
Everybody knows the economy is gone and it ain’t coming back.  That makes great incentives for internet scamming gone wild.

Yes Mr. Lasthorseman, we are registered agents for Visa and Mastercard.  All you have to do is…….

Well, look up the name of the company on Google and there are scam alerts.

Other ripe for abuse candidates our family has personal experience with are pedigree dogs.  The more savvy scammers go the distance of setting up pet “certification” registry in another location.  Naturally they accept anything that looks even remotely similar to the pedigree breed.

Next up, believe it or not is 3 horse trailers complete with living space.  One was on the net for 5000 dollars.  Well, OK, it retails for 50,000 new, it’s in mint condition.  Just email the funds to….and we will deliver it.


    • dkmich on January 19, 2010 at 12:59

    Glad I don’t save any pertinent information in it.  It is my master spy blogger account. 😀

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