
I was only a kid but I remember the day JKF was killed.  I remember the unity of a nation in mourning at the loss.  They were indeed America’s Camelot days, or were they.  My CT hobby developed during research on globalization during business school continues.  Even mainstream media has covered such previously “top secret” locations like Iron Mountain and the Microsoft sponsored global seed vault.  What, do some people think, or actually want me to make me tack up my Apocalyptic horse.

Most here have noticed everything is not fine.  Most I think also don’t really know why, even if they positively, absolutely do in basis of fact know why.

I present yet another website of from the intergalactic wavetrap of alternate dimensions and timelines.  Reality would have you dismiss it as tabloid, hattery, or written by people who need prozac.  I admit the internet is the wild west as anybody can get on their own soapbox.  This though is a good thing and upstages the guys at Strategic Communications Laboratories.…

Scientists and technicians working on free energy devices, the bankers would get screwed out of their 80% of the current profit margins by trading oil based products.  Well you can’t introduce the free energy technology because it would screw up the economy so badly.

Benjamin Fulford and the current rift in the controlling factions of the Illuminati, east and west.

If nothing else an open mind is a young mind.  It is why my grandson latches onto me whenever he sees me and we have conversations in his own language.

I need not be told by M$M what and how to think but I would focus on how many Americans who can afford it are making arraingements to “get out of Dodge”.


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    • RiaD on May 20, 2008 at 15:02

    & thank You lasthorseman!

    You’re the Best!

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