on walkabout






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    • TMC on March 11, 2010 at 04:26

    I know this is tough but we are all here for you.

  1. good thing I have plenty of kleenex on hand.


  2. I worry about Zak, his son…. age 33 … just got back home (here) I hear, a few days before this.  He works Merchant Marines. I have not been in his life barely at all. He was 6 or 7 when me & M together, which we only were for a couple of years (and 4/5 of that was rocky).

  3. after the Civil War. I think the 2nd verse may connect here in some way. Syntax is modern:

    The world we knew has died away,

    lost memories wanderin ‘n space.

    Most folks have gone, few have stayed,

    but no one has taken your place.


    The wind blew, but never

    the wind I knew.

    The sun shined,

    I never saw light.

    Are you happy to see me again

    at the end of my journey through night?

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