We Were Sold Out in 2006

After six years of Bush/Cheney, America was getting tired of the “drip-drip” of lies, secrecy, and war.  The Democratic Party was poised to regain Congress in the 2006 election.

In 2006, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi were both promoted to majority leaders in their respective houses of Congress.  In 2008, with overwhelming majorities, both have been utter failures in leadership on every issue.

It was in 2006 that the sell-out began…

In October 2006, Harry Reid had a very nasty story hit the press; he had ties to a very favorable land deal.

   Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid collected a $1.1 million windfall on a Las Vegas land sale even though he hadn’t personally owned the property for three years, property deeds show.

   In the process, Reid did not disclose to Congress an earlier sale in which he transferred his land to a company created by a friend and took a financial stake in that company, according to records and interviews.

   The Nevada Democrat’s deal was engineered by Jay Brown, a longtime friend and former casino lawyer whose name surfaced in a major political bribery trial this summer and in other prior organized crime investigations. He’s never been charged with wrongdoing _ except for a 1981 federal securities complaint that was settled out of court.

By May 2007, Nancy Pelosi was almost mired in her own scandal.

Well, the Associated Press published a story Monday about current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) possibly earmarking funds that would benefit her husband’s investments around the San Francisco Bay. Yet, the media showed virtually no interest (emphasis added):

The stories hit the press, and suddenly, neither were showing any leadership.  The press didn’t push the stories after that and the alleged wrongdoing faded away.  Yet, BOTH retained their leadership roles.

It is now 2008.  Have you seen any real leadership out of either of them?

Look at what mcjoan wrote on the front page:

Given that Reid’s office has been defending the annual caps loophole–it wasn’t in either the HELP or Senate Finance versions of this bill–it looks like they want to stick with it. The White House, however, now wants to close it. While they’re closing that, they need to also follow the House’s lead and include all out-of-pocket expenses in the cap.

Wasn’t it Harry Reid that put health care reform into the hands of Republicans and conservative Democrats?  Isn’t it Harry Reid that refuses to pull the reconciliation trigger?

Nancy “impeachment is off the table” Pelosi has been feeling a bit “emboldened” in the House, what, with so many progressive Democrats in it.  But, truly, has she been a force of leadership since 2006?

And now, we have President Obama’s backroom deal with Big-Pharma, another sell-out of the American people, one that is being implemented and protected by Harry Reid in the Senate.

Are Republicans worse?  Sure.  Is a sell-out a sell-out?  It sure is.

What is “my agenda”?  It’s simple.  I want people to acknowledge facts.  I want the truth.  

If the truth hurts the GOP, so be it.  If the truth hurts the Democratic Party, so be it.  After our government and politicians selling us out every chance they get, from both sides of the aisle, it is time for the truth to penetrate the political landscape.

And, maybe I expect more now from the Democratic Party and its supporter’s.  We know the GOP is lost, what with the tea-bagger’s finally taking over the Republican Party and its politicians pandering to its lowest base.

To me, this isn’t a GOP vs Democratic issue.  It is an AMERICAN issue.  Either you are for the truth, to the betterment of our nation, or, you aren’t and you are willing to back “your guy” no matter what.

The sell-out that is Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi started in 2006.  

Is there any doubt now that President Obama has thrown his weight to killing Sen. Dorgan’s amendment that he hasn’t sold out on health care reform?

Which is worse, you ask, Democrats or Republicans?  Given that Bush killed over 6,000 of those I call brother and sister of our military, you need ask?  

But, don’t sit here and deny facts.  And, the facts right now is that there are Democrats who have sold out American families.  That isn’t right, either.

(coming soon to a Daily Kos diary near you)


  1. here

    • dkmich on December 13, 2009 at 14:35

    She huffs and puffs I’m a liberal, don’t tread on me; but she caves just like the rest of them.   There is only one thing left to do with this party.  Abandon it.  

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