Tag: BlogAds

Docudharma Reader Survey

For a few months we have been a member of BlogAds – one of over 1500 participating blogs.  BlogAds has subdivided the blogs into “hives” to allow advertisers to more easily target particular audiences. You need to get permission from the hive owner to join.  Docudharma was recently accepted in the Liberal Blog Ads Network (LBAN) hive. This is the same network that Daily Kos and a lot of the big name political bloggers belong to (see below). There are currently 156 members, so there are a lot of lesser known blogs on it too… like us.   Being in the LBAN helps distinguish us amongst the umpteen other categories, such as Parenting, Sports, Science, Religion, Gay, Gossip, Music and Other blogs.

One of the criteria to join LBAN is that you have to take part in the Blog Reader Survey.   This will help us to be more successful at drawing advertisers based on our demographics, so please do your dharmic duty and….  

Take the Blog Reader Survey