Refudiation Nation

(9AM EST – promoted by Nightprowlkitty)

Sometimes you just have to say, “You can’t make this shit up.”

Sometimes, alas, we do have to make this shit up. I know, Sarah, I get it. I do it so often, my real life friends coined yet another word for it, “Dianisms.” No, I am not making that part up.

I love making up words. I love making up plausible explanations to questions, too, just to see if they will fly. The more dead-pan the better. I love that moment when I can no longer contain the smile lines from the corners of my eyes, and hear, “Wait. Is that true or is that a Dianism?” or “Is that really a word?”

re fute ree fyoot Verb

1. Prove (a statement or theory) to be wrong or false; disprove.

2. Prove that (someone) is wrong.

re pu di ate ri pyoo dee aat Verb

1. Refuse to accept or be associated with.

2. Deny the truth or validity of.

I’d like to take a moment here and defend Sarah Palin. I mean, peaceful Muslims should “refudiate” the subject of the building of a Mosque several blocks away from Ground Zero. Seriously.

re fu di ate ri fyoodee aat – Verb

1. Unusual double negative: refuse to accept or be associated with those who are proven wrong. (on a statement or theory)

2. Ignore Palinesque statements.

I would go one further. We should all refudiate anything that comes out of Sarah Palins mouth.

Sarah Palin has as much right as I do to make up words. The vernacular of the youth of this country, totally made up words, often join the ranks of valid words in every Mirram/Webster revision. Scientists make up words. Political wonks make up words. Every term you use had to be “coined” somewhere along the line. I mean, a coin is an object, when did it become a verb having nothing to do with the production of money – but the invention of words?

PhotobucketSarah Palin made it through college. I did not. I make up words. She has every right to make up words. So did Shakespeare. Americans are obsessed with Shakespeare. We even made up the word “Shakespearean” making the man’s name an adjective for heaven’s sakes. I think even Shakespeare would have to enjoy the irony, the perfect satire of the word “refudiate.”

That is, had she used it correctly in a sentence. The way she used it, she ended up telling them not to pay attention to her own false criticism. By my definition, anyway.

Words are precise. My 11 year old told me I was “exasperated” the other day. I asked why he chose that word. “It means frustrated taken up a notch – not exactly angry, but feeling fed up to the point of giving up.” Delicious!  How very precise of him. He also uses the word “pwned” a recent addition to the English language, taken from a video game typo. It means you’ve been HAD, owned, bettered in every imaginable way. I like the world “pwned” too, except when it happens to me.

So occasionally, me hardly being a walking thesaurus, if I cannot find a term suitable to express with precision something I need to say, I create a new word, or modify an existing one to suit my needs. Things like “fucktitude” and other inventive invective or “Unicorporatarians” to define our one-party state.

So, I would forgive Sarah completely, save the minor quibble of intent.

Um, dudette? I KNOW when I’m making words up.

If you didn’t realize it was not a word when you uttered it, you were not “coining” a word. You were a babbling idiot, not a creator. It was such a miscalcoinulation that intentional words smiths such as me are compelled to object. Let me channel old spinning Willie in his grave. “Thou hast been pwnedeth, biotch.”

And yes, I made those words up.



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    • Diane G on July 21, 2010 at 01:56

    Adjective: In which one utters something so profoundly stupid as to cause even a Nation of imbeciles to take notice.

    A term I wish would leave our vernacular forever.

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