NWO News Troll

Ok we are always on the brink of disaster but sometimes the suckometer reaches the terror trifecta stage maybe it’s best to bring it up.

CEOs and police chiefs resigning has CT watchers speculating about insider information from Infragard influencing these decisions.

Think not wanting to participate is something really evil.


Raytheon is hiring, no especially not me I guess but for what reasons.

Peace Prize Obama is whacking both the Russian and Chinese bees nests on a nuclear basis.  Romania and Taiwan missle defense and arms deals are angering both sleeping giants.

On the table and in the news again are those Israel/US bomb Iran saber waving rumors.  The talk of Israel moving toward taking on Lebanon and news of Mike Huckabee coming out in total support, well that is just retarded.

While that is the war trifecta for a really offensive commercial check out Audi and the green fascism.  I do.  I want a fucking national holiday, a funeral day for AGW and the Bernie Madoff carbon footprint bank.  Fucking yuppie Prius pricks with bottles of Purell, let me practice my projectile coughing exercises.

Leading CT sites are reporting country specific censorship of their websites just as recently brought up via Cass Sunstein, head of the propaganda ministry.

The Bilderberg owned European Union is “investigating” the World Homicide Organization’s swine vaccine hoax just like Sarah Palin is partnering with Bilderberg puppet Rick Perry in the newly energized astroturfing/hijack of the Tea Bagger movement.

I know even I have less desire each day to follow the zombinality of it all.


Do they know it’s going to be in the middle of a war zone real soon.  Do they just not give a flying fuck anymore.  About the oil, about the prestige, about the huge debt or about competence in making stuff.


  1. would as foretold start WWIII.

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