We now return you to your irregular scheduling…

ek’smas blues got you down?

Well, you can use this thread to describe your own personal shitstorm, because mine has me too fucking busy to care!

I like you and I’ll be back as frequently as I can manage which may turn out to be often and long because I really hate being a Gilmore at the moment and may feel compelled to describe it in excruciating (it means nailed to a cross, you could look it up) detail.

For the moment you’ll have to make your own amusement.  I suggest an essay about how Jane Hamsher is a racist for opposing Obama on Health Care Reform The Mandatory Insurance Company Welfare Tithe (it means giving 10% of your income to the Church, you could look it up).


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  1. Because everyone should have a chance to vent.

    I double dog flagpole tongue dare you.

  2. marathon shopping, started yesterday and on through today. I think Im done. Oh well, I didnt get much for me. heh. Next up… groceries.

    • dkmich on December 22, 2009 at 21:55

    No tree, no lights, no christmas cards, minor shopping (catalog, jeweler, and one trip to Kohls) and no place to have to go.  

    • justCal on December 22, 2009 at 22:33

    The country’s on an express elevator to hell.

    Three weeks ago I had my prostate whacked.

    The weather sucks,

    And it’s god damn Christmas.

    Fuck It.

  3. I have no voice! My dogs tilt their heads and look at me funny when I talk. I squeak!

    I don’t do christmas, so no frazzled nerves here and I do have TP it doubles as dripping nose tissue. Had to brave the store the other day and found a cute pair of flannel PJ for $3.00. I love sales!

    A few days ago the outside kittehs left me two big ass rats neatly placed on my door step. What a wonderful present I thought.

    Life is good in the hood!

    • quince on December 22, 2009 at 23:34

    for Christmas.

    • Heather on December 23, 2009 at 03:06

    My kids hate that. But I’m the grownest grownup, I call the shots.

    Anyway, I have days to spare.

    Unfortunately, today I realized I forgot to get a tree before I left to come here and hang out with my Mom.

    So it’s going to be a late night Christmas Eve tree hunt when I get back. Or I might have to rescue one from the garbage man. That would suit me and I won’t tell where I got it.

  4. How about my father who, when I was 8 years old, pointed to a black family living in a shack in Tennessee as we drove by telling me, “son… those are N*GGERS”.

    You want bigotry?

    How about my father who ostracized his own sons because of his own bigotry against gays.

    When your wife looks at you and tells you flat out that your family are racist and bigots, hey…

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