Meta: Left Blogs

I have deeper thoughts, but sometimes my shallower ones will do.

The question is-

  • Which blogs do you consider left?

I’d like your reasoning and encourage you to provide a link, but neither is mandatory.


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    • Edger on March 31, 2010 at 00:37

    And part of mine. And maybe one or two others…

  1. …. but if the author knew that he was being labeled as such he’d deny it because I’m sure he’s actually a moderate Republican, but so far he’s not crazy and providing alternate real news to the local Republican dominated media, which is getting run over by the Teaparty contingent and the money influence of a certain local religious demographic.  But it’s still more liberal than the major city media.  And he is very generous with his links to other blog sites and alternative media.  If you define liberal as freedom of information allowed to be expressed, that would qualify.  

    Downside. Rather ridiculous nimby position on medical pot shops in an area known for growing pot, but at least he reports on it.  Would be aghast at anyone using anything stronger that Oh Gee Whiz.   Upside. Constantly disses the local flat earthers in a very dignified way.  

    I lost a bunch of bookmarks this winter after the hard drive crash, but here’s a few.

    Another one is Jurassic Pork’s Welcome Back to Pottersville. Altho he can be uneven, because he’s had a rough time lately,  his takedown of why he wouldn’t vote for Coakley is hilarious and sad at the same time. http://welcomebacktopottersvil

    Bluedaze by txsharon, about the effects of gas and oil drilling in Texas.  She is amazing.  Single mom who lives in a trailer but blogs her heart out about this.

    Left coaster.   the

    FDL, obviously.  

    this blog.

    HuffPo. altho some would disagree, some of the bloggers are pretty liberal.   The World’s most dangerous beauty salon.  this Texas blog is by Susan DuQuesnay Bankston and is from Tom Delay’s district.   She used to have a different title and figurehead but it’s the same blog.  (picked it up during the Doolittle – DeLay era when we were debating who might get indicted first.)


    • TMC on March 31, 2010 at 01:17

    FDL, TalkLeft (despite Armando’s support of Obama, he is critical of his policies, The Left Coaster, Corrente, Eschaton,  Hullabaloo, Echidne, Feministing

    There’s more

  2. The Dream Antilles is a lit blog. But it also has a lot of legal stuff but less politics.  The bloguer@ does not like electoral politics and considers electoral politics a social disease.  

    • Edger on March 31, 2010 at 01:54

    So, actually, I think that Bill Kristol, despite coming off as even more of a despicable, trough-dwelling, cum-guzzling pisspig than usual, which is, you know, quite a feat, because Bill Kristol is the Black Iberico of coprophile, peg-fetishist, emasculation-fantasy toe-jam lickers, has got a point.  To say that something is “unacceptable,” in the language of our politics, is to accede to its inevitability while ostensibly saying otherwise.  That is why I have journeyed in my own personal time machine to January 10, 2007, when President John Fitzcarraldo Kerry famously said:

    The situation in Iraq is unacceptable to the American people — and it is unacceptable to me.

    English as a 19th Language.

  3. Ill try to take you on a little road trip that may or may not be useful to you.

    Ive becomed completely convinced in recent months that I am/have ADD Primarily Inattentive Type, so ye be warned. lol

    Besides here, I click Wild Wild Left fairly regular, and edgers place (aunti em). I try to remember to check in at ria’s new place firefly dreaming  and banger’s also, sacred bells.

    For news in general, I often go to commondreams dot org, which will sometimes send me off elsewhere. Also Alternet and Raw Story. I rarely go to HuffPo & hold my nose when I do.

    I like but frequently forget to read digby.

    IF Im in that frame of mind, Ill check out Glenn Greenwald, emptywheel, invictus(Valtin), andy worthington

    Others I tend to forget (it’d be great if they were added to the blogroll here!): black agenda report.

    hmmmm what else.? heres the official website of the Office of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.

    heres a wild card for ya: anthropologyworks.

    Curious as to why you ask, ek. But now you got me thinkin. Might be amusing to have a weekly post here for people to pitch interesting (political or not) sites. I myself would especially appreciate reading rec’s (fiction), like this recent post at GOS by devilstower that I hotlisted.

  4. Besides this one?


  5. informative resources on the left.

    World Socialist Web Site

    The Progressive Populist

  6. Well, I’ve found some really interesting articles on a website that may or may not qualify as left wing, but is quite fascinating, which is Asia Times.  I’ve found some interesting articles on BBC and The Guardian from the U.K. and Inter Press Services (Italy?).  

    I usually stop by Common Dreams, which features some great articles every day; Buzzflash sometimes; Bartcop occasionally, which includes some great political cartoons; and sometimes OpEdNews, Consortium News, and Media Matters.

    When I think of it, I also enjoy reading what Prairie 2 has to say.  You can find his site here.  

    My favorite radio commentators include Thom Hartman (for the cerebral approach), Mike Malloy (for the visceral approach), most of what Norman Goldman has to say and everything I’ve heard from Bobby Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papatonio so far, on their weekend program, “Ring of Fire.”  

    Here is a brief video clip of Mike Malloy, who DOES NOT pull punches, unlike many of his compatriots.  If you can’t stand salty language, you may wish to skip the following…

  7. a list that includes sites that look at issues differently.

    i don’t mean extremists. but there are good thinkers other than on the left. it’s good for us to throw up our ideas against the perspectives of others.

    i’d like as much of the 360 as i can get. but i can’t get close on my own or with people too like-minded.

    road test ideas. debate. refine thinking. it’s like weight resistance training.

  8. For user blogs (not big ones like fdl) This blog & my blog are the two I use most.

    The Wild Wild Left

    Hell, we snagged an interview with Richard Gage, AIA, from for our friday WWL radio show this week.

    I figure you have to be pretty far left to do that.

    • asqv on March 31, 2010 at 16:34

    The Unapologetic Mexican

    Socialist Worker

    World Socialist Web Site

    L A Progressive


    The Wild Wild left


     Oh, and I don’t know if anyone would consider this particularly left leaning, but I like to see what Margaret and Helen are up to when they post…..

    • on March 31, 2010 at 16:35

    Ignoring Asia

  9. Wild Wild Left


    Hillbilly Report

    Antemedius, Maybe

    My own.

    That’s about it.  I can think of no other left-wing blogs out there that actually live up to the name.

  10. Wild Wild Left

    Antiwar – though libertarian, it’s to the left of the Democrats who LOVE war.

    Lori Price’s Citizens for Legitimate Government

    Counterpunch even though Cockburn believes Oswald shot Kennedy and there is never a conspiracy about anything.

    DD, FDL, Global Research, Center for Public Integrity, Washington’s Blog, Zero Hedge.

    Alex Jones – okay not left. But the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

    What Really Happened – ditto.


  11. so I just look for info to make up my own mind about.

    GOS is completely infested with trolls, but I do like some of the diarists.

    TPM is pretty good.


    Terra Daily, for govm’nt-approved environmental info.

    Alternet and Rawstory, sometimes good.

    Huffpost just to see what the outrage du jour is.

    Calitics and Calbuzz, for in-state info.

    Random looks at regional and local newspapers.

    I read more and more sites that are only indirectly political, and then with a critical eye.

  12. Pam’s House Blend.

    The reason I consider PHB left is that it doesn’t shy away from saying things.  Some people defend Obama but there is no place they won’t go and nothing they won’t say if it’s true and relevant to LGBT rights and issues.  

    Some of them are moderate and centrist over there, certainly but the leftist principle of saying what needs to be said, whether it is politically popular or pleasant to the people in power, is preserved.

  13. Of course, like you say, a lot depends on what you call left. Most of these have a particular slant — AmericaBlog is more general policy and LGBT activist, Eschaton leans toward economics issues, Promigrant is immigration issues, while News Corpse and Jeffrey Feldman’s Frameshop focus on media and communication. And, of course, there’s Jesus General. But it is safe to say they all lean left.

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