Tearing down the Republican-Neo-Conservative movement in America

In keeping with the need for a “true” change of course in our ridiculous candidate wars instead of focusing on defeating the Republicans in 2008, I wrote something that I posted at Orange just now, and I wanted to replicate it here, just for the sake of discussion.

Is this on the right track, and is the wording something we can use a primer to begin the end of the HATE HILLARY, HATE BARACK wars and begin the true battle against the Republicans and John McCain?

See below if you are interested.

Crushing Hillary or Defeating Bush’s 3rd Term?

Perhaps beginning with the reality of Right Now would be the place to start, because as we all know, everything that has happened before this very instant is in the past.  

We are all about the future, right?

Moving forward, bringing about sweeping change to the political, economic and environmental landscapes, addressing poverty and actually doing something about it, finding alternative fuels to propel our need for speed without causing the price of food to quadruple or the ozone layer to continue to cook the Poles and melt the ice?  Not to mention, war for the simple sake of profit.

Guess what?  We can do that starting TODAY!  

We can be the change, the hope and the reason G.W. Bush does not get a 3rd and possibly a 4th term in office by way of trading Bushie for John McCain (commonly referred to as McSame).  This is, of course, and unacceptable situation and one that MUST NOT OCCUR.

How do we begin?  We begin by each of us, individually realizing that Senator Barack Obama is going to be the Democratic Candidate.

We need to focus on that fact and on the fact that defeating John McCain is our Number One Priority.  TODAY.

Now, I didn’t say that Senator Barack Obama was going to win the Pennsylvania Primary today. Doesn’t really matter, since he will still win the nomination.

I said, that each of US must realize that Senator Barack Obama is going to win the Democratic Nomination for President of the United States.  

Once WE get this straight in our heads, the next step is simple.  It is a baby step, just up over a tiny little ledge, maybe 1 inch high.


Beginning today, WE begin the tearing down of the Republican-Neo-Conservative movement, person by person here in the United States of America.

We do this by focusing on this ONE issue and directing all of our politican energies to that ONE issue.  

Tear down the Republican-Neo-Conservative movement in America.  

Each of US communicates to our spouses, friends, family, acquaintances and OUR Congressional Members that we will not take NO for an answer.  George W. Bush and his horrific policies must be stopped here and NOW, dammit, and we are going to be the change that we seek.

Focus on that. Put your energy into that.  Be the instrument of change, and begin today.  NOW.

Our way of life and our Planet is at stake.  Eight More Years of McSame and we are doomed.

Beginning today, we can make sure the next eight years are full of positive World Changing Events.  WE.  US.  


Let me know your thoughts, be they positive or “geez, that sucked, brobin.”  

We have to begin somewhere.  I cannot accept the idea that we are kicking our own asses into eight more years of Neo-Con hell.

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  1. but also not for Obama’s globalization grease, been shafted enough by that.  2006 proved that it was just a waste.

    Oh and why isn’t the left drilling the neo-cons on the plan to sell out America to the North American Union.  It is just the right thing to squash the false flag waving patriot act bullshit.

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