August 15, 2008 archive

The Stars Hollow Gazette

So they’re putting the band back together.

Oh Brad, I’m frightened.  What kind of place is this?

Oh, it’s probably some kind of hunting lodge for rich weirdos.

This way.

Are you – giving a party?

No.  You’ve arrived on a rather special night.  It’s one of the master’s affairs.

Oh, lucky him.

He’s lucky.  You’re lucky, I’m lucky, we’re all lucky!

It’s astounding, time is fleeting

Madness takes its toll

But listen closely,

Not for very much longer

I’ve got to, keep control.

Paying tax – that’s just for little people! Plus a little bit from Albert Einstein!

First article, and editorial, from Socialist Appeal:

Two-thirds of U.S. corporations paid no federal income taxes between 1998 and 2005, according to a new report from Congress.

Audioblog — “Listening to Lodi”

Went out tonight to a posh Mexican restaurant near Lincoln Center (not on my dime, oh no, lol lol).

Wrote a tune on the subway ride home.

Been promising NL and kj I’d do an audioblog so here it is.  The link will take you to gabcast (at least I hope it will!), so hit “play” on episode number 8.

Gabcast! Auld Manhattoe #8

lyrics are below.

Writing In The RAW………….

Really, I’ve got nothin to say.

When I picked this day & signed up for this WITR I thought it’d be like having y’all over for my birthday……

and we could all go hang out under the birfyday tree…..


& eat some birfyday cake…


Pony Dragin Party

Death by Consumption

As long as 2000 years ago, the Maya had a great empire- equal to the Egyptians.

Then suddenly, in fact VERY suddenly, relatively speaking, they left most of their cities and moved back to a very simple lifestyle, what was left of them. They left behind brilliant cities, great art, and the remains of a very rich civilization.

The reason? conspicuous consumption. Sound familiar?

If you’re as tired as I am of huge gas guzzlers, wasted resources, and other useless symptoms of excess, maybe it’s time to learn some history. In fact, it may be really important.

Fighting Back on Heat Deaths: Farm Workers going to Sacramento

I have been writing about the heat deaths of the farm workers in California since May.  (After the fold are links for diaries for background.)  

Six have died since May. The latest one was Maria de Jesus Alvarez, 63, mother of nine, who died early this month. The first one to die was 17-year-old Maria Isabel Vasquez Jimenez, who died in May. Marie was about one month pregnant when she died, and likely did not ever know she was pregnant. The state fined the labor contractor $262,700 for failing to follow heat illness prevention regulations at the time she was stricken, but that won’t bring her back. And the deaths have continued at an accelarated pace since then.

You can help to end this tragedy!

This Monday, August 18, more than 800 farm workers from throughout California want to go to Sacramento.

They want the chance to tell the governor and their elected officials to support AB 2386, “Secret Ballot Elections for Farmworkers,” which has moved out of the assembly and which will be voted on that afternoon in the state senate.

After the fold, I’ll tell you how you can help the farmworkers help themselves.

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