Ask Not What Your Country

Ask Not What Your Country can do for you, ask what your country can do TO you.

Live from the Apocalypse Ranch your favorite Knight of the Veils presents pre-Iran war ides of March signs of the times!

Pilots?  Nah, we don’t need no stinking pilots.…

Virginia votes to nullify NDAA.…

Wyoming doomsday bill.…

Utah urges repeal of NDAA.…

“Displaced” Citizens?…

Airport Scanners…

I, Lasthorseman testify to and affirm as fact the practice/mandatory/OHSA and about 26 Federal and state governmental agencies insist upon users authorized to operate radiation producing equipment shall wear radiation dosimiter badges collected and tested monthly to ensure the safety of all operators.

Mine looked like this.

Private contractor Stratfor

South Carolina checkpoints.


Silencing dissent…

Ok, just who is Roberts?…

You can just simply Google illegal everything for a whopping 236 million hits.  Surprised and disappointed as Jlo oscar 2012 returns a very depressing 143 million hits.  So much for awake and aware in 2012.

More on Judge Napolitano.


Call for a real news network when they take down the net.…

Vaccines can cause cancer in pets?  In a mainstream publication?…

Other thoughts.

How does one have a War on Drugs and yet be bombarded with ads emploring you to ask your doctor for.

Armies of fake social friends.  Yeah but I don’t have a Facebook page.  I couldn’t have a Facebook page as I would say things in/of/about the Fifth Veil thus making me appear insane in the vast sea of zombots.…

Now imagine a world in which.

On 12/12/2012 or whatever date they are assigning to this you and everybody else actually grows a brain so you know stuff.  Yes, you can mentally instantly gauge those around you….hmmm……would that in reality be a good thing or should we just go for the pole reversal/CME, death of the entire planet and start the whole mess over again.