Radioactive Cheese graters!

Note the comments.  Was it recycled WTC center steel.…

That aside let us look at the subliminals mainstream media puts out or more accurately has become institutionalized into the very fabric of sheeple life.

It is in the very title.


Homeboy Stupidity Department of Cheese Grater Inspectors

The lie of 911 is falling apart but media following the Illuminati Prime Directives continues to foist fascism on the useless eaters.

In conclusion I will imply how it’s not just about Unicorn Flu anymore.

In other news Lamestream once again takes the time to remind us slaves not to buy into outrageous conspriracy theories about 911, or so the long time director of war crime, Zebignew Brezinski says.  Forget Bush and Cheney, Zebig has been behind the scenes under all sorts of US pResidential administrations.

Just as the prior asshole said We must not tolerate…… is “our” new pResident echoing, propagating the latest in a long series of false flags.  Yes friends America’s grassy knoll is indeed the size of Mt Everest!

Late breaking news

A simple Mr. Science project you can do at home.  Does your breakfast cereal have iron filings in it.…

These Interesting Times we live in.


  1. far cheaper than the treatment of my uninsured ass.

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