July 2011 archive

I can’t be associated with Barack Obama in good conscience.

I’ve given some thought to what Armando said about re-electing Barack Obama for the sake of the Supreme Court, i.e., women’s reproductive rights.  I am a complete advocate of women’s reproductive rights.  To my mind, women quite obviously “own” pregnancy.   End of conversation.  Goodbye.  Click.

Had we carried on beyond the click, suffice it to say that when men get pregnant and carry offspring to term, and be bound to the little curtain climbers for life, then I’ll take more interest in men’s stupid f****** opinions and moral authority with respect to women’s reproductive rights.  Until then, men are hardly worthy to discuss it, AND they are genetically conflicted and selfish to boot, which has life-threatening consequences for women, both during pregnancy and not.

Fits Eight Plus Freight

Fits Eight Plus Freight

Billboard and abandoned Pontiac dealership, US 301 south of Washington DC.

Countdown with Keith Olbermann

If you do not get Current TV you can watch Keith here:

Watch live video from CURRENT TV LIVE Countdown Olbermann on www.justin.tv

If you can’t watch here Timbuk3 has supplied a link to DU

Today on The Stars Hollow Gazette

July 4th marked the First Anniversary of The Stars Hollow Gazette. Over the next week we will be taking a look at that first week republishing some of our first diaries and talking about the future. Come join the celebration

Our regular featured content-

mishima‘s news digest 6 In The Morning will be on hiatus

These featured articles-

and continuing coverage of the world’s most watched and controversial cycling event, Le Tour de France

Join us for Le Tour 2011- Stage 5 at 7 AM EDT.

These were the featured articles on July 5, 2010

The Stars Hollow Gazette

This is an Open Thread

On Patriotism

Crossposted from The Stars Hollow Gazette

(a reprint from our initial offerings)

It’s an interesting coincidence that exactly 50 years after The Declaration, Jefferson and Adams died within hours of each other.  Ironically Adam’s last words were- “Jefferson still survives.”  In fact Jefferson preceeded Adams which could have caused some embarrassment provided you believe in an afterlife and that Jefferson and Adams could have ended up in the same place.

Me?  Not so much.  People forget that our founders were revolutionaries and the establishment of The United States of America led to a string of more or less successful rebellions in Haiti, South America, and France.

It’s certainly not a historical leap of faith to call The Council of Europe and the Age of Metternich a reaction to a little fight we picked on the road between Lexington and Concord.

History is real, and not so very long ago.

These were people just like us.  Every bit as smart, twice as tough, and doing the best they could with the tools they had available.

Recently they’d been through 30 years of Civil War based on religious sectarianism and class warfare.  Fighting the French and Indians was kind of intermittent by comparison.

They were not rubes by any means though it’s a classic American gambit going back to Franklin at least to put a dead beaver on your head and pretend to be an idiot.  It makes the women want you.

My favorite Ben who is not a traitor was considered the head of the committee that composed The Declaration, but the principal Author was Thomas Jefferson whom we find recently to have made a last minute substitution of ‘citizen’ for ‘subject’ that I found reflective of his principles as a Founder.

Revolution is not all skittles and beer.

America had its Cincinattus and a Republic if we could keep it, but political feuding between the Democratic-Republicans and the Federalists was little short of open warfare in the election of 1800.  People were literally shot down like dogs.

Adams had to suffer Jefferson as a Vice-President (Mr. Heartbeat) and successor.  Two Term Jefferson left his office to James “Mr. Constitution” Madison and the rest, as they say, is history until AndrewKingfishJackson (but that’s a story for another day).

The democratic impulse and enlightenment values embodied in the work of our Founders, little things like the Constitution and Bill of Rights, the institutions of the Congress, Presidency, and Court have always been under attack by powerful elites who seek to influence outcomes in their favor.

The very least honor we owe these brave and principled patriots is to resist those efforts and defend justice and the rule of law to the best of our ability.

Marine: ‘We’re Starting To Fall To The Wayside’

For over forty years now whenever I hear the loud demands, especially by the elected representatives of the people, for tax cuts my first thought has always been the long underfunded Veterans Administration and related to our wars of choice, second is the ever growing, with no objection, defense budgets year to year!

The Long Deja-Vu’s, Korea and Vietnam, all over again, Continues


Oily Hare

Muse in the Morning (Fireworks edition)

Back on New Year’s Eve on 2009, I published a diary called New Year’s Eve Light Show, wherein I displayed my own feeble attempts at simulating a fireworks display.

Well, here it is, Independence Day of 2011 and I feel in the mood for more fireworks, even though I can’t help thinking about how cool it would be if the freedom being celebrated extended to people like me.

Maybe someday we will all have the freedom to be who we really are.

Sparkle Plenty

Without further ado, I invite you to my brand of fireworks…which includes some new pieces to go with those published in that previous effort.

Late Night Karaoke

Late Night Karaoke

Countdown with Keith Olbermann

If you do not get Current TV you can watch Keith here:

Watch live video from CURRENT TV LIVE Countdown Olbermann on www.justin.tv

If you can’t watch here Timbuk3 has supplied a link to DU

Today on The Stars Hollow Gazette

July 4th marks the First Anniversary of The Stars Hollow Gazette. Over the next week we will be taking a look at that first week republishing some of our first diaries and talking about the future. Come join the celebration

Our regular featured content-

mishima‘s news digest 6 In The Morning will be on hiatus

These featured articles-

and continuing coverage of the world’s most watched and controversial cycling event, Le Tour de France

Join us for Le Tour 2011- Stage 4 at 7 AM EDT.

These were the featured articles on July 4, 2010

And of course the very first

The Stars Hollow Gazette

This is an Open Thread

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