Tag: 111th Congress

111th Congress put policy before politics

And the 110th and 111th put Veterans and Military personal and their families above War, catching up to What Wasn’t Done, and moving further even for us older vets, just previous in the 108th and 109th as they waged Wars of Choice {Afghanistan stopped being about 9/11 as soon as the drums beat at Iraq} and terror on others, creating more hatreds thus enemies towards us {including others around this planet not even in those regions}, not what we are or what we stand for, or did once!! And none of the previous decade has anything to do with any religious ideology, never did and never will!!

Banner Year on Veterans Legislation

This type of reporting, especially on the popular blog sites of this new technology, should be what more of the posts are about, especially leading into an Election cycle. As to Congress, and especially the Veterans Administration but also all others, these types of advances, and much of what has been done since the 110th Congress, who have been finally holding hearings and over site into what wasn’t done during the 108th and 109th Congress, as War was waged, will come to a screeching halt if republicans are once again given the reigns to do more damage, or actually nothing at all!

WOW: “The True Cost of the War”

The above, without the ‘wow’, was the title of a Congressional Hearing in the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: 30 September 2010.

In this hearing, opening statements to the give and take talk back and forth from the Representatives to the Participants, it lays out Very Clearly how this Country has Failed it’s Veterans not only as to these two present occupations but the long term as we older vets already know, from Korea and Vietnam forward. There was a Support the Veterans since after WWII and all the positives that brought us, even then they got caught up in the lack of funding and obstruction to veterans issues as to care and much more.