Tag: exmearden

exmearden archives

In Memoriam: Kris Froland 1958 – 2010

exmearden (Kris Froland) was one of the original editors here (uid #15).  A standout in an impressive group of writers buhdy invited to be part of Docudharma.  So I decided to compile all of the essays she wrote here to preserve and distribute her work to friends, family and the blog community.    It’s truly a blast from the past to revisit these posts.

Here is a link to all of the essays exmearden posted on our blog – comments included:  

Collected works of exmearden

This will take you to Google Docs where you can download a PDF (6 MB) version to your computer. Look for the File menu and then select “Download Original”.  Or read it there but it looks much better in Adobe.  

A little conversation with the dead



Hey, exmearden,

I always meant to comment to you,

but never got around to it,

least not in a long time.

And now you are dead

and, I’m assuming,

without wifi or such.

Still don’t quite know what

I’d say to you if I had

took the time to make that comment

Just the intention, I guess,

to say hey, to connect briefly

for no reason at all





except that






Maybe it was your vibration

I would wander past,

like wheat waving in the field

That sound, you know,

that vibration, I sort of

thought of you like that

Like the sound of wheat

waving in the wind,

receptive like that

Yeah, it was a vibration

even if it wasn’t

really much to do with wheat.


I raise a cup to you,

and drinks it all down.