So My Mother Turns Eighty and I want a Divorce

And I gave her the bums rush just this morning.  She is slipping into the early stages of dementia and has about a year left of sight due to macular degeneration.  I have decided that she is on her own financially, spiritually and can you fix my computer for me.  It is after all Armageddon times and the Biblical passages about brother against brother, father against son until man exists no more just might manifest into reality.

Ma as it turns out cares not, not one iota for her children, grandchildren or even great grandchildren in spite of having lost a daughter to a car “accident” when she was only eighteen.  The driver of the car she was coming home in happened to be driven by a yuppie asshole who nodded off after a coke high and killed two of the four occupants.  He has since magically disappeared off the face of the earth never to be heard from law enforcement agencies again.  Where in fact is for proles indeed.  At the time I asked the Rochester NY classmates if in fact this guy was rich and they said, Oh yes.  Could we sue?  Oh yes but then again prove it.

But back to Ma. It is what Dad himself warned me about that in her later years Ma, who received extensive electro-convulsive shock “therapy” due to post-partum depression after having a child.

Now Ma over the years happens to be worth some money, being a post depression and WWII survivor and all that both of them learned to make do and prosper with what little they had.  That plus the money from Dad’s farm the fucking State just about took over was “rolled over” into an agressive portfolio with a cutting edge “expert” financial advisor.  

First stop is the farm.  Well the town in it’s state mandated taxation schedule “allows” land to be taxed as “farmland” only up and until one can ASSume the burden of PROVING that financial gains were in fact made by certified electronically transferred IRS surveilled methods to the tune of $1500.00.  Well Uncle Dave did in fact rent out the property to a farmer who planed corn on it each year that is until Uncle Dave started to “loose” his truck in the woods while cutting firewood.  The rentee and recipient of said corn planting also did not desire said IRS certification.  So in the meantime the five heirs to the farm formed a “corporation” to deal with all of these tax and other assholian regulations.  To make a long story shorter the lawyer who recommended forming a corporation made off with several of the more lucrative lots and the resulting pantload of cash before dying of cancer.  Good fucking riddance.  The farm was sold off to a prominent builder who only after years of negotiations and several deals which fell through finally built a yuppie elderly housing complex on it that few can afford now.  The farm and the resulting proceeds from it were now transferred into “the paper money” of the stock market.  A locally run, owned and producing farm was no more an I am only the first real generation having lived “off the farm” to testify to it.  In his benevolence the builder did a half assed “restoration” of the original farmhouse complete with granite countertops in the yuppie “saleable” kitchen.

Back to Ma and her insults to my family over how much money she had.  One time she wanted to go to a class reunion and needed my help as she did not feel up to driving the long distance (30 miles).  We said we would take Dad and go on our fall tradition of apple picking while she went to the reunion. The day ended up costing me about sixty dollars as we took Dad out to lunch.  She gave me fifteen, for gas.  Ma lives in a world long since gone and passed away and her flitting from one financial advisor to another prevents me from ever, ever seeing any financial benefit from her and Dad’s glorious years from their Camelot days of America.  It is the institutional assholianism of the legal, financial, governmental, and banking institutions of “America” I curse, send straight to Hell and mount my Apcalyptic Horse over.  The five year “look back” period for entrance to the nursing home, the myriad of lawyer “elder care” scams, it is in fact becoming an industry unto itself as to how the most medicated sick population of the world is going to afford it’s throw a rock to the next CVS Pharmacy physican mandated designer drugs.  “Tell your doctor you NEED/WANT/WERE TOLD BY TEEVEE TO ASK ABOUT”……Long term studies been damned.  Is it processed food?  Why are American “chicks” now so fat.  I mean fat, fat legs, fat ass and are even depicted in cartoon graphics in the advertizing industry as fat, is this a new accepted meme?

Europe actually gets something for their tax dollars.  Education, transportation, a T system that would make the Boston MBTA look sick, even health care yet they, “them them”, the fucking Illuminati has most of the American “free” world calling them “socialists”.  They are even light years ahead of “us” in really rational green initiatives so it’s no wonder “we” have been scheduled for “termination”.

3M6B, Naomi only sees the evils of corporate but I see the evils of a construct and entire lifetime of bullshit Satanically inspired propaganda which created my mother.

Paper money, worthless statements of stock options held only two years ago I am “illegally” incinerating just to get rid of excess crap in my blower assisted cinder block outdoor fireplace.  My mother and the collection of her asshole lawyers, accountants and suprememly Satanic financial advisors who refuse to return phone calls in this life or the next get to answer to me upon my handsome blue eyed steed.

Yes Lord, you are going to get an earful from me.

Nasty ain’t it, even from the likes of me, an American peasant and fuckee of six figure bonus assholes who fly into Davos in their own personal fucking jets.  Does this make me a terrorist for being an American who does not accept the globalist pradigm.


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  1. involved my taking her in and caring for her and my father in their “golden years”.  It seems that in and of itself is fucking sort of IRS and medical community prohibited in this the “land of the free” and “home of the brave”.  But with her “stellar” upstanding financial advisors how had an eighty year old with 90% exposure to the stock market and it’s prohibitive “tax” implications of selling/moving/transferring some of these paper fucking “assets” to other more favorable paper “assets” well one just does not know.  Two months ago I said cash, large fireproof safe, six months worth of cash, real money.

    Do you think she listened?

    Current procedure is to bankrupt parents of the baby boomers all the way down to two thousand dollars before THE STATE allows them to enter a nursing home and “family members” BTW are specifically disallowed from any finacial benefits when involved in the taking care of elder parents.

    Home of the fucking free in fucking deed.

    • Alma on October 13, 2008 at 06:31

  3. parting words of wisdom to me were:

    Never trust a lawyer, broker or doctor who doesn’t swill martinis. If they don’t live in Newport Beach, Orange county they are losers.

    Never mind where the money comes from, just get it, as much as you can, as no one can have too much money.

    She too got he start on a farm/ranch a background she fled from and always was ashamed of. Old money as she called it was the only measure of ones worth. She promptly upon my Dad’s death took herself to a Greek island and lived her last 15 years out of the country club old money set she loved so much, while her martini swilling broker worked the proceeds of grandfathers ranch, into a tidy sum via some of the nastiest stock ever. She divorced us her children as we were no fun, and didn’t eat protein or swill martinis.    

    Yes it is the food!    

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