November 2010 archive

Wild Wild Left Radio #89 Joe Bageant Returns!

Join Wild Wild Left Radio every Friday at 6pm EST, via BlogtalkRadio, with Host and Producer Diane Gee to guide you through Current Events taken from a Wildly Left Prospective….  her Joplinesque voice speaking straight from the heart about the real-life implications of the Political and the Class War on everyday American Citizens like you.

The “MSM Headline” stories are treated by what they are NOT telling you, as much as by what they are. From Domestic Policy to International Politics, WWL Radio also speaks freely about the un-and-under reported stories, a vigilant watchdog of what you should know.

The True and Radical Left, WWL’s Diane Gee and our Regular Contributors form a coalition of subversion undermining the PTB by speaking Truth to Power!!!!

The call in number is 646-929-1264 to join the conversation!

Listen live here:

Listen to The Wild Wild Left on internet talk radio

The live chat link will go live around 5:30.. found at the bottom of the show page, or by clicking the link below. Be heard via the live chat page too!


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Our Topics This Week:

Tonight Joe Bageant returns to WWL Radio, with tales from his recent book tour for “Rainbow Pie: A Redneck Memoir,” flashbacks to Leary and HST interviews and a little perspective on the American psychosis as an observable phenomenon from a beach hut in Belize.


Now living in a small lake community in Mexico, Joe might just get to opine on the events in Tenacatita as well, if Dobie can uplink to the show.

Joe is one of the brightest and the best, and a funny and sweet man. He gets the Lefts, and gets it from a ground-level position. He’s one of us, only, well….. smarter 🙂 Come enjoy the show!

Please join us for the only “out there where the buses don’t run” LEFT perspective with interviews, op/eds and straight talk without the hand-wringing PC that has crippled our movement!

Controversy? We face it. Cutting Edge? We step over it. Revolutions start with information, and The Wild Wild Left Radio brings you the best in information and op/eds from a position that others on the Left fear to tread…. all with a grain shaker of irreverent humor.

Open Kafka


Full Spectrum Dominance

I don’t always have time but the beauty of people waking up is I don’t have to!

It is us against the anal sociopathic globalist control dweebs.  Not the Palin party nor the KumBaYah party or even the spiritual enlightenment party.…

But seriously is there an “Illuminati” plot to ruin the very fabric of independence and pioneer spirit Americans used to be famous for?  Well I have recently observed an evil trend in the RV macerator business.  What is a macerator?  It is the thing one uses to get the poop out of the holding tank if your favorite camping spot does not have “the facilities”.  Well we don’t fly, we don’t cruise and we don’t have facilities.

The old reliable style macerator.…

The “new” macerator.…

Note that the old macerator pump connects directly to the standard RV holding tank connection while the “new” style leaves the plumbing connections up to you.  Ok, so you might be asking why this is significant.  Why is this important.  Well they, yup, “them them” don’t want you and your loved ones going off the grid all by yourselves in the backwoods where you can enjoy nature.  They don’t want you far away from the din of electronic media, the shopping mall and other sheeple who act as police in keeping your thought train in line.

Docudharma Times Friday November 26

Friday’s Headlines:

Passive smoking kills 600,000 a year, including 165,000 children, says WHO


G.O.P. and Tea Party Gains Are Mixed Blessing for Israel

Surviving Cameramen Recall Nuclear Test Shoots


EU bans bisphenol-A chemical from babies’ bottles

Britons ‘regularly’ fight for the Taliban

Middle East

Where tombs of the dead are homes of the living

Iran gangs move into meth market: UN


Yeongpyong Islanders: ‘Once our home town was paradise. Now it’s hell’

International Jihadists Use Karachi as Hub


Tsvangirai in court over Mugabe’s provincial governors

Carter Centre urges Sudan rivals to end war of words

Latin America

Kate Allen: Nicaragua’s hidden scandal

Britain’s austerity plan leaves many bracing for painful changes

Prime Minister David Cameron plans to slash $128 billion in spending over four years, upending a culture of governmental responsibility in a nation that provides everything from free healthcare to aid for mothers.

By Henry Chu, Los Angeles Times

Reporting from Wimbledon, England – Britain is about to undergo an extreme makeover. And Festus Grant is worried.

The 71-year-old was crippled by a stroke early this year, and he doesn’t know how he would have coped without the “angel of mercy” who knocked on his door a few days after he came home to his modest flat after three months in the hospital.

The care worker from the Stroke Assn. helped him piece his life back together. She arranged follow-up trips to the doctor and signed him up for a shuttle service that takes him shopping once a week.

Late Night Karaoke

To See Again the Stars

David Axelrod, who as we all know is the third greatest political genius of all time, right behind King Louis XVI and Pharaoh Phukitallup I, who only lasted 2 days, is going to be busy brainstorming campaign slogans for Obama’s rerun for the White House in 2012.  I don’t know what he’ll come up with, but I know what the top three slogans would be if the truth mattered . . .  

I Am the Way Into the City of Woe

I Am the Way Into Eternal Pain

I Am the Way To Go Among the Lost

Those words, engraved on the archway above the Gates of Hell in Dante’s Inferno, precede the final words, Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.  If Obama isn’t primary challenged, if corporate control over the White House isn’t broken, we can abandon all hope, because this country will keep descending from one level of Hell to the next, until we reach the last and deepest level.

Midway through their journey with Obama, Americans find themselves in a dark wood, for they have wandered from the straight and true.  They weren’t led out of the darkness, they were led deeper into it.  The relentless beast of corporate power comes against them, step by step, determined to drive them back to where the sun is silent evermore.  So vicious is its nature, so ill-bent, it never stuffs its ravenous will enough, but after feeding hungers all the more.  

Dante had the poet Virgil to guide him through Hell and lead him out.

We have this guy . . .

From behind the tinted glass of his presidential limousine, Obama surveys the desolation of a wrecked economy, the carnage of endless wars, the expansion of the surveillance state, the resurgence of racist hate, and claims this is what change looks like. This is not what change looks like. This is what Hell looks like.  

Please, pass the monkey wrench: Political vs. Financial Crises

We need a repertoire of transgressive contention.

Because Ilargi is spot on:

Debt always has to be paid down, restructured or solved through some combination of the two. For now, the negatives of both options are laid squarely on the shoulders of the people of the various afflicted nations, instead of on those of the folks who incurred the debt.  It seems unlikely that this will continue much longer. Surely, there must be one nation where enough voices can come together to say: no mas?! So far, little action. Protests in Britain, Ireland, Portugal, but nothing anywhere near massive. Nothing that even seriously disrupts an economy or society.

I saw some footage early this morning on BBC that sort of says it all. The news presenters compared the student protest marches outside yesterday with those inside, some sort of sit-down. The latter were praised for being peaceful, the former derided for being violent. Which they weren’t really, there were just the odd few token people who threw stuff, a few among many thousands who just marched. And those few could easily have been paid to throw that stuff by the government. The message being that both the BBC and the government had rather see you sit in a room than march on a street. Much easier to control.

As long as we don’t escape that sort of controlled environment, nothing will happen. It’s all about the difference between a financial crisis, which most people continue to believe this is, and a political one, which it actually is. This crisis is entirely political because, for instance, politicians don’t protect their electorate from predatory institutions and practices. Because those predators are the ones who have the real political power (re: campaign finance). Because, see Ireland, banks and their stockholders are still being made whole on their losses, without restructuring, without haircuts, at the cost of the people. Who still have no clue what is going on. It would be a good thing if that would change. A very good thing. For you. For your children.

Where do you think the €100 billion or so or more involved in the Irish bailout ends up? This money is used to pay off the gambling debt of Irish bankers to global banks, to Deutsche, Société Générale, and eventually to the same Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan that are in the center of all these miserable stories all over the globe. That is what has to stop. And until that happens, it makes no difference who you vote for in your elections, no matter where you are.

And if anyone tells you it’ll all be alright, you just ask them what they suggest we do with the debt. Shoveling more and more into your own kids’ graves doesn’t sound like a great idea, so why do you do it? You’re not going to change this one with a sit-down protest.

Thank You Father, Thank You Mother

Another “greatest hits” entry, from last Thanksgiving

Without our father and mother we would not exist, I give thanks to them today.

Our father and mother, the father and mother of all and every human being that has ever lived or ever will live are here with us today and everyday, and we thank them. Our father lives 93 million miles away, thankfully! His energy and light bathes our planet, every plant that grows grows because of him. Every microscopic creature, insect, and animal that eats a plant is eating the energy of our father, energy that we call…light.

Light converted into life, with the help of our beautiful and receptive and fertile mother, is converted by a miraculous process into plants. Animals eat those plants and we (their fellow animals) eat them. And thus do we live. And thus are we all made, ultimately, from the same thing, light.


Tom DeLay: Dancing with the Bars!

He faces two to 20 years in prison on a conspiracy charge and five to 99 years or life on a money laundering charge. He is free on bail, with sentencing tentatively set for Dec. 20.

Sashay around with that soap on a rope, baby, and bow to your partner Bubba!  Tommy dear will soon be dancing to the jail house rock.

One can only hope that while he high steps and pirouettes on the way to the mess hall, it can be yet another prime time reality show. Perhaps a warning to the crooks and liars manipulating corporate whores to the top political positions, a warning that we are watching.

Soft money, soft shoe shuffle, hard money, hard time tap dance.

Maybe he can create a redistrict reggae number to regale us with while in there!

I doubt it though. I am fully convinced, after all, that he is much too young to dance well… that is an art that died with my Father’s generation. Although I imagine a light lead hand and a strong and versatile reverse hand won’t matter where he’s going.  

I know, it will likely be a country-club prison that may in fact contain a ball room, if all the appeals don’t clear him yet. But one can imagine for a brief smiling moment that he is doing hard time on Sheriff Joe’s chain gang… and that whole team gets extra punishment for Tom’s poor work. And, as the lights out comes, they have been “encouraged” to teach Tommy the value of a hard days labor. And he will be doing another kind of dance with a long handled broom, in a move Fred Astaire never dreamt of.

Requiem – A Musical Essay

Open Haring


Short Attention Span Theater and the decline of Journalism

Thomas Jefferson on Politics & Government

Freedom of the Press

“I am… for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents.”

— Thomas Jefferson to Elbridge Gerry, 1799

So Freedom of the Press, protects even the stuff, we disagree with.

You don’t have to like it, what someone says, writes, or legislates … or tactlessly expresses.

But they have a Right to do so none the less, according to our historic icon Thomas Jefferson.  

The pen, should trump, the sword.

Funny how “Money” got all lumped in with Free Speech, though?

Must of been all those Gieco “googley eyes” commercials

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