Tag: American imperialism

The Pledge of Allegiance: The Real Indoctrination

The unhinged dregs of American society that are the Birthers, Birchers, Deathers, Jesus Juicers and assorted other rabid dogs of the far right have had their star spangled panties in a wad over the dreaded brown-skinned devil’s ‘indoctrination’ speech to the nation’s school children. Now it is lost on these increasingly strident and violent morons that there is absolutely nothing either Communist or Socialist in Obama’s bailing out of the Wall Street casinos with tax dollars, the escalation of an increasingly bloody and futile quagmire in Afghanistan and the coming selling down the river of the nation’s uninsured for the benefit of the insurance industry parasites so why even bother with the REAL indoctrination going on in classrooms. The Pledge of Allegiance.

Constitutional Change in Latin America vs. American Imperialist Propaganda

Latin America’s Document-Driven Revolutions” is an interesting article at the Washington Post – interesting because of the subject and because of how ripe it is with pro-American imperialism propaganda with no sense of irony.

From the introductory paragraph:

Once a product of armed rebellion, the revolution in Latin America today is taking place on paper in the form of new constitutions, a mostly peaceful process influenced by the work of European legal scholars who have played a behind-the-scenes role in drafting the populist documents.

The U.S. has long meddled in Latin America and has backed those violent means of change. While Europeans have opted to contribute to a more peaceful path. Of course, Europe has a violent history in Latin America too… it goes back a bit father than the Monroe Doctrine.

What was done?