A Retraction

After careful study it seems even great news may be only the usual smoke and mirrors of engineered diversion.  Benjamin Fulford, that Forbes Magazine Asian chief reported that Asian secret societies declared war on the western secret societies upon learning that SARS was a race specific bio-weapon. The eastern block threatened them with economic ruin and assasinations.  The western secret societies promised “CHANGE”.  For a time it seemed true when the western world started to mention admission of the Asian one in global affairs and organizations traditionally western dominated.  Well, I think not.

We have the Lisbon treaty rejected by Ireland, but being pushed through anyway.

We have those black helicopters terrorizing Denver and in Iowa they even have the regular cops, not the Blackwater mercenaries, terrorizing their own constituents.  The march into the future dystopia world, I mean the US as a depopulated nature preserve has not slowed one bit.

Anyway I have been doing my best to enjoy early summer with loved ones.  I think this time it will be the last summer.  I am sore from riding the Apocalyptic horse and Grampy is still the King.  He lights up my world when he repeats words for the first time.  So far we have beach, water and now rock.   To an almost two year old the five foot pile of fill down by the barn is a magical mountain to be scaled.

It is the simple pleasures in life that mean so much.  The whole family is here enjoying the country setting.  A deer in the field, feeding the chickens and checking to see where the two cows are.  

I might have to write my Grandson a book, explaining all the details.  The world Grampy lived in an why he won’t be allowed to have the same thing.


    • Robyn on June 20, 2008 at 16:05

    …how to participate in building a better, less fear-ridden world, just on the off chance that this one survives longer than than you believe it will.

    Just a thought.

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