Which is it

I mean you are after all uncounted secret US “intelligence” agencies.  The NSA, the CIA, Naval, Marine, Army, Air Force, NSO supposedly all under the umbrella of Homeboy Stupidity.  You all suck apparently.

First off you failed to contain the internet leakages of the now global industry known as the 911 truth movement.  You also failed to contain the news of Baxter International and the global swine vaccine resistance movements.  You failed to contain the proliferation of alternate US history regarding 60 years of NASA lying to the American people about the scientific discoveries made by the space program.  You failed in the attempt to conceal evidence of police tazering wheelchair bound grandmothers and gun confiscating Katrina SWAT team rescue squads.   You failed to prevent Chinese drywall, dogfood and lead painted childrens toys from entering the US in spite of Pelosi’s 2006 HR 1’s total and complete endorsement of the Bush administration’s War of Error.

You failed to assasinate the person who leaked the bogus climategate new religion documents from the primary research organization funded to promote the false religion of climate change.  As a multi-trillion dollar fully funded super secret organization you either suck totally by any business metric or you are in fact in the minority, are totally insane and good rightous people are in opposition to your Satanic global control evil intentions.

Either way the people are clearly getting ripped off for their tax dollars.

From the underworld three of my family members have reported vivid dreams of me getting hit by a car while trying to rescue people trapped in another car wrapped around a tree in front of my house.  This does fall in sync with my earlier vision of dying before my sociopathic mother.  The whole affair is putting a damper on the entire Christmas season due to my encouragement of the family exploring their psychic side and all.  I’m just hoping people notice their neighbor’s kid spent two weeks in a major Boston hospital two days after getting the swine flu shot.  Ya, the school called and your daughter does not know who she is, what class to go to, come get her.   We are hosting a swine flu vaccine clinic next week.

I don’t care if it’s CT or not I really don’t give a flying fuck about Tiger or his Woods, I like my survialist woods much better.


  1. are reporting my imminent death by getting hit by a car in a two day period.  I will just have to stay away from the street.  Most definitively something to meditate on as the spirit guides said I die before socioMom.

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