( – promoted by buhdydharma )
(crossposted from The Wild Wild Left)
Welcome to the beginning of whatever comes next.
It is around 50 degrees here, the snow has all melted and the air smells like Spring in my house. It feels incredible to have cracked the doors and windows and let new air in. There is something so appropriate about that too for the first day of 2011. Fresh air!
It is all arbitrary, this date-system, how we all accept the Gregorian model. It really makes more sense for the 1st day of the year to correspond with a Solstice. I mean, I get more excited when the 21st of December comes and the sun is returning. I don’t think that the Dianian Calender is going to gain acceptance any time soon, so here we are. Stuck with it.
One’s head has to be in a specific place to do the internal inventory of “opportunities lost” or “mistakes made” as …well as the “changing goals” or “self improvement” that every human is prone to do at times. My head is there all the time, not just because a calender says to. Yet, culture seems to have made me prone to do so anyway on this day. Or maybe I just am glad to be done with 2010.
2010 had some really polluted air, stinky air, air that no freshener could renew and no perfume could mask. Its time for me to quit trying to deal with the stale air, let the new air in and close the windows on the old air for once and for all. Besides, its going back into the 20’s by tomorrow. Heh.
There are many paths to the Costa Rica in your minds. The only thing I know for sure is you cannot get there by walking backwards. The pleasures of Costa Rica are right there for the taking, so enjoy all the souls you meet along the way, and be open to finding ever new companions for the journey. The path IS the Costa Rica.

I can smell it from here…. it smells like fresh air.
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…For this breath of Fresh Air!
It equals 1969 in many ways.
It was # 2 on the charts in Sept. ’69
Buhdy, would you mind sticking this ad up for me somewhere around here for this week?
This is really a big deal to me, and my friend made the nicest little ad for it: