Tag: fighting back
Jun 24 2008
Fighting Back and Taking That Last Look!
They want to set the world on fire
We are in danger
There is time only to work slowly
There is no time not to love.
—Deena Metzger
I believe that perhaps the only possible effective action to take in order to halt the gears and levers of this lemming-like perpetual motion machine of destruction is — to do nothing. That’s right, nothing. So long as we continue to participate, to go along with doing what we are doing within the system, to continue to prop up the system by going along, we are doomed to go on repeating it over and over.
Perhaps there was a time earlier when, if we had been true to the cautionary words of the Founding Fathers that the “Price of Freedom Is Eternal Vigilance,” we could have held on to this democratic republic. But that is not possible now. I do believe it is too late, imho. It’s fine to continue working politically, but, and this is a big but, we must do more.
If we attempt to work through the system, through “what has become of” “democratic” electoral politics, we will continue to be defeated, again and again. Just like the 2006 elections, we anti-in our hopes, only to be disappointed, to find we have been suckered again.
And, obviously, we can’t go for open revolt. We’ll be mowed down so thoroughly and so quickly that it is not an option.
So the only thing I can see to do is to refuse to comply, refuse to go along.
A group, vote strike is calling for a massive General Strike to start on September 11, 2008, with smaller strikes earlier and a financial strike (buying only necessities) going on from whatever day you join (now) ongoing to and through September 11.
Mar 14 2008
“All Roads Lead to Rove.” – Siegelman
All roads lead to Rove. That was the message scrawled as an afterthought in the lower left-hand corner of the envelope I received in yesterday’s mail. It contained a letter from an old and dear friend of mine. His name is Don Siegelman. He is the former governor of Alabama and he is being held as a political prisoner of the Bush administration in a Federal prison in Louisiana.
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