’t seem to be making sense.

American Gods Part III

Parts One and Two are available to help you figure what this is all about.

You brushed your lips gently against mine, and said “Tomorrow then?”  I sighed a quiet “Yes.”  And you were gone.

I could wax poetic, but there was nothing poetic about it, just raw power. My lips traced a burning heat, like Blistex put on chapped lips where you brushed them, and it left a tangible presence there.  It ran down through my belly like a thick cord of electricity down to the parts that usually responded of their own accord.

Out There Where the Buses Don’t Run

This feels somewhat unfinished, but this is process writing, not a finished thing for me…. it refers to a conversation I had on MLW.

I wanted a break from daily writing and time to work some of this out, yet I seem unable to work it out without writing it.  So I am putting it out in order to feed the muse, and hope some new kernel of truth will redirect me to the place I am striving to find.

A running dialogue on why the Left cannot seem to become an entity to be reckoned with….
(pesky prepositions)

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