Quantum Leap for Mankind

Ok maybe it’s a dream, maybe it’s an argument with my spirit guides or maybe I should just get some meds.  We are what we are as a species and that species is a predator by nature.  Face it, in the time before Ipods you had to either kill something or take a chance eating the magic mushrooms for continued existence.  This is the opposite of the horse, a prey animal which can survive by eating the grass.  The prey animal does not think about manifesting their enviornment they have two options run fast or kick hard.

That being said who is your ultimate enemy?

Look in the mirror.

The spirit guides and I went back and forth about the quantum exponential increase in the potential for hate.  Who and how people hate, the origins of it and the relationship to the ultimate disasterous end times or better a utopian peace on earth golden age for mankind.  Once again technology plays a very significant role in all of this basic predatory instinct.

I have been blasted into oblivion many times on both political sides in what I thought were points to ponder in the persuit of peace love and understanding and or the advancement of the human condition.  Know what?

It does not work.  It can’t work and will never change.

That blessing of the power of thought itself is also our most deadly of curses.

Now technologically enhanced.

Sarah Winchester claimed to be haunted by the ghosts of those killed by the Winchester repeating rifle.  To counter this she embarked upon the strange practice of continuous building of the house which seemed to keep the evil spirits at bay.  My theory on this would be that honest hard working common sense tradesman type guys, that type of constructive human endeavor created a shield against whatever evil karma, ghosts, malevolent intent, and or the manifestations of whatever evil and or destructive non-spiritually connected human brain functioning might be involved.  Did I say that right and completely.

Fast forward to the now.  Today machines can build alot of the stuff we consume want or need.   The machines can also grow alot of the stuff we need to eat to survive.  We as a result are freed up from the toils of daily survival we invent new churches complete with their resulting dogma.  I spend much of my time now cleansing myself of this ugly crap spiritually and at the same time my engineer side is amazed at how gullible people are and how short the attention span is.  Being 55 I can also see the higher prices for crappier and less goods, the far more respectful attitudes of the past and the much less anal policies of government.  I started on right wing blogs to test the waters even though the left seemed to make far more sense.  I  bragged about my perma-ban from hannity.com in under 48 hours but the left also rejects a worldview uniquely acquired from a long series of strange events.  In general I do find talking to the right wing side akin to talking to a box of rocks.  The other strange phenomena is that the left seems far more dangerous destructive and condemning on an intellectual basis than the right.  More often than not lately it is the left that wants to lynch me based upon my deviation from the church.  We are after all predators so to varied degrees we have to dominate stuff.  On to things I find fucked up.

I love nature, the woods, animals yet have become beyond pissed off to the point of trashing the place I live in at the evil propects of the Global Bernie Madoff Carbon Trading Fund.  I start trashing all subjects green due to a firm conviction in supressed energy technology, a firm conviction that energy is more about control over people than creating an egalitarian sustainable society with max carrying capacity on this limited planet.  Enter that 5% of sociopaths some of whom rise to positions of power, manipulate perceptions at all costs for their own benefit.

Something I saw.  Finland has a diversity achievement gap.  Ok,so this means the idea world is a controlled proportionally adjusted mix of races and we all have to work toward that goal?  Why.  Why and how does that increase freedom and goodwill towards all mankind if the controlling globo-fascist fux insist upon suppressing the rights of this collective statistically adjusted mix.  The other ugly side of this is the hate crime theme.   It’s not just a criminal act now but also a hate crime which is number 12.


What “race” am I on a questionaire?  Zero Order.

Most recent in the mix is this stuff about Arizona.  WTF?  Oh, it’s fine if I need the Anus 200 TSA approved body cavity certification device to get on an airplane and my local police log has to note police calls of suspicious cars in the neighborhood who turn out to be delivering newspapers it does occur to me there is a deliberate effort on the part of the propaganda delivery system to induce discord and angst.

Guam will capsize due to overpopulation and or global warming.  The Tea Party are all Tim McVeigh terrorists.  Don’t love Obama, you are a racist.  Take your meds and forget 911.  Big money hijacks Tea Party omits mention of anti-globalists shuns 911 truth.  Mark Dice interviews man on the street who points to Austrailia and says we should bomb Iran next then continues with a petition to repeal the first amendment.

The PEW study says 80%.  It is my decisive opinion that people are pissed yet they know not why.  They can’t accept their own true nature of predator.


Hopi indians say you will see them come and go.  Snakes of iron will cross the land.  Spiderwebs will cross the sky.  


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  1. but we still need condo association rules.


  2. tend to see closer to 360 degrees.  Think “owls versus rats,” even though rats, too, are predators.

    Some amino acids are essential.  Our bodies cannot manufacture them from other things.  Protein is key, and meats are the abundant source, though we do tend to overeat it.

    Even our cousins the chimpanzees do “drive-bys” over resource competition, i.e., murderous raids not directly for food, but simply to eliminate potential competition.

    Of course, we fancy ourselves fancier than that.

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