Long Past Time: Where Do The DoD Budget Monies Go?

Every year our Department of Defense budget grows to ever Huge Proportions and we’re givin the simpleminded reason that we’re getting our National Security Protection, and we simply except, no questions asked, don’t even get upset when corruption within is brought out, or outrageous costs for items we could purchase offshelf cheaper in a handware store.

Many have seen this YouTube Video of the barracks conditions for returning soldiers at Fort Bragg, or at least heard about it, which has brought about this,

The Army identified eight installations Friday that will get priority attention: Fort Lewis; Fort Polk, La.; Fort Gordon, Ga.; Fort Bragg, N.C.; Fort Stewart, Ga.; the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in New York; Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland; and Tripler Army Medical Center in Hawaii.

One of those,

Fort Polk will receive $166 million for repairs to its barracks, which Sen. Mary Landreiu, a Louisiana Democrat, has called “80 percent unlivable.”

“Similar to the situation at Fort Bragg, the barracks are decades old,” said Stephanie Allen, a spokeswoman for Landreiu. “They’re rampant with mold and unfit for anyone to live in, much less our soldiers who are giving up their lives to serve their country.”

The living conditions, and apparently extreme ignoring of upfits to existing buildings, that soldiers are expected to live in and do, aren’t a part of these bloated DoD budget requests that seem to alway pass, they also aren’t important to the Country, who don’t question where exactly the bloated budget monies go.

We also hear nothing of upset from the Military Contractors on the end of the bloated budgets, nor their Wall Street Investors, as their profit margins and returns grow. The investors seem quite happy with the No-Bid Contracts of the Haliburtan’s as those bottom lines grow with each contract just given to them, and they seem to love our very own, now very wealthy, Mercenary Private Army, as they bank our hard working money with tax breaks on theirs.

Than one reads this,

At Martin Army, one of the nation’s oldest Army hospitals, at least once a month corroding and antiquated pipes force the facility to shut down the entire plumbing system. If the water is out for longer than a day, patients are forced to bathe in portable showers.

The roof needs replacing. The electrical system is at capacity, making it difficult to add additional circuits, hospital officials said. The heating and cooling systems are so old that temperatures cannot be adjusted in individual rooms.

“With the influx of BRAC, we really need a new hospital,” said Terry Beckwith, a hospital spokeswoman.

Controversial Iraq war spending bill includes funds to update Fort Benning hospital

Someone needs to explain the Why is this Included in the Supplemental Iraq/Afganistan War Funding Bill, why hasn’t it already been takin care of, Long Ago, that will be partly answered in a moment.

“The quality of patient care remains high, but we want to make sure we don’t have a Walter Reed situation,” said U.S. Rep. Sanford Bishop, D-Ga

We should never have had a Walter Reed Situation!

When the Republican controlled Washington were beating the drums of War and Occupations louder and louder, they should have seen this all coming, we’ve been through it before, and we supposedly have a professional military now, which means Everything should be under a Professional Atmosphere, the Best, Top Notch, not Second Place!

Those who “Your either with us or against us!” in the against, were considered unpatriotic, unamerican, enemy sympathizers {forget the fact of creating huge numbers of new ‘enemies’ by our actions}, yet many of us saw all of this coming.

Though the Army has long identified Martin Army as a high priority, the Iraq war has forced funding to be redirected, Bishop said.

Got that Redirected, mostly to corruption within the puppet governments we once again setup in our occupations, to the no-bid contractors, and to our very own private mercenary army!

“In recent years, the services have identified billions of dollars in recapitalization requirements for which current budgetary allotments are insufficient, but which desperately need funding due to the condition of the facilities,” said Rep. Chet Edwards, D-Texas, chairman of the appropriations subcommittee on military construction and veterans affairs. “The funding problems will be exacerbated in the immediate future as installations like Fort Benning add thousands of personnel, dependent families, and departments due to BRAC, and as more wounded soldiers return from service in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

In ‘recent years’?, these should have been on going expected expenses, and the American People should be expected to pay, not bury their collective heads in the sand and cheer on Destructive Wars/Occupations of Choice, with their cheap yellow magnetic ribbons and their lapel flag pins which are symbols with no meaning behind them!

Occasionally we get representation, at least from the start, that looks promising in a Nation where only a tiny segment of it’s society sacrifices, those serving and their families, Local rookie goes to bat for veterans, that rookie is Arizona Rep. Harry Mitchell, a grandfather in his 60s.

“I feel blessed to have been given the job that I landed in Congress,” he told me last week.

And what is that job,

As a first-term member, Mitchell was named chairman of House Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee. It’s a long title for doing exactly what?

“Trying to take care of our vets,” he said.

This at a time when we are finding out, once again, just what wasn’t done by the previous republican controlled congress and it’s members and their staffs, as they continuely blocked the minority from holding the nessessary hearings and oversite, and now that they are in the minority play obstructionist.

The first-term congressman also has been among those who have worked to improve military hospitals since news broke of the awful conditions in some of them.

“The war doesn’t end for a lot of these folks once they get home,” he said. “Some concerns go on for years and years.”

Maybe at age 60 he remembers,

“Solving these problems isn’t easy,” Mitchell said. “But we can’t wait. That’s one lesson we learned from Vietnam. At least I hope we’ve learned it.”

We didn’t learn that lesson nor the many other lessons of ‘Nam, we’re repeating them all and making new extreme failed policies that will haught this Nation for decades to come!

Mr Mitchell, as a rookie, is also a primary sponsor of what he calls a “21st-century GI Bill.”.

Another of what shouldn’t be needed but the Country should have been upgrading right along, for those who give service to it, the G.I. Bill, the benefits of a ‘Thank You’ for your Service!

Why hasn’t it been, I’ll give you a hint from the article,

The bill passed in the House but it included a surtax on individual incomes exceeding $500,000 to pay for the cost. Mitchell and others want that removed in order to improve the chances of approval.

A country and it’s citizens that want everything but don’t want to pay, nor give their time or lives for, especially those who gain Wealth from the hard work of the rest!

Oh and on the recent VA E-Mail and the seeming want to play Political Putdowns, it has brought about, because a certain Senator, running for President, saw the wrong in it and called for Senate Committee Investigations:

May 16, 2008, Washington, DC – Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI), Chairman of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, sent a letter to Veterans Affairs Secretary James Peake today, in response to a recently disclosed email from a VA mental health professional which suggested that time and money could be saved if VA stopped diagnosing veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. Akaka also made a statement on this matter earlier today, calling the email “disturbing and disappointing.”

You can add Mr. Akaka’s name to your political putdowns, though he isn’t running for president. Never mind asking the one Question that should have been asked: “Why didn’t Senator, and ‘Nam Veteran, John McCain come out right after this hit the wires and question it’s meaning and do the requesting for a further in-depth Senate Investigation?”!  

Republican VP Contenders – Get to know the Enemy – Part 1

I thought it might be fun and informative to get to know the people behind the names being floated about in the media regarding John McCain’s possible running mates in this year’s Presidential Election.

We know how that guy from Taco Bell became the running mate of George W. Bush.  Old Fourthmeal himself chose himself out of all the Neo-Cons on the planet, and….      

What?  It’s not Fourthmeal?  It’s fourth BRANCH??!? But, I thought it was all those refried beans from Taco Bell that made this administration so full of….What?  OK, OK!

We know how that guy from Halliburton became the running mate of George W. Bush.  Old FourthBRANCH (I hope you’re happy now) himself chose himself out of all the Neo-Cons on the planet, and became the VP from Transylvania.

While I don’t give John McCain high rankings on being the brighest bulb in the string of Christmas Lights, I still don’t think he is dumb enough to ask Vlad Cheney to assist this time.

Therefore, WE will assist Mr. McCain in his quest to find just the perfect combination of “right-wing-crazy” and “young enough to be his grandchild” Candidate for VP!

Come along and give me a hand with this one.

Well, now that Senator McCain has nailed down the presumptive Republican Nomination for President of the Unites States of America, we need to consider whom he might be vetting for the position of Vice President of said States of America.

Here in Part 1, we are going to discuss who those “candidates” might be, and give a little insight into why McCain might want to hook up with them on the Republican ticket.

Let’s get started.

The Criterion

o  The “candidate” should be, as Elmer Fudd would say, “Vewy, vewy Konservative.”  The Maverickā„¢ is known as a centrist in the Neo-Con world and will need someone even more interested in Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Bombing Iran than even he himself is.  This is a must!

o  The “candidate” should be YOUNG.  Considering his likely opponent, Barack Obama is hypothetically young enough to be his Grandchild, McSame will need the youth factor to weigh in here.

o  The “candidate” should be an outsider.  Another Washington inside-the-beltway fixture would not work well for many reasons.  One of which is that McCain has been a Washington Insider for half of forever, even though he attempts to portray himself as an outsider.

The “Candidates”

Condi Rice – For me, this one is too much of an Washington insider and also has done a particularly terrible job of being head of the State Department.  (But, I’m not a Republican, so I could be wrong).  

Joe Lieberman – Too old, too Liberal (HA!) too much from a State that Republicans won’t win anyway and looks too much like Deputy Dog for most Republicans.

Tom Coburn – The Senator from Oklahoma is a super Konservative!  Still, how many electoral votes does Oklahoma have?  Not to mention, Texans and Oklahomans don’t get along very well, due to Texans always telling people that Oklahoma is just a suburb of Texas anyway.  Republicans need to carry Texas if they want to win.

John Thune – A Republican HERO for his ability to finally take out then Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle in the 2004 South Dakota election.  Quite konservative.  Hmmmmm…..  South Dakota isn’t exactly an electoral vote panacea either, but did I mention that Senator Thune is a HERO for his ability to finally take out then Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle in the 2004 South Dakota election.?

Marsha Palin – This Tennessee Republican is much younger than McCain, much more attractive than McCain and quite a bit more female than McCain, which could attract the womens vote.  She also backed Mittens Romney originally, so that could be a problem for the HotHeaded One.

Tim Pawlenty – Minnesota’s Governor certainly is no Washington insider, and he has been quite the hard liner on immigration, an issue that Republicans don’t quite trust McSame on.  

Kay Bailey Hutchinson – Not particularly young, but certainly not old and has good name recognition.  Konservative voting record is pretty depressing (from my point of view).  Republican like her voting record.

Jim DeMint – Extremely far right ideology, Iraq war top cheerleader, want’s to round up all illegal’s and deport them and is from the South.  

Dishonorable Mention

Mitt Romney

Rudy Giuliani

Mike Huckabee

Tom Ridge

Charlie Crist (Gov. FL)

Colin Powell

Mark Sanford (Gov. SC)

Duncan Hunter (Rep. CA)

So, there you have it.  My list of “candidates” for John McCain’s inspection, and your inspection as well.

Let’s have some fun with this.  In the comments, please help me with your quick bio of any of the above mentioned “candidates” or “dishonorable mentions” or even any persons you feel I may have overlooked.

Remember Dick Cheney, and during your hunt for this candidate, don’t shoot until you see the whites of their eyes!  

x-posted at eenrblog

US Cmdr in Iraq: Human Rights Law Doesn’t Apply

( – promoted by buhdydharma )

I’m in kind of a cranky mood. I don’t have much to say about this article, and I’m sure many of you have already read it: Iraqi court rulings stop at U.S. detention sites.

BushCo are masters at trying to legitimize illegality. It is their terrifying, unjust, enraging M.O. We see it at home, and abroad, in the conduct of this so-called GWOT. It is S.O.P.

They create legal limbo for all kinds of our fellow human beings, most innocent of any crime. GITMO is a terrible, shocking example of being in and out of the law.

The article linked above is no surprise then, but still outraging. The Kafkaesque twists and turns detailed in the article offend the sense of justice and reason. The U.S. has helped create a system of justice that it then only adheres to partially, practicing a take what you want and leave the rest approach–“justice” a la carte, I suppose, as if that were justice and the rule of law at all.

And now comes the “problem” of amnesty, which is seen by Iraqis as a crucial step in moving forward to political reconciliation, an amnesty which the U.S. has pushed for:

These dual realities – freedom granted by Iraqi courts but continued detention by the Americans – have been faced by about 3,000 Iraqis since 2003 and stand as a sharp contrast between U.S. policies on the battlefield and Washington’s appeals for Iraqis to build credible civic institutions.

The differences could grow even more pronounced as Iraqi authorities move ahead with an amnesty program that was strongly supported by the White House as a step to reconcile Iraq’s rival factions.

The amnesty rulings could offer an early exit for many of the 27,000 prisoners in Iraqi hands. They also could wipe the slate for hundreds of the roughly 22,000 detainees held by the U.S. military – which then must decide whether to abide by the decisions or ignore a formula that Washington applauded.

(My emphases.)

Well, Maj. Gen. Doug Stone, commander of detainee operations in Iraq assures us that everything’s cool and legal:

[The U.S. Military] insists, however, that the detention system is authorized by a U.N. resolution under which the Iraqi government allows U.S. troops to detain people at will. U.S. military attorneys also say it complies with international laws covering warfare and was created in “the spirit” of the Geneva Conventions.

In the spirit of the Geneva Conventions? The spirit cannot be honored if the letter is contravened. Do these criminals even know what the Geneva Conventions are?

Apparently not, as Maj. Commander Stone discourses on war and law:

But Stone and his staff insist they are operating under the laws of war, which supplant standard human rights law.

“The conditions on the ground require us to temporarily derogate from certain rights in order to ultimately lay the groundwork for civil society and the implementation of human rights law,”
Stone said.

My emphasis, of course.

What is there to say? These people think that human rights law is contingent, that the basic respect for human dignity is not the first plank of all law and justice.

We will not be silent about these outrages.

END THE OCCUPATION. Keep calling your congresscritters. The end of the occupation is not enough. BushCo must be held accountable. The next president must investigate these crimes.

When the student is ready…

As we all know, this Buddhist saying ends with “the master (or teacher) appears.” I am not a Buddhist, nor do I play one on the blogs, but this saying has grounded me for years. I think I’d substitute “learning” for “master” in the quote though, so it would read “When the student is ready, the learning appears.”

(My Helper by Bill Rabbit)

Here’s how Jean-Claude Gerard Koven describes it:

It is said that when the student is ready, the master appears. This adage is usually associated with going to India to sit at the feet of some swami-ji who speaks in parables. And certainly, I’ve met countless disciples who waft through life inhaling the intoxicating wisdom of their manifested master. I’ve always been left wondering when I would find my one great sage.

Looking back over my wanderings through the metaphysical maze, however, I see that innumerable teachers have guided my journey. Unfortunately, I was so married to a certain model of what a master was that I failed to recognize mine along the way. The fact is we all have gurus; it’s just that most of them aren’t obvious. They don’t have Sanskrit names, speak with a subcontinental lilt, or wear flowing robes. They appear ordinary in every way, yet turn out to be great teachers.

Yes, the teachers and learnings can come in the unlikeliest of forms, and that’s why the first part of the saying is what is critical. If we’re so busy looking for our guru, we miss getting “ready.” So, what does it mean to be ready? That’s probably a bigger question than I am capable of answering, but I can look at my own life and try to pull bits and pieces of the puzzle together, at least for what it has meant to me.

The three words that come to mind when I think about this are curiosity, dissonance and trust. Those might sound like a strange combination, so I’ll explain what they’ve meant to me.

I think curiosity is the most obvious in laying the groundwork for being ready. If we feel we already know the answer, no learning can take place. What we need is not just an open mind, but one that has a drive to challenge the status quo, dig deeper and ask the hard questions. Complacency and certainty that we have the answers are often the biggest barriers to any kind of learning.

Perhaps dissonance is the pre-cursor to curiosity. Unless something doesn’t jive or is not working, we tend to not notice. I know that when I began to challenge what I had been taught as a child, it was because that teaching didn’t “square” with what I was experiencing in the world. It was uncomfortable and so I started asking questions. Many people fear that feeling and try to deny or avoid it. Others look for a guru to make it all go away. What I’ve learned to do is to try and just rest in it,  knowing that a teacher or a learning is about to appear.

Sometimes that takes awhile and I get impatient. I want the “answers” to that feeling of dissonance to be handed to me all nicely packaged and ready to rescue me from the discomfort. And that’s where trust comes in.  Ultimately its not trust in a guru (although most of my learnings have come when I listen to very wise people). It is trust in me and my ability to meld my intellect and instincts together to find what it is I need to learn or to see the new path that I need to take.

We are experiencing a time of great dissonance in our country these days. I know you join me in often feeling overwhelmed with the fact that we can’t always see clear answers on how to fix things. But what grounds me is the assurance that if we have the courage to ask ourselves the tough questions, embrace the dissonance, and trust our instincts…the teacher (or learning) is appearing.

“…which I suppose would include myself.”

( – promoted by buhdydharma )

Alright, I’m sure you’ve seen some version of the below video where Chris Matthews asks sausage-brain to explain what appeasement means and protruding-forehead does his best imitation of Lenny from Mice and Men, “The rabbits, George. I want to pet the rabbits.”

But I’d like you to skip past “screaming-dude-who’s-greatest-college-experience-included-a-beer-bong-and-a-copy-of-Juggs” (I know its hard) in favor of a later moment… starting at 4:07 and going to the end… where Chris Matthews bemoans the denotative meaning of phrases like “appeaser” and “cut-and-run” and “WMD” and “patriotism”.

The quote from Matthews:

The whole mindset of the last several years… since 2000… has been to shut up critics. If you don’t like a war policy you get branded with a name. You’re unpatriotic. You’re a cut-and-runner. You’re an appeaser. You can’t argue politics in America. You can’t question power, because if you question it you’re going tobet drummed out of acceptable society. You’re going to called an appeaser. These magic words are used for one purpose… to shut you up… so they can continue with a policy.”

And then later:

Arguing over policy… arguing over our place in the world shouldn’t be seen as unpatriotic. In most cases it should be the essence of patriotism… We didn’t have (a real debate) when we went to war in Iraq. To some its the media’s fault. To some its just that people are intimidated to challenge this President.

And if you keep going:

The shutting up of opposition is critical to running a country in an undemocratic way. Let’s put it that way.

See, I watch the above and suddenly I’m that cartoon character who does a triple-take… eyes and lips in several places at once due to my face moving so fast… because while I applaud every word Chris Matthews is saying, please, correct me… HE IS NOT A NEW PUNDI, IS HE?

Hardball was on the air in 2001 and 2002 and 2003 and 2004 and 2005 and 2006 and 2007 and earlier this year and during that Mr. Matthews sat across the desk from an endless picnic-line of pundits who did JUST EXACTLY WHAT HE IS NOW DECRYING.

And Chris Matthews… said exactly FUCK-ALL-OF-NOTHING.

At one point in the above video, Matthews shakes his head and explains how he “hates” the phrase “WMD” because it links a myriad of different weapons under one banner of fear.

But you wanna bet I could go through the transcripts in early 2002 and find Andrea Mitchell or Judith Miller or Christopher Hitchens or any number of a thousand people spouting about those very same WMD while Chris Mathews does little more than nod and look concerned?

I suppose the new rule-of-thumb should be that if you’re standing in the line of political thought and you find yourself BEHIND Chris Matthews… you can be pretty sure there will be no concert tickets left.

Look, I’m not a grudge holder and I’m tempted to say nothing and enjoy the conversion of the talking heads who see the crumble and decay of the Republican Party agenda and scramble to be on the side of “right”, but a vindictive part of me can’t do so without wanting to pound my fists on the table and scream.

To some its the media’s fault.

YOU, you huge-headed-prattling-cheedar-face, ARE the media and the missing words you are looking for are, “…which I suppose would include myself”.

To some its the media’s fault… which I suppose would include myself.

At that point… I suppose we’re all good.

Pony Party: Sunday music retrospective

Country Joe and the Fish II

Who am I?

There have recently been some Fish songs added to youtube.  Enjoy.


Flying High

Section 43

Open mic below…

Docudharma Times Sunday May 18

It’s All About The Maps

From The Flat Earth Society

Sunday’s Headlines:  Drilling for Defeat?    Obesity Threatens a Generation    China’s agony as quake parents cling to hope   Karma chameleon: He charms the West, but can the Dalai Lama save Tibet?   Sistine set-up: the 500-year-old art mystery    Jailed tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky ‘framed’ by key Putin aide     Hezbollah’s actions ignite sectarian fuse in Lebanon    Fledgling Rebellion on Facebook Is Struck Down by Force in Egypt    Aid vessel hijacked off Somalia    ANC votes to rename streets after party activists     Resentment grows in Paraguay over hydroelectric dam

Burmese children ‘facing death’

Thousands of children in cyclone-hit Burma will starve to death within weeks unless food reaches them soon, UK charity Save the Children has warned.

The charity said 30,000 under-fives in the Irrawaddy Delta were malnourished before Cyclone Nargis hit on 2 May.

It says energy-rich food now needs to reach them “before it is too late”.

The warning comes as a UN envoy is due in Burma to join international efforts to try to persuade the ruling junta to grant more access to relief workers.

Humanitarian envoy John Holmes will carry a letter from UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to Burma’s leader, Than Shwe, who has refused to answer Mr Ban’s calls.


Drilling for Defeat?

Nearly two decades ago, Republicans won the West by linking Democrats to environmentalists, who supposedly cared more for the spotted owl and other favored species than they did for the jobs of loggers or miners. But now, as a boom in natural-gas drilling reshapes the region, Western Democrats have found success recasting environmentalism as a defense of threatened water supplies, fishing spots and hunting grounds. As a result, the party may hold the advantage this fall in the region’s key Congressional races. The simultaneous rise of Western energy production and the Western Democrat is no coincidence.

The Rocky Mountain drilling boom has been aided by the 2005 Energy Policy Act, which was once considered a partisan political masterstroke.

YOUNG LIVES AT RISK Our Overweight Children

Obesity Threatens a Generation

‘Catastrophe’ of Shorter Spans, Higher Health Costs

An epidemic of obesity is compromising the lives of millions of American children, with burgeoning problems that reveal how much more vulnerable young bodies are to the toxic effects of fat.

In ways only beginning to be understood, being overweight at a young age appears to be far more destructive to well-being than adding excess pounds later in life. Virtually every major organ is at risk. The greater damage is probably irreversible.

Doctors are seeing confirmation of this daily: boys and girls in elementary school suffering from high blood pressure, high cholesterol and painful joint conditions; a soaring incidence of type 2 diabetes, once a rarity in pediatricians’ offices; even a spike in child gallstones, also once a singularly adult affliction. Minority youth are most severely affected, because so many are pushing the scales into the most dangerous territory.


China’s agony as quake parents cling to hope

As the number of confirmed deaths rose to nearly 30,000 amid a powerful aftershock yesterday, with another 20,000 feared dead, Tania Branigan reports from Mianyang on how the regime is handling its worst crisis

The motorcade swept down the mountain from the stricken town of Beichuan. Behind a darkened window was China’s President, speeding past the flattened houses, rock falls and waiting survivors.

Later that day state television’s wall-to-wall earthquake coverage would show Hu Jintao reassuring the injured and spurring rescuers on to greater efforts.But those who sat at the roadside in the baking Sichuan heat barely registered the startling presence of their leader on this devastated soil.

Nor did they register the unprecedented show of emotion from cabinet spokesman Guo Weimin, who had to stop to compose himself as he read from an updated casualty report which put the death toll so far at 28,881.

Karma chameleon: He charms the West, but can the Dalai Lama save Tibet?

Celebrities will be queueing up to meet the Dalai Lama when he visits Britain this week. But what is it about this self-proclaimed ‘simple monk’ that makes him such a star magnet? And will all that glad-handing actually help him save Tibet?

They took two knucklebones from a yak and put them at the temples of a man called Lungshar. They were bound in place with a tourniquet, which was tightened until his eyeballs popped out. That was the theory, at any rate. But this was the ancient Tibetan punishment of blinding and it had been outlawed by the 13th Dalai Lama, so no one was quite sure how to do it. The executioners proceeded on oral accounts handed down from those who had seen the penalty exacted in a previous age. They didn’t get it quite right and one of the eyes had to be gouged out with a knife before the sockets were cauterised with boiling oil.


Sistine set-up: the 500-year-old art mystery

Jealous rivals plotted in vain to humiliate Michelangelo. Alistair Fraser uncovers a 500-year-old art world mystery

Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel has inspired and enthralled millions but none who has craned in admiration of the “divinely inspired” work realises it was born out of base rivalry and petty jealousy.

Five centuries after the artist signed the contract to decorate the Pope’s personal chapel in the Vatican with scenes from the book of Genesis, the true story of how Michelangelo came to create one of his greatest works can be told.

The artist was awarded the commission unaware that he was the target of a conspiracy hatched by Donato Bramante, the architect of St Peter’s Basilica, and the painter Raphael, who persuaded Pope Julius II to oblige Michelangelo – a sculptor with little painting experience – to take on the commission. They believed that, faced with a work on such a vast scale, he was bound to fail and be humiliated.

Jailed tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky ‘framed’ by key Putin aide

THE former Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, now serving an eight year prison sentence, has accused one of prime minister Vladimir Putin’s most senior aides of plotting to have him arrested and stripping his oil company of billions.

Khodorkovsky, jailed on fraud and tax evasion charges, accused Igor Sechin, a former KGB officer who became deputy prime minister this month, of plundering his oil company “out of greed”.

Sechin, 48, a secretive figure, was formerly Putin’s deputy chief of staff and heads Rosneft, the state oil company which took over most of the assets once owned by Yukos, Khodorkovsky’s oil giant.

Middle East

Hezbollah’s actions ignite sectarian fuse in Lebanon

MENIEH, Lebanon: For two and a half days, Hussein al-Haj Obaid lay on the floor of a darkened warehouse in west Beirut, blindfolded and terrified. Militiamen loyal to Hezbollah had kidnapped him at a checkpoint after killing his nephew right in front of him.

Throughout those awful days, as his kidnappers kicked and punched him, applied electrical shocks to his genitals and insulted him with sectarian taunts, he could hear the chatter of gunfire and the crash of rocket-propelled grenades outside, where Hezbollah and its allies were taking control of the capital.

He returned to this northern village only after family members won his release just over a week ago by threatening the kidnappers with retaliation. By that time Obaid, a Sunni Muslim, had gained a whole new way of seeing his Shiite countrymen and his native land.

Fledgling Rebellion on Facebook Is Struck Down by Force in Egypt

CAIRO — At 1:49 a.m. in an Internet cafe only then quieting after Cairo’s daily rumble, 27-year-old Ahmed Maher worked at a computer. He wore the same shirt he had had on for two days. The essentials of his life on the run lay splayed out next to his keyboard — car keys, cigarettes, prepaid cellphone.

Maher pursed his lips, typing intently. His dream of a people’s uprising organized on Facebook was beginning to slip through his scrabbling fingers.


Aid vessel hijacked off Somalia

East African maritime officials say pirates have hijacked a Jordanian ship off the coast of Somalia.

The Victoria, sailing from India with 4,000 tonnes of sugar donated by Denmark on board, was seized early on Saturday as it neared Mogadishu.

It has a crew of 12 from Pakistan, India, Tanzania and Bangladesh.

The seas off Somalia have some of the highest rates of piracy in the world, with a dozen vessels attacked this year, and three in recent weeks.

Last month the United States and France proposed a UN resolution allowing countries to chase and arrest pirates in Somalia’s territorial waters.

ANC votes to rename streets after party activists

RW Johnson, Durban

DURBAN council, which provoked riots last year after it tried to rename its main streets after revolutionaries, faced an opposition walkout after it announced fresh plans to change the street names of some of the city’s all-white suburbs.

The ruling African National Congress (ANC) group, which had attempted to name the main road to the airport after the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, voted to strip away more than a century of colonial history in favour of ANC activists.

The city’s famous Marine Parade becomes O R Tambo Parade, after Oliver Reginald Tambo, the former president of the ANC.

The council decided that it should not rename Kensington Drive after Fidel Castro, the former Cuban leader; instead it becomes Adelaide Tambo Drive, after Tambo’s widow.

Latin America

Resentment grows in Paraguay over hydroelectric dam

The new president says a sweetheart deal yields power at cut-rate prices for Brazil, which responds that it’s part of the partnership treaty.

ITAIPU, PARAGUAY — In a region where nationalism often trumps cross-border cooperation, the engineering marvel known as Itaipu was a triumph of teamwork: Paraguay and its giant neighbor, Brazil, collaborated on a colossal project to reroute the mighty Parana River, dam its waters and create the world’s largest hydroelectric plant.

Thirty-five years after the two nations began the project, Itaipu is a vital source of cheap electricity and patriotic pride — especially in Paraguay, a landlocked nation better known abroad for contraband, corruption and crooked politics. The plant provides more than 90% of the country’s electricity and about 20% of Brazil’s.

But resentment toward Brazil has grown since the election last month of Fernando Lugo as Paraguay’s president. He accuses his nation’s huge neighbor of benefiting from a sweetheart deal that yields power at cut-rate prices. Brazilians in turn say they are being unfairly painted as profiteers, their early financial and technical contributions to the project ignored.

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