Let’s Be Very Clear About The Criminal Reality We Are Facing

(8PM EST – promoted by Nightprowlkitty)

While it is important to point out the inconsistencies and lies that are the hallmark of most of our public institutions we also need to start with some firm foundations to future essays and comments. I feel one of the first things we need to face is that the situation we face today is no longer a political struggle between conservatives and liberals or even reactionaries and progressives. As has been brought out by several people here at DD the struggle is between criminal entities (most large corporations, big banks, traditional organized crime, the military (yes I believe much though not all of the military has become a criminal enterprise), the covert ops part of the intel agencies, the MSM (the worst of the lot), the federal government and many state and local governments. No, it is not a matter of “incompetence” that has brought us to this situation but of what I consider criminal behavior.

There are two aspects of criminal behavior. The first, obviously, is the breaking of laws on the books–well, in this country with more laws (I’m sure) than any entity that has ever existed, it is pretty easy for anyone to break the law but still even if you look at major statutes the fact is that major corporations and the elites escape the law while the poor do not. The Federal government now no longer even pretends to follow the law, for example, the Geneva Conventions and protocols are routinely ignored despite the fact that they are the law. Of course, laws against fraud were ignored during and after the financial crisis. Disappearance of trillions from DOD elicited no action and no response from the media, criminal fraud by contractors in Iraq almost completely ignored by any agencies and, generally, underreported in the MSM. The list can go on and on and this blog has at one time or another reported on nearly all of them. These aren’t arguments over policy but clear criminality that, in a healthy society, would have been prosecuted. This criminality and corruption has rapidly increased in recent years.

The second aspect of criminal behavior I would like to describe as follows:

The deliberate attempt by private interests to undermine public welfare, public spaces, public health and the future of the species for financial gain.

This aspect of criminality is far worse than simply breaking particular laws. It is about the deliberate destruction of society and government itself. I suggest to you that this has been the conscious and deliberate intention of most (not all) of the ruling elite for the past few decades but particularly since the stolen election of 2000. I believe their intention was then and is now the looting of the entire world and the destruction of American society and any other society for the purpose of instituting a New World Order based on a global imperial system on the macro-level and various modes of neofeudal social arrangements at the local level with most of the population either expendable or in a state of serfdom. This system is not in place yet and can be stopped but this is the agenda of most of the power players.

As has been made abundantly clear on this blog, the Obama administration is only cosmetically different than the previous administration. The differences are largely cultural rather than political. We can mostly agree here that we are no longer fooled by the Kabuki of Obama and his allies in Congress. Obama simply is beside the point.  

The worst of the lot and the people we should be addressing and lobbying are not the official politicians but the political operatives in the Ministry of Truth, aka the MSM. These are the people with the power and all efforts need to be directed at the moguls and operatives in that field. Many are now, as they have been since the 1950’s intelligence agents who are direct spokesmen/women of the intel agencies. But now even those who are not directly government agents are so tied into the politics of corporate America that they have no other choice other than toe the line of the MSM narrative or never work again. Sometimes journalists can get away with real reporting as long as they don’t step on the toes of the power players–there are good stories out there and sometimes things slip through the cracks about important matters. But the major themes of our history since the end of WWII cannot be addressed other than in a very circumspect way. I will list a few of the issues that are forbidden or downplayed:

  1. The power of covert and black operations and their involvement with Wall Street and the City of London;

  2. The assassinations of the 1960’s which changed the face of world history in dramatic fashion;

  3. Unaccounted and missing money from government agencies particularly the Pentagon (in the trillions of dollars)–interesting that the MSM is forbidden to inquire into that;

  4. 9/11 and the Global War on Terror (GWOT)–it can be talked about but only one official narrative is ever allowed–no rational evidence has ever been presented for any of the rationales for any aspect of the GWOT;

  5. the actual economic conditions, i.e., the fact that the U.S. standard of living has dramatically been lowered for the average non-rich person since the late seventies and comparing that to a similar analysis of other developed countries;

  6. Anything scientific is largely ignored–for example, the health care “debate” never included clear facts and figures as well as cogent analysis by scholars–only vague notions that were usually certifiably false. Also, reporting on environmental issues largely ignores calculating the real costs of pollution or good risk analysis techniques that are standard for all businesses. There are, for example, several rather dramatic scenarios that could happen that would see dramatic and permanent changes that could cause catastrophic results. Most dramatically ignored is nearly a century of social science research that could inform us on issues of criminal justice, war and peace, terrorism, education and so on. Great work has been done on all these issues yet it is almost 100% banned from the MSM unless used to bolster the official narrative and even then it is rarely used.

  7. In the sense of what is called “hard news” (as opposed to sports, weather, business etc. news) no logic, no complete historical perspective(i.e., independent of the corporate/gov’t narrative), and nothing close to “objective” journalism exists in any mainstream media outlet of any kind in the United States. Almost everything is politically influenced–not that it should be any different–I prefer POV journalism it’s much more honest and it’s far easier to filter out bias. Though the MSM claims to be objective there is no regime to evaluate truth–if a powerful person says the Moon is made of green cheese it is given as much time and validity as a scientist who uses scientific criteria to establish the facts–in fact the more powerful the person the more “true” his/her statements are. Almost every major premise of the mainstream media is unexamined and based on faith alone,e.g., American Exceptionalism and other similar notions and myths. Other systems are radically misinterpreted like Islam and socialism such that the actual reality of those ideological constructs are usually turned on their heads in the most ignorant and biased way imaginable.

So what do I mean “we have to get clear?” I mean that those of us who are in opposition to the system need to understand that we have to work to make clear to ourselves and to others that this is no longer a system in need of reform but a system that must be stopped.

We are past the point of reform. We are past the point that the system can “right” itself. Not because powerful people are corrupt but because we are each deeply corrupt in the way we live and think. We have lost any rational basis for morality. We tend to believe that life is about indulging in fantasies and whims. We believe that we are still children and should watch movies and play games as much as possible. We believe that we should be getting chemical erections at age 80 while denying health and dental care to children who will suffer for the rest of their lives because we deny them the most basic and inexpensive kinds of preventive care. We have to face that reality and we are all complicit including me. We have to change, I have to change.

To me the final straw for me has been the oil catastrophe in the gulf. My friend and I go to the ocean and are staggered by grief. Many of us here express that grief. But that grief has to turn to resolve or it will become a disease and kill our spirits. We cannot stand by while the vast majority of Americans don’t give a fuck about anything but their petty indulgences and silly pastimes. If there is such a thing as right and wrong, and I believe there is, then the direction of our society is deeply, deeply wrong. We are literally becoming the Great Satan in the full sense of the word. By honoring and idealizing the living of separate lives unconnected to community and of self-indulgence and the belittling and practically outlawing of public good we are practicing deep evil to an extent unknown in history considering the high stakes involved and the rational solutions to major problems that are available.

In my view, unlike my friend who believes that after this incident in the Gulf of Mexico that this is “the end of the world”, I believe we have a chance and a good one at that because I believe in magic (I’ve seen it work). The task is to take clear action without a attaching to much importance to specific results to eliminate the toxicity within us through combining inner and outer work. So, in the work we each do to remedy the situation we should not be viewing the enemy as outside us but as living within each of us. That part of us that is strictly selfish–who wishes for our little satisfactions particularly those things that separate us from people we can have healthy relations with, needs to be seen and dealt with probably through specific outer tasks as a kind of yoga. It is the only way we can make our efforts resonate enough to cut through the massive narcissism that dominates our culture.  


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    • banger on May 15, 2010 at 05:39

    As I indicated this oil disaster and the institutional and public reactions to it are just so ugly it is beyond outrage for me.

  1. that is the problem?

    What is the definition then of criminality?

    I don’t personally have a lot of interest in what is or isn’t illegal.

    Is it legal to bomb civilians under American laws? Probably not, but the US has done it intentionally for at least 60 years, and is in fact expanding the practice.  

    They make the laws, therefore law and criminality is more or less meaningless –just as it was in days of Royal Decree.

    it seems to me the issue is more about morals or ‘right path’ than breaking laws set by lawbreakers.

    Government is the problem.

    In a sense, what is a corporation–but a limited form of Government. Competing with others, screwing their populace / workers, and making alliances — when it suits them.

    That’s why Government and Corporate Power together are so scary–and what we see so clearly in the Gulf and in the MI Complex — and why Mussilini and Hitler were the best at merging the two.

    Until now.

    The solution is to vastly reduce the power of Government and Corporations. Reducing their potential alliances is a small start-but need much more.  

  2. http://www.harpercollins.com/b


    And that does not include the globalist parasite organizations CFR,Bilderberg, Trilateral,IMF and WHO.

    The End of the World happens everyday mostly because few understand the mission of the elite.  De-population.

  3. Obama is essentially an actor.

    As has been made abundantly clear on this blog, the Obama administration is only cosmetically different than the previous administration. The differences are largely cultural rather than political. We can mostly agree here that we are no longer fooled by the Kabuki of Obama and his allies in Congress. Obama simply is beside the point.  

  4. I suggest to you that this has been the conscious and deliberate intention of most (not all) of the ruling elite for the past few decades but particularly since the stolen election of 2000. I believe their intention was then and is now the looting of the entire world and the destruction of American society and any other society for the purpose of instituting a New World Order based on a global imperial system on the macro-level and various modes of neofeudal social arrangements at the local level with most of the population either expendable or in a state of serfdom. This system is not in place yet and can be stopped but this is the agenda of most of the power players.

    For me also, the oilpocalypse was the turning point.  I no longer believe that Americans can stop themselves.  Gaia will have to stop us.  There seems to be no way to stop humans from destroying our environment beyond its capacity to nurture us at our present population level.  

    I am seriously wondering what you think can be done.

    The only thing I see at this point is depopulation via ecological crisis.  The elite will survive in greater numbers, at least initially, because they will be able to insulate themselves to some degree.  Just being able to travel to a less devastated location will insulate them.  Ultimately, they may be too stupid to pick the right location and not have friends when they need them the most.

    The devastation seems to be the only way to force humans to reevaluate.  

    I believe in something that can be called magic, but there are limits to everything, including magic or what I would prefer to call miracles (tho’ not from on high).

  5. solidifies around a core set of beliefs built upon this artificial code, a world of symbols, representing the unnamed, authentic interface between man and his experiences with the natural world. Language itself sets up this Cartesian Cogito. It has a tendency to remove individuals from their surroundings and to live instead in their minds, finding relief in their symbols and then searching for people who may be symbolically similar.

    We need a new form of communicating that utilizes language for the benefit of man and nature. For certainly we are of her. At present, man is used by language and not the other way around. The answer I think is hidden in the poetry of nature, a place where man can rediscover his pre-symbolic roots. Walt Whitman saw this critical need in the 19th Century, but his Leaves of Grass had no impact in a culture that could not understand.

    But we will try again, banger—–Nice essay and thanks for the time—————————————-

    • banger on May 15, 2010 at 19:56

    We start with ourselves and move to our colleagues, friends and family. The infection exists in us and is very deep.

    First we need to see that the very fact we think the way we do on DD is difficult and takes a lot of energy to swim contrary to the currents of our culture. Each of us pays a price we need to acknowledge ourselves and each other–just existing is doing pretty damn good.

    Second we need to see the forces of self-centered narcissism within each of us that actually weaken us whether it is consumerism or indulging in clearly harmful escapism. To sum up what the great mystic Vivekananda said “be strong.”

    Third we help each other to face the ugly fucking truth and not hide or allow each other to hide in all the usual places like nostalgia, wishful thinking, petulance, moral superiority and high horse-ism (I’m guilt of that one a lot).

    Fourth we start to inquire rigorously into alternatives to the way we live–where we live, how we live, how we make our living and so on. Not that we have to make some huge change and all run away to some commune.

    Finally, we try to build community in whatever way we can without fantasies. Ultimately it is the formation of alternative communities based on an articulated common belief system and moral order not unlike the early Christians did in the Roman Empire.

    That’s a tall order–but I want to make it clear that electing “better” Democrats doesn’t mean much at this point. And signing petitions and calling Congress is a waste of time, in my view. Even street demonstrations unless they are seriously disruptive are kind of pointless as well.  

    • Edger on May 15, 2010 at 20:44

    in 1982.

    Before the internet ‘comedy’ of the Carlin and Lenny Bruce variety, and Science Fiction, were a couple of the few ways to express subversive thought.

    How do you best defeat your political and social enemies? Give them good reasons to join you willingly! It doesn’t have to be hit ’em over the head propaganda, sometimes just the example will suffice. James P. Hogan does a masterful job of “convert thy enemy” in Voyage from Yesteryear. This isn’t some slam-bang, faster-than-light, wishful-thinking space colony story. It’s a carefully thought out and very convincing picture of a future I, personally, wouldn’t mind seeing. This is a book I read when I despair of the results of current political trends. Is it ridiculous to read the same story a dozen or so times? Maybe, but if you can call up some hope for the human race, even for a short time, so what if you have memorized some of the dialogue?

    Voyage from Yesteryear opens with the end of the current space era, the launch of an interstellar probe ship. No magical faster-than-light drives, just pluggin’ away with what we know now. Some farsighted people see that while such a slow probe can’t carry passengers, it can carry material and information to create colonists if a suitable star system is found, and robot educators to carry the colony through the early times. With freedom and technology, the colony thrives. The only problem is, after a series of wars and decimation of population, the various remaining powers on Earth decide to “rescue” the lost colony.


    The “lost” colony, being rich in resources, fusion-powered, robot-assisted, doesn’t fit the mold of the Earth that the expedition left behind, and challenges the drones and conventional thinkers to a dangerous extent. The colonists don’t push anyone, or even seriously try to persuade people to their way of thinking. They simply exist, and welcome anyone who accepts personal freedom and responsibility as a way of life. When I first read this book, I was reminded of Eric Frank Russell’s classic short story “And Then There Were None”, with a military-oriented expedition to a similar “lost colony” experiencing mass desertion of people. The hardest part of the equation, from the point of view of the entrenched, conventional-minded groups, is that the first and biggest losses are the talented, unconventional thinkers who are the earliest to recognize that they have bowed down to incompetence and politics far too long. Both Russell and Hogan see no need to actually coerce anyone into joining what amounts to rebellion against the old system, example being enough for anyone who is capable of clear thought and self-responsibility.

    Make ripples…

    • Arctor on May 15, 2010 at 21:02

    Every incumbent other than Ron Paul and Russ Feingold should be voted out of office for havinh no essential integrity,despite the inevitable return of the GOP to power. We would still be up against the same enemy but at least we would have a chance to reform an opposition party. Besides, how can anyone in good conscience support either party.  

    • RUKind on May 16, 2010 at 03:47

    Says it all. Be the change. Lead by power of example. One by one.

    Be the change.

    Be louder!



    And, BTW, this is a 24/7 all in effort. No down time, folks.

    Be well.

  6. I think we also have to look at the role of technology in all this .. the degree to which the agenda of neo-feudalism can be either supported or frustrated by the technological means.

    Thanks for this — I was only able to skim it at this time, though you always frighten me ;).

  7. with the limits and logic of mass consumption and mass production. But these limits have also come face to face with an unsustainable world population. The management of local and world economies through the manipulation of money, and acting as if it is real wealth itself, will only make things worse.

    The only real values are in the earth and how man manages to get along with her. The political notion that everybody or any group should be free to compete for control of nature by acquiring money and influence may have been an improvement on feudalism, but being able to blow yourselves up and contaminate the planet doesn’t say much.

    The current institutions of governance (here and in the other nation states) are anachronistic, a holdout from old ideas of class based prerogatives and the natural order.

    The American Government appears to now be totally paralyzed, incapable of identifying essential needs of the Republic and, even more frightening, its very role. In fact, it appears to have thrown in the towel.

    It’s unclear whether Americans or humankind will experience a psychic transformation in order to “right the ship” and come up with new approaches to collective self management (based upon moral principles), but it’s always been a challenge that has never lacked for people of principle to address, and it probably never will. But I agree with the essayist that these principles must be defined, refined and reiterated over and over again. DD is certainly an appropriate venue.

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