Roundup of ctrenta’s DNC dispatches

I thought we should have a round up of ctrenta’s excellent reporting from last week’s DNC convention in Denver-

I want to personally thank ctrenta for all the work and I hope all of you had a chance to enjoy it.


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  1. Next week we get to trash talk the Thugs.

    • kj on August 30, 2008 at 16:57

    to ctrenta… hope you made memories to spare.  ðŸ™‚

  2. …ek & ctrenta!

  3. Docudharma is the best! I’m glad you guys got some good press in Las Vegas too. Since they know us know, mayne the Sun-Times will sponsor a pony party for us. LOL!

    Seriously, glad I could be of service to you guys/girls.

    – ctrenta

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