The Fantastical Bolt Box Is Here

You can throw away your gas cans, your flashlights, your batteries, your power lines.  

The world is saved.  Hallelujah.

The fabled bolt box that can store lightning bolts in a thimble and make talk of intermittent energy as defunct as a flat earth has been patented.

Patent filing claims solar energy ‘breakthrough’…

In science-challenged U.S. only a patent application has been filed but elsewhere patents have issued.

Inventor Ronald Ace said that his flat-panel “Solar Traps,” which can be mounted on rooftops or used in electric power plants, will shatter decades-old scientific and technological barriers that have stymied efforts to make solar energy a cheap, clean and reliable alternative.

“This is a fundamental scientific and environmental discovery,” Ace said. “This invention can meet about 92 percent of the world’s energy needs.”

Not only is Ace – a truly accomplished inventor – an unparalleled genius but he is supremely modest as well.  It is obviously nonsensical to talk of a missing 8% when limitless energy is available to all.

John Darnell, a scientist and the former congressional aide who has monitored Ace’s dogged research for more than three years and has reviewed his complex calculations, has no doubts.

“Anybody who is skilled in the art and understands what he’s proposing is going to have this dumbfounding reaction: ‘Oh, well it’s obvious it’ll work,'” said Darnell, a biochemist with an extensive background in thermodynamics.

There you have an official imprimatur that is even superior to Papal bull.

Best,  Terry


  1. Pickens, the erstwhile King Kong of con artists, talked Nancy Pelosi into investing a bundle in his Clean Energy pushing what is possibly the dirtiest fuel on the planet.  

    Pelosi decreed natural gas is not a fossil fuel.  Is it then pixie air, Nancy?  

    Nancy Pelosi is hardly the only one fooled.  The scientists at DOE and elsewhere seem almost unanimous in joining the cult environmentalists anointing natural gas as clean.

    And that is a real gas.

    Best,  Terry

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