The Stars Hollow Gazette

What a long strange trip it’s been.

Well, anniversaries are supposed to be times of introspection and remembrance.  If I concentrate a little on my own feelings and less on those of others it’s because I value everyone’s contribution so much that I don’t trust myself not to forget one or two.

I’ve spoken before about this being a team blog, indeed tomorrow at 8 am I’ll repost my opening day essays and the first Pony Party to start the celebration.  We publish a good amount of content, most of which is excellent.

I like to feature the essays of others on the Front Page, but it’s a mixed blessing.  You only last about a day unless you’re picked up on the Rec List which is a dKos and a half (12 to the uninitiate).  It ages in 3 days which is just about long enough to keep it filled through Thanksgiving and eksmas.

I’m not likely to feature personal stories because I’m not sure how much you really want to share although I can think of occasional exceptions.

I have my Recent Essays set to 50 and essays age in about 3 days there too.  In terms of volume of original content I’d compare our collective output to some pretty active sites though I have no statistics at all to support that.

I look at DocuDharma pretty much as a interactive Daily Newspaper, Literary Magazine, and Gossip Column, so those are the kind of stories I tend to promote, but there are other editorial voices and I’m very responsive to recommendations.

I expect the future will pretty much resemble the past.  I think that after the election it’s going to be quite a problem to enact a progressive agenda. but I am sure what the results will be if we don’t at least try.

My hopes for DocuDharma are rather modest, that it remain a place where people are not afraid to express themselves creatively or politically and that through discussion we can generate some activity and awareness that percolates up.

That was 2008 and here we are again.

Tomorrow’s schedule is-

These are code duplicates, except for the links to the past, of the originals published the opening day of DocuDharma and appear at their original times.

Poke around if you care to confirm this rather than simply taking my word for it, or you can page back through the next button more than I care to at this point.

Because Pony Parties are an essential element of DocuDharma.

But time passes.  Things have changed.  But more things have remained the same.

Otherwise the plays of Shakespeare and Aeschylus would not resonate.

People never change.  They are who they are.

So don’t complain that the org charts are different.  Folks come and go according to their own muse and circumstance.

But also don’t forget that in a time of change we’ve endured so far.

Now would be a good time to donate.


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  1. Despite the fact you can’t hurt me, it is customary to post one.

    • Robyn on September 12, 2009 at 04:34

    Writing about death and change on a Friday night is not a good idea.

  2. and while in rounds the doctors cheerfully shared stories of my disasters.

    I am tired. So. Hand me some cheese to go with my whine please.

    • TMC on September 12, 2009 at 05:25

    And happy to have been here since 10/2/07. Thanks for a place to contemplate.

  3. I haven’t worked (for money) in ages, but I will donate some paltry amount, even if it only goes to some minor grooming on buhdy’s part, e.g., a brazilian wax, or what have you.  R-I-I-I-P!!!

  4. and to all a good night!

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