November 2008 archive

Open Thread


i can has thread?

Real News: Obama And Iran

The Ploughshares Fund pools contributions from individuals, families and foundations and directs those funds to initiatives aimed at preventing the spread and use of nuclear weapons and promoting regional stability, in the pursuit of a safe, secure and nuclear weapon-free world.

Can Obama untangle the Iranian challenge?

by Alexandra Bell

The Ploughshares Fund, November 18, 2008

People were turned away at the door at a standing room-only event at the Hart Senate Office Building titled, “Can Obama Untangle the Iranian Challenge: Prospects for a New Policy,” hosted by the Ploughshares-funded National Iranian American Council (NIAC).

NIAC’s president, Dr. Trita Parsi, welcomed a panel that included Former Assistant Secretary of State Ambassador James Dobbins, Dr. Farideh Fari of the University of Hawaii and Ploughshares Fund president Joseph Cirincione, who discussed the future of U.S.- Iran policy and the agenda for change.

The consensus of the entire panel was that current actions are failing to thwart the nuclear ambitions of Iran and the U.S. cannot keep doing the same thing, expecting a different result.  They all agreed that now is the time for engagement.  

The panelists answered press questions and were followed by Representative John Tierney (D-MA) who also stressed the need for enhanced diplomacy with Iran.  Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA) agreed and pointed out that uranium enrichment cessation was an object of the negotiations and therefore could not be a precondition.

Pepe Escobar and The Real News reports on the event and analyzes the situation and current US foreign policy towards Iran, and what Obama can and should be focusing on in relations with Iran.

Joseph Cirincione: “The best way to seek regime change in Iran is not to seek regime change“.

One of the key foreign policy challenges of the Barack Obama presidency will be to elaborate a new approach towards Iran. A spirited, informed debate is already on in Washington – where a special presentation to the Senate has outlined crucial American and Iranian points of view; and also in academic and diplomatic circles, as a Joint Experts’ Statement on Iran recommends the President-elect adopts a bold new strategy, focused on dialogue and mutual respect.

November 25, 2008 – 9 min 37 sec

Obama and Iran

Diplomats and scholars encourage Obama to invest in change instead of regime change

2008 – Special Thanksgiving Message:

Thousands of Soldiers are no longer with us but especially with their families, this or any coming Thanksgivings!

As of 11-25-2008:

U.S.: Iraq Confirmed Deaths Reported Deaths: 4205 Confirmed Deaths: 4203 Pending Confirmation: 2

U.S.: Afghanistan Confirmed Deaths 629

This message comes from the family of only one soldier who did come back, but not the same as when he left, and will not be celebrating Thanksgiving or any other Holidays with his family, but is certainly not forgotten.

This soldier, and many more, numbers unknown because no one counts them, are still War Casualties but not in the numbers listed above.

The ‘Special Thanksgiving Message’ comes from his Mom and Dad, Kevin & Joyce Lucey, about their son,  Cpl. Jeffrey Michael Lucey, a 23 year old USMC reservist and Iraq conflict veteran.

As the Lucey’s say in the beginning there is alot to found about their son on the internet, as many will find there also is about many of those who served in our recent conflicts, Wars of Choice, I’ll just give a couple of links.

Jeffrey M Lucey

‘Something happened to Jeff’

Jeff Lucey returned from Iraq a changed man. Then he killed himself.

Docudharma Times Tuesday November 25

Who Needs Oversight

Over $700 Billion?

It’s Only Money Right?  

Never Mind!  

Tuesday’s Headlines:

The car of the future – but at what cost?

At family farm, grim claims of organ culling from captured Serb soldiers

Germany in shock at release of Baader-Meinhof killer

Zimbabwe on brink of collapse as outbreak of cholera spreads

The Big Question: Who are the Elders, and can they do anything to resolve world crises?

Meet a living Buddha: Young, handsome, with an old soul

Rape risk increasing in Cambodia

In Egypt, spooling the thread of time

Russia’s new presence in Latin America

Obama and Bush Working to Calm Volatile Market


Published: November 24, 2008

CHICAGO – President-elect Barack Obama sought to seize the reins of the economic crisis Monday as he and his new economic team worked closely with President Bush to inject confidence into the trembling financial markets, which rallied and erased most of last week’s losses.The coordination between Mr. Obama and Mr. Bush was taking place among aides, as well as in direct talks about the rescue plan for Citigroup and unresolved details of the overall Treasury bailout plan. The president said his successor would be informed of every “big decision” that was made, adding, “It’s important for the American people to know that there is close cooperation.”

Hamdan To Be Sent To Yemen

Bin Laden Driver Spent 7 Years at Guantanamo

By Josh White and William Branigin

Washington Post Staff Writers

Tuesday, November 25, 2008; Page A01

The U.S. military has decided to transfer Osama bin Laden’s former driver from custody at Guantanamo Bay to his home in Yemen, ending the seven-year saga of a man the Bush administration considered a dangerous terrorist but whom a military jury found to be a low-level aide.

Salim Ahmed Hamdan is expected to arrive within 48 hours in Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, where he will serve out the rest of his military commission sentence, which is set to expire Dec. 27, two government officials said. The Pentagon’s decision to send Hamdan home narrowly avoids what could have been a sticky diplomatic situation, as Bush administration officials had long contended they could hold Hamdan indefinitely.



Injured veterans engaged in new combat

n a little-noticed regulation change, the Pentagon’s definition of combat-related disabilities is narrowed, costing some wounded veterans thousands of dollars in lost benefits.

By David Zucchino

November 25, 2008

Marine Cpl. James Dixon was wounded twice in Iraq — by a roadside bomb and a land mine. He suffered a traumatic brain injury, a concussion, a dislocated hip and hearing loss. He was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Army Sgt. Lori Meshell shattered a hip and crushed her back and knees while diving for cover during a mortar attack in Iraq. She has undergone a hip replacement and knee reconstruction and needs at least three more surgeries.

In each case, the Pentagon ruled that their disabilities were not combat-related.

In a little-noticed regulation change in March, the military’s definition of combat-related disabilities was narrowed, costing some injured veterans thousands of dollars in lost benefits — and triggering outrage from veterans’ advocacy groups.

Obama holds press conference, promises “whatever is required” for Wall Street

Original article, by Tom Eley, via World Socialist Web Site:

On Monday, US President-elect Barack Obama held a press conference in Chicago to announce selections for his “economic team.” After these introductions, Obama spoke briefly and in vague terms about a proposed economic stimulus package, and then took five questions from reporters.

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

State of the Onion XIV

Art Link


My Label is not a Slur

My label is not a slur

My label does not mean

repulsive or obscene

should not induce

revulsion or hatred

I am not subhuman

Different, yes,

but not less than you

I am not “really” anything

except a human being

There are more of you

so we live in your world

rather than one

of our own choosing

Do we threaten you?

Do you fear us?

How did we earn

the ridicule?

How did we earn

the hatred?

How did we earn

your silence?

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–January 31, 2006

Late Night Karaoke

Silence Is Not Welcome Here

No Kidding – plastic soul amanda

The Constitution vs Religion for Thanksgiving

While many of our laws have reflected religious beliefs, not all religious beliefs were codified into law.  It is against the law to kill, but, it is not against the law to have another god before “Him”.  It is against the law to steal, but, it is not against the law if you dishonor your mother or father.  Out of the 10 Commandments, only 3 of the Commandments are codified into law; killing, stealing, and adultery.  Today, adultery has been reduced from a criminal act to a civil act leaving only two Commandments as criminal acts.  That hasn’t stopped the religious right, however, from trying to codify other religious beliefs into law.  Prop 8 is merely the latest attempt.

Capitalist Follies: Rancheros Visitadores, Citigroup, and the CIA

A posting the other day, quoting Chris Floyd on the machinations of the U.S. power elite, prompted a regular reader of mine to send a very interesting link to a story a friend of his worked on over the past few years.

As reported by Seattle Post-Intelligencer columnist Joel Connolly, Alejandro Tomas, a senior faculty member at Seattle Central Community College, has assembled a startling photo essay on one of the conclaves where the rich and privileged meet. The horse ride known as Rancheros Visitadores takes place every May in the Santa Ynez Valley near Santa Barbara, Calif. The event is one of those elite conclaves that take place annually. The best known is probably the Bohemian Grove gathering near the Russian River in Northern California.

Connolly describes the doings at Rancheros Visitadores, where no women are allowed (except maybe prostitutes):

Manufacturing Monday: Week of 11.24.08

Greetings folks, first day of the workweek, and welcome to another edition of Manufacturing Monday.  I had planned to put this out earlier in the day, but had to deal with a turkey situation (hint: dogs); plus other holiday-related madness.  So anyways, we got some good stuff for you today.  First on our highlighted list is a story on GM’s board.  Then we got two industrial-esc jobs updates, first on coal then in green-collar world.  Finally, I want to finish off today’s edition with something special, a music video!  No…not me singing, but a reader sent it to me and thought you should all see it.  So a shout out to Amber for bringing this to my attention, you rock!  And with that we go to…the Numbers!

Open Thread

Over at Your Right Hand Thief, oyster describes his night at the movies in Sometimes reality is like a weird movie.

I was astonished to find out that there really IS a God!  And he’s on the radio!

As I drove away, the radio was tuned to WRNO 99.5fm Rush Radio. “In tough times, it pays to be right”, is their new tag line. And… guess what was on? No, not a replay of Rush or Hannity. Instead… it was the last two minutes of The Jesus Christ Show, hosted by Jesus Christ. I’m not kidding! Jesus does a radio show. Hallelujah!

A female caller asked the host a question: “Jesus, should I fear hell?” Jesus replied by saying that he didn’t have much time[!], so he would have to keep his answer short. (The short answer was “Yes”, but it was said with infinite love.) There’s a distinctly addictive quality about the Jesus Christ show. It’s very soothing. I could see myself listening to it on a regular basis.

Again, I’m not kidding.

Open thread is hereby open!

144th Anniversary of the Sand Creek Massacre of Nov. 29th, 1864

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Chief Black Kettle:

I want you to give all these chiefs of the soldiers here to understand that we are for peace, and that we have made peace, that we may not be mistaken by them for enemies.

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