Tag: Grit TV

A Reminder: Everybody Cheats – The New Ethic

Laura Flanders interviewed Chris Hedges on Grit TV in July 2009:

Malalai Joya: “A Woman Among Warlords”

The Extraordinary Story of an Afghan Who Dared to Raise Her Voice!

On October 27th a forum was held at the CUNY’s Center for Place, Culture and Politics. After the forum Grit TV’s Laura Flanders held a discussion with some of the women at the forum and with Malalai Joya who wrote “A Woman Among Warlords: The Extraordinary Story of an Afghan Woman Who Dared to Speak Out”

Kerry on Afghanistan

I’ll start this out with a short clip of a speech Senator, and brother ‘Nam Veteran, Kerry gave on his return from a fact finding and diplomacy trip to Afghanistan. In this clip, in just a couple of sentences, he lays out the reality as to what one leading ‘chickenhawk’, and to many war criminal, has been blathering lately. Though Kerry doesn’t mention it also speaks as to what that chief ‘chickenhawk’s’ spokesperson, his daughter, fast becoming the leading ‘chickenhawkette’, has also been spreading around, allowed to and rarely, if ever, challenged.