(4PM EST – promoted by Nightprowlkitty)
VENICE, La. – As Louisiana state and local officials continue to hammer BP and the federal agencies responding to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, repeatedly threatening to “take matters into our own hands” if the response falls short, BP said Monday morning that it was further delaying its next attempt to shut off the leak.
The oil company has been planning to attempt a procedure known as a top kill, in which heavy fluid would be pumped into the well. Doug Suttles, chief operating officer for exploration and production, said in an interview on NBC on Monday morning that the top kill would be attempted Wednesday morning. BP had previously said it hoped to execute the procedure on Tuesday. nyt
and during my morning haze (get everybody out the door) I vaguely overheard Georgie on GMA saying something… what was that again? ABC News…
Frustration along the Gulf Coast is mounting and the government has threatened to take over the cleanup process in the Gulf of Mexico if BP does not make progress soon as the oil spill enters its fifth week.
Today Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Secretary Salazar will lead a Senate delegation to check on BP’s progress.
yeah yeah whatever…

“The challenge here is … doing things in 5,000 feet of water. What looked like a fairly simple task, when you have to do those with those robotic submarines — even small things sometimes can take longer than we estimate,” Suttles said.
BP has “other options” to pursue if the top kill approach does not work. Suttles said ultimately he hopes the spill will not be “catastrophic” because “there have been oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico, there are natural seeps in the Gulf of Mexico and that environment seems to recover from those things.”
Gah… who does that remind me of?
“What I’m hearing which is sort of scary is that they all want to stay in Texas. Everybody is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway so this (chuckle) – this is working very well for them.” -Former First Lady Barbara Bush, on the hurricane evacuees at the Astrodome in Houston, Sept. 5, 2005
Remember this? I do.
Except it was revamped on November 5th, 2008 to “Hello Everybody”.
This site is an epilogue or possibly a sequel to a website I ran in late 2004 called Sorry Everybody. That site was a response to a very disappointing presidential election, and this site is a response to a very promising one.
I think it’s time for another revamp.
It’d give us something to do at least, while they rearrange the deck chairs.
The hardest moment has been “watching it all come in” and knowing that they haven’t stopped the oil yet, one Gulf Coast shrimper told Diane Sawyer.
“How can you start a clean-up effort when you haven’t stopped the problem yet?” the shrimper asked.

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CBS here
Who is this asswipe?
no shit.
maybe somewhere closer to home?
“Sorry Gaea.”
Sickening, sickening, sickening.
for the bump….
one more week of school, and one more week until official start of hurricane season 2010.
…this proves there is no government. To be precise, the government does not have the power to do anything a powerful group doesn’t want it to do. It lacks real authority as well as moral authority and this has been proven over and over again with this administration.
I’m interested to see what bullshit they pull now that public pressure is mounting.
I’m very cynical about politics–but look at the results of what happens when we do not have a government. This is so fucking serious I don’t even want to think about it or read about it. The majority of the American people have not a clue as to how serious this is and may never know.