Tag: Dark Side of the Moon

The Final Frontier

Kansas City Tea Party 2009 Pictures, Images and PhotosThe lunatics are on the grass,

The lunatics are on the grass,

Limbaugh and Beck keep stoking their demented wrath,

Got to keep the loonies on the path.

The lunatics are in the hall,

The lunatics are in the hall,

The Batshit Insane Brigade howls hatred from the floor,

And every day, Hannity sends more.

Rightwing talk radio thugs, RePugs in Washington, and their lunatic base think they’re back on the path to power, but the path they’re taking is a path to nowhere, it’s the path to electoral suicide, it’s the path to political oblivion.  

The raving lunatics who comprise the Repug base are bound and determined to make obnoxious asses of themselves the entire month of August.  

So be it.