Thats what they used to call it. Amusing, I guess that was before “Stratego” or “Risk” was invented.

Hundred is a joke, too… we flux between 30 and 50 now, eliminating players as quickly as new ones pop up. Truth be told, it certainly is more like chess than either, I have to think as I sit here in the Caymans waiting for my meeting. And really, there are only ten at the top.
Its a decent, unobtrusive bar, and in my yuppie uniform of khaki shorts and a polo, I blend easily with” the little templars” as I like to call them, useful pawns of wealth and power more fleeting than they could possibly understand. Billionaires are a dime a dozen, and as expendable as the rest. At least the ones here are a level up from those American “The Family” guys; most of them are useful ideologues we let act unrestricted for a while… but Good Lord, they travel with entourages and such obvious, tacky excess the real players hate to even meet with them.
They absolutely cream themselves, preening and posturing when they come to our Palaces officially, and would walk by me right now, sit and boast loudly at this bar in their suits and gold, ignoring me, their very creator.
They wouldn’t even see my contact, with his print shirt and dark skin, they would just see two middle aged men, lessers, unworthy of notice.