House will take up unemployment benefits extension Thursday
By Vicki Needham, The — Nov 17, 2010
The House has put a bill on Thursday’s floor schedule that would extend emergency unemployment benefits for three months, according to the schedule released Wednesday night by House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.).
House Ways and Means Chairman Sander Levin (D-Mich.) and Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.), chairman of the Subcommittee on Income Security and Family Support, introduced the bill today that would extend federal benefits — up to 99 weeks in some states for those who have exhausted their state unemployment insurance — through Feb. 28.
The measure is on the suspension calendar and will require two-thirds vote to pass.
A 3 Months extension, on that precarious lifeline, for Millions.
Just a 2/3 Vote needed.
Good luck, folks, looks like you could be “On your Own” — given the priorities of Congress, lately.
How much will it cost to Extend Unemployment Benefits to the the 99er — those of us, without work for nearly 2 years?
Tent Cities, Homelessness And Soul-Crushing Despair
The Legacy Of Decades Of Government Debt And Mismanagement Of The Economy
By Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse — Nov 18, 2010
There has never been such an extended period of unemployment in the United States since the Great Depression, and millions of Americans are losing their homes. Homelessness is skyrocketing, tent cities are popping up everywhere and countless numbers of American families are experiencing the soul-crushing despair that comes from desperately trying to hang on for month after month after month.
Now, because of the horrific hole that our politicians have dug for us, we are faced with some heartbreaking choices. For example, right now the U.S. Congress is deciding whether or not to extend long-term unemployment benefits for the nation’s jobless.
Extending those benefits through the end of February would add another $12.5 billion to the U.S. national debt. But not doing it would cut off the only lifeline that many Americans have just in time for the holidays.
The extension of jobless benefits that was passed last summer expires on December 1st. If these long-term benefits are not renewed, approximately 2 million unemployed Americans will lose their checks.
$12.5 Billion to the National Debt, to save the Households of 2 Million people.
For comparison purposes, the GOP is gleeful about extending the Bush Tax Cuts to the top 2% —
That would add $700 Billion to the National Debt, if they get their way.
56 TIMES as Much! to help how many well-off People?
For people who don’t really need the Help!
We can afford an endless Tax Holiday for Millionaires —
But we can’t afford to keep Millions from ending up in souplines?
Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site
The Great Depression (1929-1939)
By spring of 1933, when FDR took the oath of office, unemployment had risen from 8 to 15 million (roughly 1/3 of the non-farmer workforce)
[…]No one knew how best to respond to the crisis. President Hoover believed the dole would do more harm than good and that local governments and private charities should provide relief to the unemployed and homeless. By 1931, some states began to offer aid to local communities. FDR, then governor of New York, worked with Harry Hopkins and Frances Perkins to begin a direct work relief program.
This helped only a very few. By 1932, only 1/4 of unemployed families received any relief. In 1932, only 1.5 percent of all government funds were spent on relief and averaged about $1.67 per citizen.
[…]Those hurt the most were more stunned than angry. Many sank into despair and shame after they could not find jobs. The suicide rates increased from 14 to 17 per 100,000.
Say President Hoover, how did that “Keeping em off the Govt Dole policy” work out for you?
Oh, wait a second, we have a dreary History of what the “penny-wise policies” can do to a Nation …
About the Homeless Population During the Great Depression
By Jason Chavis, Contributor — updated: October 27, 2010
During the Depression unemployment rates skyrocketed, leading to massive homelessness and increased poverty rates. Some figures put the height of unemployment at nearly 25 percent during the 1930s. It wasn’t until 1940 that the rate would drop back down to 10 percent. This expansive joblessness caused many families to go without food, clothing or shelter necessary for simple day-to-day living. Suicide rates climbed, leaving mothers alone to tend to children and with no income. Soup lines sprouted up around the country in an effort to combat the growing number of migrant workers and starving families.
Beyond the massed populations of homeless, a hobo culture developed around the railroad lines. The idea of homeless people riding freight trains had been around since the Civil War, but during the 1930s, with the sharp rise in unemployment, migrant workers began to use the railroads as a way to move from location to location to secure work. Large numbers of homeless men traveled west to California in search of labor only to find that the Depression had enveloped the entire country.
[…]In addition, extreme weather conditions led to many homeless freezing to death or dying of heat exhaustion. Also dangerous was the practice of jumping onto and from trains, resulting in the deaths of thousands.
No jobs = No Hope.
No paychecks = No Homes.
No living wages = No Strong Economy.
Pretty simple equations. It’s just business you understand now, folks.
It’s nothing personal … (for those on the other side of the “dole” that is)
Perhaps the People can organize … and March on Washington?
(wait a second, I thought we did that already … ? )
Anyways such Marches on Washington, don’t always turn out so well, as History once again would teach us a lesson:
About the Homeless Population During the Great Depression
Perhaps the greatest tragedy to befall the homeless population during the Great Depression was an incident with marchers that became known as the Bonus Army. Assembling in Washington, D.C., in 1932 were 17,000 veterans and their families who requested bonuses promised by the federal government for their service in World War I. Not having the money to pay out bonuses to the returning troops, Congress supplied the veterans bonds which would mature in 1945. With the Depression firmly entrenched in America, many veterans found themselves unemployed and living in Hoovervilles.
[…]President Hoover and the Republican Congress knew that issuing the bonuses to the veterans would damage the already precarious situation in the federal budget and chose not to act. The president ordered the removal of the homeless veterans, and on July 28, the U.S. Army led by General Douglas MacArthur charged the encampment with fixed bayonets and forcibly evacuated the Bonus Army. Hundreds were injured and many were killed.
More IOU’s nice. Where’s that Chicken, in every pot? Not ‘in hand’ apparently, not even for Vets.
If Govt does not keep its word to its People — something is Definitely Broken.
Who do our Do our Elected Leaders work for anyways?
Is it the People — the actual people who need help … or the people who don’t?
you wouldn’t know it by their actions, or their Non-votes either, would you?
PS. If the 1930’s are to be any guide, the 99ers are NOT going away — they are just about to become MUCH MORE desperate.
Much more “In Need”.
The Cost of NOT Extending those Jobless Benefits — will ultimately cost much, much more than $12 Billion —
It will cost dignity, it will cost homes … it will cost lives.
What ever happened to the American Dream anyways?
It too has been downsized apparently to just,
“Hope and Pray to you can find and keep a Job — if you’re lucky enough, and worthy enough that is.”
99ers Pull up your Boot straps — if you still have Boots, that is.
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Even if the Media — chooses to ignore it, or its causes.
Why should they …Afterall that demo-group no longer has TVees!
Citibank fails to prove Mortgage Ownership, in Foreclosure Suit
by jamess — Oct 01, 2010
The 99ers — ARE simply ‘Americans who Want to Work’
by jamess — Aug 7, 2010
thankfully, 60 Minutes DID take a serious look, at the 99ers problem:
The “Creative Destruction” of American Lives
by jamess — Oct 31, 2010
WTG 60 Minutes!
Barclay James Harvest — In my Life……
60 Minutes examined the Human Fallout of Creative Destruction, recently — if you haven’t seen it — I urge you to take a few minutes.
Unemployment Benefits: The 99ers

60 Minutes – correspondent Scott Pelley — October 24, 2010
click to watch
THAT is true cost of Republican Policy and Rhetoric — especially when the Party of NO starts taking its Marching Orders from the Forces of Outsourcing
Should you by some divine fate happen to secure a shitty temp job in this new you have no right to work corpo-fascist techno dystopia GatticaWorld you should, I have been told, cancel your “old unemployment claim because it takes “them”, the government up to eight months to realize they are no longer sending you a check. Should you again be discarded by the slave wage empire your “new” claim reverts to that money you didn’t have in your “old” claim in spite of the fact that “they” planned and organized the entire financial destruction of 2008 in the first place.