Why I’m NOT Endorsing a Candidate for President

I think we can all agree that any nominee of the Democratic Party is going to be more receptive to progressive initiatives, make better appointments and nominations, and run the Executive Branch more competently than any Republican.

What I am far more concerned about is-

  • The Continuing Occupation of Iraq
  • The Erosion of our Constitutional Liberties
  • The Congenital Criminal Corruption in D.C.

The solution to these concerns is not in the White House, but at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue- in the halls of Congress.

Through both Republican and Democratic administrations over the last 30 years the level of incestuous self absorption by the Beltway Bozo Pandering Pundit Political Media Elite, the Fatheaded Sissies and Whiny Bloviators, the Arrogant Asskissing Acceptors of Access, the So-Called “Serious People” with their Mindless Masturbatory Illusions of Self Importance and Constant Cacophony of Condescending Calumny and Lies has increased to levels not seen since the Gilded Age.

Like gilding their Inflated Pompous Balloon Egos are micrometers thick.  They need a good prick, and I am one.

I think we need to be devoting our time and energy to producing a dominant Democratic majority in Congress and within that a Powerful Progressive Caucus.

Anything else is not going to produce the results we want.  Primary, primary, primary.  Punish the Media with your eyeballs, emails, and money.  Not a dime to the Corporate Enablers, sit on your ass and vote with your wallet.

Or indulge yourself in the amorphous meanderings of your particular cult of personality, whatever.

Wishing for a strong man (or woman) on a white horse is delusional dreaming.  Working with others to produce a profound change in direction is quite something else and one or two elections and lucky breaks won’t do anything but delay the damage and I’m so very tired of being the little Dutch boy with my fingers in the dike.


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    • Twank on October 31, 2007 at 13:10

    “the Beltway Bozo Pandering Pundit Political Media Elite, the Fatheaded Sissies and Whiny Bloviators, the Arrogant Asskissing Acceptors of Access, the So-Called “Serious People” with their Mindless Masturbatory Illusions of Self Importance and Constant Cacophony of Condescending Calumny and Lies”

    Oh man, I could wake up with a smile to this every day.

    Thank You!

  1. Well done ek.

    You have it exactly right.

    I assume you posted this at l’orange as well. Will need to check out the replies.

    Cheers, and Happy Halloween.

    • Turkana on October 31, 2007 at 13:45

    i don’t see much of a difference between the major candidates. assuming gore doesn’t run, i’m just not going to be able to work up a strong emotional attachment, during the primaries. i do want the dems to have the white house, and much larger congressional majorities, and then we’ll really see, once and for all, what they are made of.

  2. Candidate cranking just leaves me numb. I am sure it is done in all sincerity, but I can really only afford to belong to a select few cults, and I agree focusing on one individual or a particular personality, just shifts focus away from the multitude of issues we all wish to agitate and formulate about. Thanks for saying what I have been trying to articulate in my own muddy mind.

  3. Thank you, ek (and btw, where’s the vent hole?).

    Well said.  Completely agree, especially about supporting and growing the Progressive Caucus.

    • Edger on October 31, 2007 at 16:59

    We HAVE …a dominant Democratic majority in Congress and within that a Powerful Progressive Caucus

    Dominant enough now and powerful enough now, to end the corruption, end the Iraq occupation, and reverse the erosion of Constitutional Liberties.

    And they are not doing it. They are not using the power they have NOW to do those things.

    Why would they do those things with a larger majority in Congress, if they will not do them now?

    I think the only thing that will move them is Primary, primary, primary.  Not punish, but MOTIVATE the Democratic Leadership and Democratic Congressional and Presidential candidates with your eyeballs, emails, and money.  Not a dime or a vote until they have done those things, sit on your ass, vote with your wallet… and Never Give An Inch.

    I think we need to be devoting our time and energy to producing a dominant Democratic majority in Congress that IS a Powerful Progressive Caucus.

    A dominant Democratic majority in Congress that is rewarded by being given that majority BECAUSE they do those things first. BECAUSE they deliver. Not because they promise to deliver.

    Stay on their backs until they deliver. Remind them every day that they have your vote and your money. IF they deliver.

    THEN reward them.

    The corporate money will follow the market…. it always does. It’s an illusion that the voters are powerless.

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